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Everything posted by Hurin
Keep in mind that the official Region 2 DVD has some issues when played back on a computer. Also, keep in mind that the Region 2 official DVD does not have any english subtitles (unless you go to the link in my signature and upgrade it). If you'll be watching the DVD on a computer often, I'd recommend the fx DVD. . . which also has a subtitle upgrade available (again, see my sig). Finally, if you're curious about the computer playback issues on the Region 2 DVD, check out my review here. Best, H
Not the best shot of the valk itself. But here's where I am when I write this stuff! I need more Macross stuff on the walls.
Systems/Network Administration. Mostly Windows. Some linux. PM me though if you want to talk about me instead of toys.
I've got my very first 1/48 on display right next to me at my desk. Hikaru 1A w/ FAST Packs. It's the only one I ever completely stickered up (Takatoys stickers). It's the only one I display at work because it's got the crooked tail-fins (1st edition) and some cracked hips. So, I don't mind if it walks or gets damaged. It's brought about five people out of the Macross/RT closet. Two of which have actually been aware of Macross's relationship to RT. H
You mean except for the part where Michael wakes up, tells them everything that makes them go get the guns. . . and then Anna Lucia tells him that "what you said got them all riled up and they've gone to go get the guns from Sawyer."
Now you're talking. I couldn't agree more. Ideally, I'd prefer to simply have both versions. But if I were to choose a desired "Special Edition" version, axe any changed dialogue ("You're lucky you don't taste very good/You're lucky you got outta there"), axe the Greedo fires first crap, axe the music video, and axe Hayden at the end of Jedi. Keep all the new CGI, all the cleanup on the old special effects, the final Jabba scene in ANH, the shuttle from Bespin to the Executor, Ian McDiarmid as the hologram is TESB, and the Coruscant celebration. That'd be my ideal "Special Edition" version. 396664[/snapback] I agree too. I generally like the SE stuff with the ships and some of the background of Cloud City. But dont like the character changes. But with these DVDs coming out there's gonna be a lot of these fan edits available, just need to find the right one. Radd, get yours out quick! 396666[/snapback] You guys should check out the "Darth Editious" re-edits (they use the official DVDs as source). I have the ANH one and it is just about perfect. All the SE quality and better special effects, but no Jabba, Greedo firing first, Rontos w/ pratfall Jawas, Boba Fett mugging the camera. . . etc. And, this guy actually went in and fixed the things that everyone assumed George Lucas would have fixed while he was making the SEs (rather than just adding a bunch of stuff). . . like painting the "radar dish" onto the Millenium Falcon while its in the Mos Eisley space port, etc. It's a nearly-perfect hybrid. . . and essentially what a lot of people would have liked the SE OT to be. You can check out it out here with a full list of changes/fixes. Though, like Lucas, there are one or two things I wish he hadn't taken it upon himself to "fix." H
Uhm, they've already gone to get the guns. Michael has already convinced them to go after the Others. They didn't need any more convincing. So what was the point of "staging" such a slaughter to motivate them to do something they were already going to do? And if he wanted Henry dead, he could have just killed him. No need for all the theatrics. It seems pretty clear that the Others have offered him Walt if he frees Henry. Shooting himself is just a means of clearing himself of responsibility for it with the Survivors. And, it creates the drama of having a "double agent" among the survivors. Best, H
The tampo printing on the legs is worth the price of admission alone. If they were to do that for the 1/48 VF-1, I'd buy them all again. Yes, I know many will think that's insane, but there is just something about that "U.N. SPACY" on the legs and gunpod that has always seemed ultra cool to me. . . and stickers/decals just never quite get it right. Great review, btw. Couldn't ask for more info than that! H
For those popping to last post. . . SPOILERS. . . Darn it, my DVR missed what must have been the last 10 seconds. I saw Michael shoot AL and Libby. Then, he walked into the "armory" and Henry was looking at him. . . and that was it. So, based on what you're all saying. . . I assume we then heard another shot but it isn't clear what exactly happened? It seems pretty clear to me that Michael was brain-washed by the Others and that freeing Henry was the price for getting Walt back. But, if there is indeed some mysterious other gunshot, I guess that complicates things. Gotta wait for the stream of it to be up before I can see that last 10 seconds. The real pisser of all this is that it gives Jack yet another reason to not trust Lock. Why the hell Lock always needs to keep all these little secrets is just beyond me. He used to be my favorite character. But he's becoming more and more of a tool with every episode. As for wanting to kick the crap out of Michael, I'm with you. He's been an unthinking hot-head since day one. I've always just wanted him to calm down and think for once. Though, I like the actor, the character is written very shallow and comes off as obnoxiously simple-minded and impulsive. Not to mention, I just watched the beginning of "Adrift" again and had to listen to him scream "Walt!. . . Walt!. . . Walt!. . . . Walt!. . . Walt!. . ." over and over again. It was on my iPod and I was bored. H
I think you'll find that they have the sand there because that change is symptomatic of an overall change in tone that permeates the prequels and the altered OT. Indeed, more than symptomatic, it is the quintessential post-ESB Lucas decision: Change something that doesn't need to be changed (was anyone really offended by Han blowing away Greedo without giving Greedo "first shot!?!") Fundamentally alter a character (in this case, changing Han from a bad-ass into a goodie-goodie idiot who is alive only because Greedo can't hit a guy at point-blank range from two feet away). Finally, disingenuously claim that any changed events, characters, timelines, or meanings are not changes at all but were always part of the "original vision." It irks in the same way that all the guns in E.T. were replaced with walkie-talkies to make the movie more kiddie-friendly and PC. Though, in that case, Steven Spielberg did the right thing and also made the unaltered version available, as Lucas has now done. Now, Everybody wins! Well, except those of us who would like to have not gagged at all the pratfalls, kiddie humor, and fart jokes during the prequels. But you can't have everything! "This will be a day long remembered. . ." Best, H
Well, I'll be damned! Good for Lucas, Fox, Lucasfilm, and film lovers all around. Lucas is living up to his own words (as quoted on originaltrilogy.com). . . and it's really great to see: Surely the whiners will now say: "But, but, he lied to us and said he'd never do this. . . so I bought his crappy Special Editions already! He just wants to make more money!" The true test of a whiney fanboy is their knack for whining and finding fault even when they're given what they have been begging for all along. While I will always have qualms with the more blatantly childish cinematic sensibility Lucas has developed in every movie he's done since Empire, and the "retroactive" changes that his later movies (essentially) force upon his earlier ones, I feel simply grateful towards Lucas and/or the Fox beancounters that convinced him to allow this. George Lucas can have as much money as he wants as long as he's doing things like this. Though, I sorta feel bad for the guys out there busting their humps to capture, remaster, and restore the Laserdisc releases of the OT. Especially the XO project. They hardly seem necessary anymore. I actually stopped working on my frame-by-frame remastering of DYRL for the same reason, I figure an HD-DVD release of DYRL will similarly render my hundreds of man-hours moot as well. Best, H
I doubt it. What you COULD do, though, is edit your HOSTS file so that calls to MacrossWorld.com are translated to the appropriate IP on your computer, and DNS servers never enter into the equation. 395633[/snapback] Oooo! Good one! Never thought of that. Haven't used a HOSTS file in Windows for eons! H
Dude! that's just been not Siren.
