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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. You're right. Instead, I'll be brief. What kind of craptacular leap of logic is this!?! I've never IMed (or PMed) Myk in my life. I'm speechless. Tell me, do you believe that everyone that you do not like are in league against you? For starters: here. And I even called your attention to it in a later post (in the P.S. here). Yet, you haven't seen fit to address it even while you accuse others of evading your own points. The sad little secret behind all your posts in this thread is that you really haven't adequately explained why it is "stupid" for us to find it interesting how some women who have endured both childbirth and substantial kidney stones compare the relative pain of each. In your haste to paint everyone taking part in the discussion as "stupid" or "retards" (who are merely manifestations of MW's overall problem of know-it-all fanboys), you never actually (successfully) told us why it actually was so stupid (or retarded)! Ironically, those of us actually posting about it in a more positive sense did more to qualify it, express caveats, and otherwise undermine the comparison than you have. . . even as you called us all idiots and retards. Granted, you attempted to do so. But, the analogy you tried to use was quite clearly invalid (as demonstrated in the links above) and left me wondering if you really even understood what my initial post was trying to say in the first place. Indeed, your analogy leaves me with only two real possible conclusions: You haven't actually taken the time to read carefully what people have said (ignorance). Or, you are being wilfully obtuse in order to preserve some (false) semblance of a point of view (intellectual dishonesty). All this, of course, after you had taunted people to take their chances in challenging your superior intellect. For convenience, here's your analogy and how I addressed it: You see, I think you're just being wilfully obtuse now. Because nobody who holds their own intellect in as high regard as you obviously do could possibly write this paragraph and still retain any semblance of intellectual honesty. That's simply not a valid analogy. . . and I think you know it. No, you --being a woman-- can't be expected to make a meaningful comparison between the pain of testicular trauma and getting hit in the solar plexus. But. . . a man who has been kicked in the solar plexus can meaningfully compare the pain he experienced with the pain of being kicked in the testicles. Assuming, of course, he has been kicked in the testicles as well. Likewise, it is (at least somewhat) meaningful and interesting --especially for men who will never experience childbirth-- to hear a woman (unfavorably) compare the pain of passing a substantial kidney stone to the pain of childbirth. Though, I'd point out that many of us went out of our way to introduce caveats and mitigating circumstances/concerns into the comparison. Though not enough, apparently, for some. H As for your characterization of our PMs: Again, we can allay all doubt as to how you came off in those PMs by just posting them to my website (rather than further sullying this thread). Oddly, however, you've always (repeatedly) avoided giving me permission to do so. Though, further mischaracterizations of their content will, to my mind, waive your right to privacy. Best, H
  2. bsu bumped the thread today. Just happened across it. Your post is right above his. Quite timely!
  3. More dishonesty from you. . . and more dodging. So, I'll close with this. Once again (as in a deleted thread from a couple months ago), you are being blatantly dishonest in characterizing the invective-filled PMs you've been known to send me. The first time you sent me a slew of "everybody hates you" PMs, I did not tell you that I didn't believe you. I told you that I didn't (and still don't) care. Oddly, every time I've asked you for permission to post them (in that deleted thread) you either modified, retracted, or evaded. But you were certain never to give me permission to post what you said. Odd, that. Though, I suppose they don't paint a very flattering protrait of you. Quite a while later, the 2nd time you decided to grace me with unsolicited "everyone hates you" PMs, you decided to name one person in particular. Which was