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Everything posted by Hurin
Thanks for the news (RYO and Dante)! Posted on the Nexus! Got a profile for this one now up here too.
Ryo, thanks for the "scoop-da!" Cited you as source for Macross Nexus entry. The paint scheme on this one is kick-@ss
Those are some pretty broad assertions being made on very little data. We need a bit more information on your "scientific method" before we can be sure about what you're saying. For example. . . if you placed tape on a valk, placed it in the sun for a week, and then came back to find that the un-taped area yellowed while the taped area did not. . . all that proves is that sunlight yellows valks. It does not prove that heat or humidity won't yellow valks over longer periods of time. I don't doubt that sunlight accelerates and/or causes yellowing. . . I don't think anybody does. But confirming one (obvious) cause of yellowing doesn't rule out other causes. I had a minty white 1/55 Strike Valkyrie. I kept it in a box for about a decade in a dark closet. It yellowed. 'Nuff said. Best, H
Well, since this is winding down, we might as well go off-topic (heh). Since this is a rhetorical pet peeve of mine. . . Saying you're playing soccer when you're really playing (American) football doesn't make you a hypocrite. . . it makes you either foolish, mistaken, or incorrect. . . but not a hypocrite. There is a "fetish-ization" of exposing hypocrites these days as a way of winning arguments. Yet, showing that a person espouses certain views but doesn't actually live up to them doesn't necessarily render the "hypocrite's" views moot or invalid. . . it merely demonstrates that the "hypocrite" is human and prone to error like everyone else. Hypocrites may be distasteful an annoying, but that doesn't mean their views are "wrong." Here's an example: Jim says that it is immoral and wrong to shoot puppies. Yet, a few weeks later, the sherrif arrests him for shooting puppies and he's caught on video tape doing so. He's been exposed as a hypocrite. Does that now make shooting puppies "right?" He's a hypocrite, dishonest, and disgusting. . . but shooting puppies is still wrong.
It's generally understood that the anime and sci-fi forums are there for topics that have broad appeal among a large portion of MW members. This makes sense because Macross is both sci-fi and anime, so its fans can be safely anticipated to have interest in both. And, yes, exceptions are sometimes made for topics that are neither anime, nor sci-fi. But, the point is that they are the exception and not the rule. You are advocating a forum where the exceptions are the rules. . . and most feel that this is not a good idea for reason both above and below. . . I don't think you are understanding my point. My point is that the community that you like so much was formed under a "narrow basis for discussion." I'm asserting that had that basis been more broad in the past, MW and its community would not be what it is today. And, it therefore follows: Altering it now would fundamentally alter MW and its community. So, in effect, I'm arguing that you are (ironically) praising something while unwittingly arguing to undermine a pillar of its success. I'm not really sure I understand what you hope to gain by all of that. You already attempted to preemptively call someone else a hypocrite in this thread. Now you seem to think that pointing out that I have posted occasionally in the Other Anime forum makes me one? That's just plain odd. I'm not sure how portraying people as hypocrites for making a quick comment in a thread about James Doohan somehow makes an off-topic forum a good idea. But if you think it does, feel free. In fact, I don't even remember posting in many of those threads, so I assume my involvement was minimal. . . but nevertheless, the threads are there, in the Sci-fi and Anime forum, so they belong (for reasons described above). And, for the record, though I don't think I'm a hyporcite in this instance, being a hypocrite doesn't make a person wrong. As for needing things to discuss when Macross news is slow. . . those that are interested in them discuss anime and sci-fi (and a few other topics that are allowed at the whim of the moderators) in the "Other" forum when Macross topic are not easy to come by. And, again, those are there because they have broad appeal among a very large proportion of the community. The attitude of the "use the search function!" nazis is another topic altogether and not terribly relevant or compelling as a reason to have an off-topic forum. It's more appropriate for a discussion of a general board attitude towards noobies. H