I think he's just drunk. I mean, I'm not even sure that's english!
Dude, what the ***** are you talking about? EXO has never been known to pull punches. If you haven't seen EXO argue with DT or others, I'm not sure where you've been. . . though you always seem to be here. I'm not even sure where he's "flaming" there at all. Some guy is posting (possibly damaging) messages from a third party which should have remained private. . . all in some attempt to try to prove to EXO that he knows more than EXO. Yet the guy doesn't realize that EXO is a friend of the third party and knows for a fact that this guy is just flat-out wrong. The guy deserves whatever he gets, and EXO is actually being rather tame in pointing out all the asininity. H
Ummm, isn't is sorta. . . well, no, not "sorta" but totally screwed up for someone to post a non-public message like that here when the author is clearly trying to avoid being hassled. Why anyone would post that publicly in some attempt to win a petty argument is beyond me. <aaajin's brain> Gee, I hate HG, I think someone is getting screwed by HG, so I think I'll post a message from that person that might get him in more trouble with the people I hate. . . while trying to prove that I know an online aquaintance better than his real-life friends. </aaajin's brain> Seriously, this is just mind-boggling. If I were one of those people still holding out hope for a JM, I'd be f'ing furious right now. H
Though, it's odd that the hosting service would have to (apparently) change their IP address pool just to change their company name. . .
It looks like MW's server has been moved to a different IP address. Someone who can still not reach it is getting an IP address of: Which, I assume is MW's old IP. But those of us currently connecting successfully are getting an IP of: So, if the site has been moved, its provider's network has been moved, or the hosting company has changed, things will most likely continue to shake themselves out for everyone as the new DNS record propogates. These sorta things usually take 24 hours from the point where accurate DNS entries for the domain are first created on the domain's primary DNS holder. In the meantime, those who are feeling impatient can try the following (it's unlikely to help, but might save an hour or two if your ISP's DNS server has an updated record but your computer has an inaccurate local DNS cache). . . of course, they'll only get these instructions via IM or a copy of this post on the various "MW is down" threads across the web: Go to Windows (XP) Command prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns Then type: nslookup www.macrossworld.com Unfortunatley, I don't know of a way to force an ISP's DNS server to abandon its cached entry for a host and "re-check" earlier than planned to see if it has changed. So, if you're still getting the bad IP, the only solution is to wait. Each DNS record has a "TTL" (Time To Live) at which point its record will be checked and refreshed. Sometimes, I think that just doing repeated nslookups can "jog" a DNS server into refreshing its record. But I've never been sure that it was actually happening that way, or I just got lucky and the record timed out and was refreshed. Okay, enough rambling. The good news is that MW should start working eventually for everyone soon if things are as they appear. Best, H Edit: Based on some further sleuthing (the details of which are not appropriate to post here), it does indeed appear that MW has been moved between providers and we are now on a new server. Oddly, I always got the impression that MW wasn't on a vhost ("virtual host") before. Though, I suppose it's possible (despite some fuzzy evidence to the contrary) that this new server is also a dedicated server and we're not on a vhost at the new hosting company as well.
Hmmmm, well, what about raising the post threshold for a "hot topic?" Right now, it seems that about 80% of the topics within a given forum are considered "hot." Which, of course, sorta defeats the purpose of differentiating them from the more standard fare. Things look great, btw. H
Hi Kyatsu, "Menu Title". . . do you mean you get no main menu at all before the movie starts? If so, then something went wrong during the DVD-Lab portion of the procedure. Let me know if I'm reading your post right and I might be able to find some time to test things on my end. Best, H P.S. Thanks for the kind words!
The guy could have at least painted the thing before offering it up for sale for $50 each! Edit: Linkage.
They look similar in that they are both fighter jets. . . moving on. . .
fortunately, Macross Nexxus is there for everyone else... 392375[/snapback] True. But much to the dismay of some, we won't be having an off-topic forum either. It's a terrible idea. No offense to DT. BTW, MN Forums are on a roll! We've had one post this week!
Awww hell no!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross_Zero anyone know what its talking about? 390886[/snapback] Some Macross fan probably had an image of John Kerry with a word bubble coming out of his mouth saying: "Macross Zero-style!" . . . I don't think Kerry actually said it. H