ironic, considering I was IMing and PMing that person regularly at the time. Actually, I still am. That person then contacted you and you were forced to retract the assertion that he "hated" me and "never wanted me to IM him again." And, to be honest, I don't see the irony. I'm not saying that people hate you. And I would never dream of initiating PMs to you merely to tell you so. I'm merely telling you (because you asked) why people avoid directly addressing you or engaging you in any meaningful debate. And, indeed, that is even what I said the last time that you decided to grace me with the knowledge that "everyone hates me" via PM. But let's be clear here. You are actually the type of person who goes out of their way to send barrages of angry PMs to people for somehow crossing you (and indeed, the first time you did so it was almost entirely in your imagination. . . though it took about 10 PMs and infinite patience to finally calm you down and convince you of this). You are the type of person who initiates a flurry of PMs simply to tell someone else on an internet forum that "everyone hates you." While doing so, you go out of your way to point out just how "connected" you are behind all the scenes and name everyone with whom you chit-chat about "board politics" by their real names. It's laughably pathetic. And your need to send out such PMs says volumes about you. I'm done with this. You're clearly evasive, dishonest, and a thoroughly unpleasant person with which to engage in a discussion (unless, of course, you're in agreement, then you're a real whoot!). So, I find myself asking myself, why bother? My points have been made. And while I've been amused up until this point, I'm getting bored of you since you're now just descending into (once again) dodging and dishonesty. Take Care Sweetie! H
  4. Try as I might, I can barely make sense of any of that. I didn't need to defend my reasons for telling the story. I merely wanted to point out to you that it wasn't entirely out of the blue, despite your all-caps claim to the contrary. I didn't take anyone else's response seriously and assumed they found it funny, while simultaneously disgusting. So. . . I attacked you? For the wrong reasons? No, I merely pointed out that you're here once again, attacking, calling names, condescending to people, and assaulting people rather than arguments/statements. And I pointed that out not in reference to what you had directed at me, but what you had directed at everyone else. So, really, as usual, you're the one basing your attacks on wrong assumptions here. Jemstone, you claiming the mantle of victim in this thread as someone who has been "attacked" is pricless. I must say though, my favorite part is when you taunted people ("Just a glutton for punishment aren't you") for having the temerity to engage your incredible intellect in "debate." Anyways, regarding why people tend to avoid your volatile stuff on these forums nowadays, I only know what I'm told on IM and what I've read elsewhere. The rest just looks like you ranting about how you love your job. Good for you! I'm proud of you! Marvelous! I'm curious though, is this the part where you envision everyone casting their eyes to the floor in shame and saying ot themselves: "Darn. If only I were a better person and had been nicer to Macross 7, Stealth, and George Lucas, Jemstone might have shared a horror movie trailer with us a whole week early!" I just want to know if I should do that now or wait a bit. I just want to make sure it synchs up with the fantasies floating around in that head of yours. Well, I guess all I can say is that I'm just incredibly grateful that someone always manages to convince you to come back to MW when you decide to leave. I can't imagine how much worse off we'd all be without an angry person seeing sexism everywhere and calling everyone she disagrees with "idiots" and "retards!" So, thank your "friend(s)", for me. They're doing the Lord's work, convincing you not to give up on us and returning the glory that is you to this forum. . . time and time again! *Smooch* H P.S. You missed one of my responses above. I believe it was something about you being intellectually dishonest and making a terrible analogy that demonstrates that you either fundamentally misunderstand what people are saying in this thread, or you're merely being wilfully obtuse.