Uh, you do realize that discussing M7 and MII constitutes discussing Macross, right? And, well. . . Law and Order isn't Macross. So. . . yeah, we have debates about Macross here. And we don't have debates about Law and Order. . . that's sorta the point. I'll just sum up again: Part of the reason MW has developed a community that you like and respect so much is because the basis for discussion has been so narrow. By wanting to broaden things out and loosen up the boards, you're essentially advocating the removal of one of the key ingredients responsible for creating what you hope to improve. Oddly, I have a passion for Roman history and Middle-earth. . . but I'm not desperate to discuss it with EXO or jsArclight. H
Well, I'd consider the possibility that this is the case for you because MW does not have an off-topic discussion area. An off-topic forum may not seem like such a terrible idea at first blush. . . and short-term "damage" might be minimal. But over the long-term, off-topic forums often turn out to be poison to an online community. I often venture briefly into the "lounge" or off-topic areas of some gaming forums I infrequenty visit. . . they are always mad houses. Egos clashing, political rants, random posts about crap that few people care about (but those that do are very "loud" about it). . . etc. And, when you create an off-topic "catch-all" forum, how do you "moderate the hell out of" something that by its nature is supposed to be moderated less strictly? By and large, the MW community works because we keep it to a few, specific areas of interest. Do we really want people getting pissed at each other becaues they disagree over whether Law and Order has gotten too preachy. . . or pissed at the mods because their "Late Renaissance/Early Modern Literature" thread was deleted while someone else's "Geolical Trends on the Eastern Rim" thread is allowed to stay? So, like you, MW is my primary forum and the place I visit most frequently. But, since I want to keep it that way, I'd be very wary of an off-topic area. Best, H
Keanu Reeves NEW movie. A Scanner Darkly.
Hurin replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
There are a bunch of Charles Schwab commercials out right now that look exactly like the technique used in this movie. I found the commercial annoying. . . but I saw the preview for Scanner Darkly before Superman and it looked very interesting (and less neon) on the big screen. Here's a bit on the technique used in the commercials that touches on a lot of things already said here: Couldn't agree more (regarding its use for investment advice). H -
Well, there's no reason you can't post the image and then write directly below it: "Source: Macross Book #1" and the ISBN number and even a link to Amazon Japan, etc. However, no amount of such linking will appease the copyright gods if the images put up there are of too high quality. If they are high-resolution, I don't think we'd be inclined to host them. We do have a super-high res VF-0 lineart (link). But that was from an instruction sheet for a model (I think), so nobody is going to get upset about that. We generally encourage people to post images that will fit within the width of the central window (about 550px). I think that resolution would keep quality to a level where nobody would feel that they could forego buying a book. . . but people who just want to know what a Q-Rau officially looks like would get what they need at an acceptable level of quality. It is possible to post higher-res images, but then a thumbnail should be the one shown initially, and then linked to the larger image (as was done in that link above). But again, we'd want to avoid posting super-high-res images that might discourage people from buying the official products. In a nutshell, we want web-ready images. . . we don't want "print quality" images that would piss off the Macross powers that be. Best, H
Well, nothing's stopping anyone from posting line art for each individual mecha profile at the Macross Nexus. Actually, someone (Dante) already submitted some line art for the VF-0 profile. Though, we'd discourage people from posting book-quality scans of line art (because piracy does indeed "suck") we'd be thrilled if someone actually decided to take up the job of "line art guy" for the database over there! If anyone's interested in contributing, check out our FAQs. Best, H
Sweet merciful crap! That Roy VF-1S custom is breath-taking! I've never seen that "texture" of weathering before. But it looks positively real!
Welcome to MacrossWorld. I think people are just sorta wondering how to respond since your first post is over here in the "other" section and we haven't gotten to know you via any Macross-related discussions in the past. You're just sorta showing up and saying "look at my planes". . . which is cool and all. . . but at this point all we can say is: "Nice planes dude! Welcome!" So. . . Nice planes dude! Welcome! H P.S. Others around here have a keen interest in aviation and model planes. So, the moderators may allow this thread to survive. However, don't be surprised if it is shut down. And don't take it personally!
Uh, the problem with that is that then he wouldn't be Superman.
