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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Someone above said that the Hikaru 1S didn't sell well (like the Max 1A). I don't think that's true. If memory serves, they sold very well and sold out about as fast (or faster) than just about any other 1/48 release. I do remember, however, the usual "doom and gloomers" around here stating that they would "languish on the shelves" and that nobody would want them. . . because, of course, Yamato was releasing the Hikaru 1S instead of their preferred valk (another Low-Vis, M&M 1J, CF, take your pick). The only valkyrie that ever sold really poorly was the Max 1A, I think. H
  2. This is pretty much exactly how I feel about Tony Oliver's work in RT. His voice isn't bad. His acting isn't bad. . . the dialogue is bad because they're trying to squeeze in too much "Superfriends exposition" (as I call it). Just picture anything Superman does in Superfriends. . . he always explains it for the semi-retarded kids out there: Superman: "Now, to use my super-strength to bend this girder into a hook, and use it to snare that rocket!" Rick Hunter: "Now, I'll just use my lasers to cut a hole through the wall." There is none of that in SDF:Macross. They trust the audience to understand basic plot points and what the characters are feeling. Between all the exposition put into Rick Hunter's mouth and that long-winded narrator who explains in excruciating detail what every single character is thinking, was thinking, or will think in the next episode, it just makes the audience feel like a bunch of idiots. . . which is how American cartoons treat their audience (because they think kids can't follow even basic plots). Best example (and I know I've posted this before): In episode (post-rain of death), Hikaru stands in a field of flowers among the devastation. . . and for a minute or two, there is nothing but music, and flowers. In RT, they've got Rick Hunter going on and on. . . an on about every basic plot point that had taken place up until that point. . . in that rushed manner that is all too common and largely the fault of the (re)writers, not Tony Oliver. Rant over. H
  3. Let me know (via PM) if you need hosting. I've got tons of bandwidth and space to spare. BTW, I too am noticing that the latter three images are all 1024x768.
  4. I'm in no way saying that you're wrong. . . just wanted to find the primary document so people can judge for themselves. I found this at "bluetights.net" but I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere else originaly. Supposedly, this is a direct quote from Bryan Singer: Again, can't fouch for the veracity of it. . . but if it's true, I'm onboard as I think it's the smart way to do it. H
  5. They are wiping the last two movies from the continuity. Richard Pryor no longer exists in the Superman universe. As for Smallville, I remember reading somewhere somewhat official that they are going to be sufficiently vague about what has come before so that people can choose between using Superman I/II or Smallville as the background. H
  6. How can you tell? Well, you can't always tell that it will be great. But you can sometimes tell when they're gonna get it wrong. Like, the trailer for Batman and Robin. Seriously though, I think this trailer gives a pretty good indication that they are going to get the tone right. Or, to put it another way, it looks great because it doesn't look terrible.
  7. I've never even been a big Superman fan. It's always been Batman for me. But, Smallville sorta turned me around. And, well, this trailer hits the perfect note. I've watched it several times just because it's so well done. . . the music, the visuals. . . and what it leaves unsaid/shown. Just perfect. What's cool is how they're apparently dealing with the question: How do you prep for this movie? Do you watch Superman II or go with Smallville's interpretation of the same overall story (Superman vs General Zod). My understanding is that references back to prior events will be left vague enough that the casual fan will be able to go with either telling. Could be wrong though. H
  8. Congrats on the purchase. I envy you first-timers! It's fun! H
  9. It sure does! I don't know. I just embedded two. Cool. I'm glad it still works. Functionality shouldn't be taken away from the many because a couple people abuse it.
  10. Actually, I had wondered about you a couple times. But you posted just sporadically enough that I think everyone saw you from time to time. We do need an updated image of your chocolate lab puppy (grown up by now I assume) though! H
  11. All that is true. I'm just not sure why you felt that you needed to publicly embarrass JBO (who agreed with your stance on quoting, incidentally). The point about quoting images has been made. But going after individual members for one ill-advised quote seems silly to me. Maybe a PM or a polite post in the affected thread requesting that the person edit their post would be less bellicose? H P.S. I don't mind publicly embarrassing people when they clearly deserve it. But, for quoting a large image once? Seems a bit odd. . .