  5. You see, I think you're just being wilfully obtuse now. Because nobody who holds their own intellect in as high regard as you obviously do could possibly write this paragraph and still retain any semblance of intellectual honesty. That's simply not a valid analogy. . . and I think you know it. No, you --being a woman-- can't be expected to make a meaningful comparison between the pain of testicular trauma and getting hit in the solar plexus. But. . . a man who has been kicked in the solar plexus can meaningfully compare the pain he experienced with the pain of being kicked in the testicles. Assuming, of course, he has been kicked in the testicles as well. Likewise, it is (at least somewhat) meaningful and interesting --especially for men who will never experience childbirth-- to hear a woman (unfavorably) compare the pain of passing a substantial kidney stone to the pain of childbirth. Though, I'd point out that many of us went out of our way to introduce caveats and mitigating circumstances/concerns into the comparison. Though not enough, apparently, for some. H
  6. MB? Politics? Why is it "politics" to state a simple fact?: That you're well-known as someone who is incapable of civil disagreement? Regarding my story. People enjoyed it. You didn't. Therefore, I'm very satisfied. It's the best of all possible outcomes. I'd be disappointed in myself if I posted something that you enjoyed. This thread is largely about kidney stones. Often, while treating stubborn/problematic kidney stones, catheters, cameras, and other instruments are passed into the urethra (sometimes all the way into the bladder and then up the ureter into the kidney!). Someone else had mentioned catheterization in the context of how painful foreign bodies in the urethra can be. Therefore, my story was relevant as a possible side-effect of such procedures. Not to mention, it's an odd, releated story that I hoped would entertain some. So, you can spare us all your "just protecting the thread" rationalizations. Meanwhile, your contribution to this thread, as usual, is to cast aspersions, call names, ignore inconvenient counter-points, and basically just, yet again, make an ass out of yourself while trying to demonstrate your moral and intellectual superiority to everyone on an internet discussion forum. That's quite a high bar you've set for yourself there! But God bless you for trying so hard, each and every day, to attain your goal! You're a star! And don't ever let anyone ever tell you different! Jemstone, it's people like you who make it so we can't have nice things on the internet.
  7. Found this interesting review at NRO. Here's a snippet:
  8. Such vivid imaginations! 362384[/snapback] But that's exactly what it looked like!
  9. Why? Because you might get even more abusive, condescending, and belligerant? Only you could take a whimsical topic where someone mentioned that some women found passing a kidney stone worse than childbirth and turn it into yet another one of your inquisitions with the patented "everyone is an idiot here but me" sub-texts. You wanna know why people don't bother to ask you direct questions anymore and few outside your immediate circle bother to interract with you publicly at all? Because nobody trusts you to respond civilly. You've demonstrated again and again that you're simply not capable. It's too bad too, because when your posts are stripped of all the invective, accusations, and hate, you usually have something substantive to add. H
  10. To save her the trouble, I would wager from her sig that she has. 362176[/snapback] Note: Tried to post this last night shortly after my "orange foam" story. But, MW got incredibly slow and then appeared to go down (at least from my perspective) around 3:30am Pacific. Since, I wasn't supposed to be up that late anyways, I just gave up and went to bed. . . --------------------------------------- Yes, but Mike's correct. The only person with a valid frame of reference for making comparisons between the two would be a woman who has both given birth and passed a kidney stone. Though, even then, there are still differences in anatomy that might not allow for a valid comparison because a man's urethra is much longer. And, who's to say that the nerves in the male urethra are wired at all similarly to a female's? But, there are women who have claimed that passing a kidney stone was more painful than childbirth. Though, again, that might just be because passing a kidney stone can take so long and I doubt an epidural for passing a kidney stone is very practical. But, JBO, if I were made to pass a grapfruit out of my *ss, I'm pretty sure an orgasm or two wouldn't exactly make up for it. . . But, of course, I assumed you were kidding. As most did. Oh, and the last time I checked, transexuals weren't fertile. H
  11. Okay, I'm going to share a story that I probably should just keep to myself. But I too had a catheter inserted as well as a little camera sent up there to take a look around at one point when I was in my mid-teens. Thankfully, I was under for the camera procedure (younger men are supposedly more sensitive in that region than older men, so they put younger men under). Anyways, when I came to and could finally relax the muscles enough to pee again about eight hours later. . . the craziest sh*t started happening! First, I started farting out of my penis! I kid you not. . . big ol' flagellating farts. Though, a bit higher pitched than the "standard" kind. It turned out that the doctor had filled my bladder with air in order to inflate it and get a good look around. And all that escpaing air caused the "farts". . . and they just kept coming. But, that wasn't all. He had also used some weird dye up there. . . and as that started coming out, it formed bubbles, and eventually foam. . . orange foam. So, for about 60-90 seconds, I stood there in my bathroom as my penis farted and orange foam started spewing out. Sharing too much?