Uh, Lord Kungfu would love nothing more than this particular post being deleted. . . so he could then start trolling all the Yamato threads with his absurd claims again. I suggest, instead, that you just scroll past the posts that you don't find interesting. The original informative post is still there, after all. And the ones you want deleted are serving a purpose. Of course, If they wanted to move that particular post to a thread entitled: "Lord Kungfu is a trolling liar". . . I'd be all for that. H
All of those questions occurred to everyone else too. But most dimissed them as soon as they realized that the scenes would have sucked had it been handled according to the upper limit of his abilities. You might as well ask why they didn't just use one of the Eagles to take the Ring to Mount Doom in LotR. . . because then there'd be no story! So, again, your point is taken. . . but these are comic book movies! I felt about the way you do here when Spider-Man suddenly became Superman in Spider-Man 2. I thought the way he stopped the run-away train was waaay beyond Spidey's abilities and more into Superman realm. But, then I decided I didn't care and enjoyed the movie. H
Well, not to take any of this too seriously, but the trick is to do it right, you can't stop a plane instantly, it would disintegrate and kill everyone aboard. Likewise, pushing that crystal continent too fast might have just made it break up. Of course, that Boeing 777 would have disintegrated long before Superman even arrived, so let's not look into this too much!
PRECISELY! Thank you! ...but watch the name calling. 412972[/snapback] I was troubled by this whole "issue" too. But I came up with a combination of the explanation you guys are saying there, and my own: He knew what he had to do and knew he'd be in contact with kryptonite, so that's why he took the time to head up to the upper atmosphere after leaving the sea plane and absorb some direct sunlight. . . not just to heal, but to store up some extra energy/power, etc. After all, Supes is just a big solar battery. . . and I think he may have gone up there to "gird his loins" for some prolonged contact with kryptonite. . . something he wasn't prepared for when he got his ass handed to him by Kumar. Either explanation if good enough for a comic book movie. But together, they more than allow for me to maintain my suspension of disbelief. H
Yeah, that's correct (and thanks!). We intend to first make a release list by scale (1/48 is now done, 1/60 is next). From there, it wouldn't be too tough to create a Yamato-wide one. Though, that's the sorta project that is begging for a (true) custom database and web front-end that would be dynamically sortable, etc. But, I'm no PHP and SQL developer, so we have to make due with these hand updated pseudo databases. Anyways, ignore my earlier request for info regarding the later launch arms. . . found info by just searching for "display stands". . . duh! H
Okay, the "official" one at Macross Nexus is updated and now links to the entry for each valkyrie. link. We used to only have entries for the Valkyries for which we had full reviews (by JawJaw), but I added a profile for every existing valk including basic info and (at least) box art. I want to add the Launch Arms (even though they aren't technically limited to the 1/48 scale). But, I can't seem to find any reference anywhere to the release date for the newer silver and black ones. Any help? H
The answer to your question is the same as the answer to this question: "What's your favorite Macross Valkyrie?" Now, if it's still readily available, buy that one. If it's not readily available at a price you're willing to pay, ask yourself: "What's your 2nd favorite Macross Valkyrie?" And so on. . . Or maybe I'm missing something. For me, if I could only have one valkyrie, it would probably be a Roy VF-1S. . . but maybe the Hikaru 1S. . . man, I can't decide, I'd better start a thread asking what I should do.