  12. OMFG! That's horrible! BURN HIM! BUUUUUURN HIM! H
  13. Don't forget pogs. H
  14. Hong Kong.
  15. More Conan games on the way. H
  16. All-in-all, they are well-made. As others have mentioned, that backpack hinge is the only truly problematic part to handle carefully. The only other thing I would add is the hip joints. Try not to be too rough with them. Sometimes the black material within the "ball joint" will sorta start poking out of the joint. . . and I actually cracked the hips/intakes themselves on my very first 1/48. But, that seems to have been a fluke. I wouldn't let any of these "issues" hold me back from buying one (or many), however. H
  17. Don't worry about me, man! I (of course) was kidding. You need to worry about the other guy who clearly finds signatures of your type "disgusting" in their noob-shafting-ness. Man, I wouldn't stick around here. Once he sees your "disgusting" signature, there's no telling what he might do! I'm actually frightened for you. H
  18. It's Love and Peace, if you're trying to quote Vash. 343420[/snapback] Dude, I wouldn't come in here if I were you. Your signature is obviously just a disgusting attempt to score hook-ups! Edit: Smilie added because I got a PM from someone who thought I might be serious!
  19. Actually, at the time of your tirade, three people had praised Kevin at Valkyrie Exchange, one had praised Tam at TMP, and one person had said that TISINC was possibly shady. You've been asking for EXO to back up what he's been saying. May I do so instead? And, off we go. . . (emphasis mine) The best part, however, is that as he was writing this, he had a link to Neova's store in his signature. It's a shame that thread was deleted. Probably because haterist has a habit of going back and changing all of his previous embarassing posts to "HURIN IS A FAG" so that the mods will have no choice but to scrub his shame from the boards. Of course, knowing that he likes to do such things, I made a local copy. Oh, wait, did I say, local? I meant to say that it's up on my website (Page 1, Page 2). History is fun! Now, I'll no doubt be called a troll. But I'm just repeating what haterist has said in the past. I was going to stay silent and just enjoy this from the sidelines (lest haterist leave in a huff again forever. . . for three days) until I saw that haterist was grossly] mischaracterizing this embarassing little episode in his past. And there's a lot more where that came from. . . tons and tons of fun! Though, sadly, that thread marks my departure into a-hole-ville for some. Because, as I've learned through painful experience, it is hard for people to distinguish between the a-hole and the person who is being an a-hole to the a-hole. That's sorta the point. For a lot of people reading this who remember that episode and what you really said, and your unwillingness to retract it, watching you sit here and kiss Kevin's ass is just too much. Dude, you've always brought this crap on yourself. . . and you continue to do so. Peace and Love! H
  20. Keep in mind that you can always cancel your order with HLJ outright if they refuse to lower the price to what they're offering to those coming in later. But, regarding packaging, I have to agree. Every once in a while, I go with HLJ for whatever reason. Each time, they have put the items into boxes just barely big enough to accomodate the merchandise. This last time, my two CFs arrived in a box that I scarcely believed actually had two valks in it. Miraculously, both boxes were still in pristine state even after their trans-pacific voyage. But I was lucky. A few years ago, I wasn't as lucky and my Bandais arrived quite crumpled. I usually try to go with Kevin at VE when possible. His valks always arrive minty fresh.
  21. The Christmas episode that was entitled something like "Woodland Critters Christmas". . . "Yeah! Let's bathe in his blood!" H
  22. Oops! And a big "thank you" to Memphis Egyptologist for finding the doc and contacting me! Best Regards, H
  23. Ah! Nevermind. I do have it here at work (thanks to leaving the email with the attached document on the server over the weekend). So, here are both documents. While they weren't everything I hoped they would be, they're still somewhat interesting. This ZIP file has both The Plundering Fleet and The Lost Two Years included. Best Regards, H
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