  12. Supposedly, many women who have given birth and passed a kidney stone say that they would prefer to give birth. So, men actually can experience worse than the accute pain of childbirth at some point in our otherwise untraumatized lives. But, of course, we don't intentionally inflict it upon ourselves as women are expected to do. I also wonder if the pain of passing a kidney stone is actually worse, or there are just more techniques and procedures available to a women during child birth for pain relief. H
  13. I think we've referred to it before, but has anyone ever actually posted a link to Shatner's bizarre, compelling, and (unintentionally) hilarious "interpretation" of Elton Johnn's "Rocket Man?" Well, in case anyone still hasn't seen this Shatner gem: Here you go. Now, somehow, somewhere, some day, someone will find on an old VHS tape Chris Elliott's hilarious parody of this performance that he did like 15 years ago on Late Night w/ David Letterman. But, what was so hilarious about it was that it was a parody without actually changing a thing. He played it completely straight, and just did Shatner's performance word-for-word, gesture-for-gesture, expression-for-expression. And it was just drop-dead hilarious. But, until that finally resurfaces some day in the fanciful future, here's Stewie Griffin doing an abbreviated tribute: Link
  14. I believe that's from a magazine. Though, I do recall him answering a similar question in more PG-rated language on video. But, I stand by the point that "c*cK" is largely considered to be the most vulgar of the commonly used words for male genitalia. It's simply not used on television. H
  15. I just watched End of Days on TV... Arnold says "stop being such a pussy!" and it was NOT edited out. 361414[/snapback] I think they are relaxing things for movies nowadays. But, was that a network broadcast or a local station? Basic cable? Also, we're getting side-tracked. I'm more interested in the original naughty word: c*ck. Where have you seen that? H
  16. My PBS station is still running "Are You Being Served?". They try to work it in every episode. 361411[/snapback] PBS? Yes, but they are godless Communists and therefore have no sense of decency.
  17. You can say it on TV... Its just like pussy, ass, and bitch. 361372[/snapback] Where exactly have you seen a primetime network television show use the word "c*ck?" My friend, you're wrong. Unless they are referring to a chicken, you're just. . . wrong. George Carlin would be rolling over in his grave, if he were dead. H Edit: Now that I think about it, when was the last time you saw "p*ssy" on a network television show?!?
  18. So, just to be clear: We're saying c*ck around here now?
  19. Probably so HG can get all of us saying it that way. Then, a few years from now, they'll release their "Muhcross" anime sequels and products and all the licensing disputes will be over!
  20. Macross7 fans are boats that haul people and cars across rivers and bays?
  21. Hehe. Nothing wrong with editing a post for typos or even fixing up a sentence or two so that they make more sense. But, my own personal rule is that I try only to do this within a few minutes of the original post, and prior to any responses. But, of course, editing your post days, weeks, or even months later is really bad form.
  22. Hmmmm, that's an interesting characterization of our IMs. I wasn't frustrated. I was amazed. As were you. In your own words, you would be a terrible admin (and gave me several disturbing examples of what you might do were you an admin). But, are we really going to start posting our private conversations here? But, you and I agreed. You would have been a terrible choice. Those that know you, your temperment, and your technical skills know that you have very little aptitude for the job. I'm glad you're not offended by this since it's not anything to be offended by any more than I would be offended if someone told me I didn't have the qualifications or temperment to be an office manager at an investment firm. We also agreed that those who were posting serious (and favorable) analyses of your fitness for the job were off their friggin' rockers. So, really, other than an attemp to draw me out of my MW malaise, I'm not sure about the intent of your post. Other than, of course, to express how much you miss me. H
  23. Uh. . . both answers to the poll praise you. H
  24. Just watched the 2nd trailer. I have to give ADV credit, it was cool of them to say that this is the "real story", thus implying that RT is not. I'm going to buy this set (though Hikaru's voice grates on me). If only in the naive hope that doing so will encourage HG to further divorce Macross from RT and celebrate it (and release products for it) in its own right. H
  25. Looks like you may have skipped a few steps in the DVD Decrypter area. Make sure you look at each screenshot and follow each step. I don't think you're putting DVD Decrypter in the correct mode. H
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