LOL. . . well just hold on, it only gets funnier. Just perusing ol' LKF's posts. Funny, one of his very first posts on MW got him in trouble because he took credit for someone else's model work. When people kept giving him a hard time despite him coming clean, he suddenly became a guy who works as a scale model builder for the motion picture industry. And he can get us all jobs just like his!(*) Mind you, this was less than two years ago. Yet, he's written elsewhere that he didn't need a job because he quit it after starting to make so much money selling toys on ebay which began in 1997.(*) And, of course, by 1999 he had created such a toy empire that he was purchasing multiple houses with the profits(*). And the rest is history. . . the history of his ever-increasing, fabulous wealth. But wait. . . if you look back a a couple years, his story unravels completely. . . He wrote, back in August 2004, that he had been merely living off a hoard of toys that he had accumulated before being laid off. . . and then he lets this little nugget slip. . . Huh? In 2004 he can't afford to start real estate investing? I thought he was buying several houses for himself back in 1999!?! Indeed, that's what he wrote on March 9, 2006 (apparently forgetting his story from two years prior): And from there he begins his story of becoming a real estate tycoon. So, to sum up, In 2004, he claims to be a poor guy who's living off a hoard of toys he accumulated during the dot-com boom who wishes he could afford a single down payment on an investment house in California. Indeed, he states at one point that he intends to sell his only house and move out of (overly expensive) CA so that he can pay cash for a house elsewhere.(*) Yet, inexplicably, in 2006, he writes that since 1997 he has been running a (very) sophisticated business selling toys on the internet and making so much money at it that he was able to invest in several California houses (beginning in 1999), make millions, buy his own helicopter(*), begin importing italian marble(*), and on and on. . . Let me be blunt here. . . this guy is lying. And there's just no escaping the facts. He has apparently read Rich Dad, Poor Dad (or something similar) and is living it out as a fantasy here while quoting its advice nearly verbatim to back up his charade. And we're not even touching yet on the claims of having so many Yamatos (now over 2,000 in just two years) and exotic cars. . . nor are we discussing the way he will give excruciating details of how he became so wealthy, yet can't spare any time or details to ever provide one tiny shred of proof. But, here's the deal, though he's demonstrably a liar, even if he were not, he's just quite simply a jerk. Just glancing through his posts, you see stuff like: And it just goes on and on. . . Now, this guy is demonstrably lying. But, even if he were not, he'd be a classless stuck up jerk to come into a forum and brag on himself like that. But how much worse is it to be a guy acting like this when it's all made up? I wish I had the time to ridicule the rest of everything this guy has written, it's all rather priceless. . . Best, H P.S. Woops! I forgot to mention the most priceless part! It's not nearly as damning as the stuff above, but I find it immensely entertaining that a millionaire real estate/toy/marble investor would post here about ten months ago regarding whether or not he should join the Navy. Of course, at that point, he hadn't yet decided that he was a millionaire real estate/toy/marble investor and that he owns his own helicopter.
So, things all turned around for you in two years? How odd. . . considering you wrote this more than a year ago (link): Now, of course, first you claim that you are under thirty in that post. Yet your profile birthdate states that you were well into your 30s at the time that you wrote that. But assuming that's a typo or mistake on your part (and that you haven't also just made up your age in your profile), you state that you have been a high-rolling toy investor for years prior to that time. . . regularly tripling your $30,000 per year and making even more in real estate. So which is it? Are you under 30? Over 30? Still in puberty? Did things turn around recently or were you rolling in money and semi-retired since well before your third decade? Where exactly do you house your private jet? Does your solid gold toothbrush really get your teeth any cleaner than my Oral-B? Dude, why not just cut to the chase and admit that you're the exiled President of Nigeria and you need our help!
Well, since you're apparently responding to nobody now, I might as well put back what I wrote. . . Yeah, may I please request that Lord KungFu not be allowed to turn this thread into another one of his: "I'm a millionaire super-businessman who buys truckloads of toys and stores them in my two desert warehouses (so I don't have pictures). . . but I can't afford a down payment on a house and complain about LEDs costs. . . and I drive a VW rabbit" self-aggrandizing threads? The nice part about having this dated release list is that we can easily compare things like this: Max 1A 1/48 released: 5/2003 Over a year later, in 8/2004, our beloved Lord KungFu had this to say: So, 15 months after Max's release (and less than two years ago) we're to believe that he had very few (if any) 1/48s. Now he's not only somehow bought up entire shipments of Max 1As from Yamato (again, more than a year after its release and long after they were no longer readily available), but in two years has aquired thousands of valks which he keeps in his own private "Area 51" somewhere out in the desert? Of course, shortly after this comment, in the same thread, our "millionaire" friend complains that $10 was too much to pay for the two LEDs. He then spends his day driving to "20 different Radio Shacks" to find them cheaper. Because that's how multi-millionaires roll!
Deleted - Nevermind, it's more fun to see who actually believes this clown.