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Everything posted by Hurin
At some point, women were more important than toys. But that only lasted through my teens.
My friends and I started buying the new Star Wars line in the mid-90s. That lasted a few years. But eventually gave up on it.
I think I may spray a matte finish onto mine. That looks awfully shiny. H
Well, at least in the RT Role-playing game, the Prometheus and Daedelus were (ocean) submersible. So, that explains how they could be airtight. Not sure if that's the case in Macross however. I'm sure someone will confirm/deny via the Compendium. As for enduring "Daedelus attacks" and atmospheric re-entry. . . this doesn't even come close to making it believable (especially the former, since the Daedelus would crunch behind its bow), but in each case, they were protected by the pin-point barrier system.
pic request, G1 OP, jetfire, and 1/48
Hurin replied to do not disturb's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
And all this time I've been waiting for it to re-appear in a 'special edition' along with the 'Biggs on Tatooine' scene! -
Unless I'm mistaken, Nanashino was indeeed Nanashi at one point. But he's had his name changed and/or shut down one account only to create another in the past. (New) Nanashi. . . if this ever becomes a problem, please let me know (via PM) and we'll be happy to change your displayed username for you. Best, H P.S. This is a special case. Everyone else, please don't start PMing Admins or Mods with requests to have your name changed.
I know. That's the point. The Animeigo release as one set. For only $99.
pic request, G1 OP, jetfire, and 1/48
Hurin replied to do not disturb's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
That dude has one heck of an active imagination. But you can tell him that this authoratative and august body of toy collectors is certain that he's on crack. You could put the burden on him. Tell him that with the internet at his fingertips, he should be able to find one image of the toy(s) he claims existed. It's hard to convince someone that their childhood impressions (enforced by years of false recollections all the way into adulthood) are false. But, considering I vividly remember the Red Baron dropping an anvil out of his bi-plane directly onto R2-D2's head in the trench scene at the end of the original Star Wars film, I know first-hand that we can have some pretty crazy childhood "memories." But, in my mind's eye, I can still see it! H -
I hear ya on that! I personally bit the bullet and paid it because I wanted to subtitle it and have the "ultimate edition." I was very disappointed to find that it had been horribly mis-mastered by Bandai/Emotion. I've mentioned elsewhere that I have an ongoing project to manually go through each frame and fix the interlacing issues. But, I only got about 2% into the movie after about forty hours of work. . . and then shelved the effort indefinitely. The nail in the coffin that has caused me to lose all motivation is that I don't want to spend thousands of man-hours fixing it only to have a fixed HD-DVD version released shortly thereafter!
I'd add above that the ADV dub of SDF Macross also changes many of the signature sound effects ("buzzsaw gunpod" now gone, etc.) for the 5.1 english dub. And, sadly, the original Japanese stereo soundtrack is far inferior to the one included on the Animeigo release. So, for SDF Macross, if you're a purist and want the best video, original Japanese dialogue w/ great english subtitles, and original (non G.I. Joe) sound effects. . . Animeigo is the only way to go. If you don't mind sending HG some money directly, I believe this is the newest, most readily available boxset of all the entire Animeigo release. And, if I'm not mistaken, that's a darn good price for it! (recently reduced?)
Okey-doke, here we go. . . The FX Perfect Edition of DYRL is itself a bootleg. The only official DVD of DYRL is the Region 2 DVD by Bandai/Emotion reviewed here. However, the FX DVD is not a digital "rip" of the official Bandai/Emotion DVD. So there are differences in quality between the Bandai/Emotion DVD and the FX DVD. Though the FX DVD does have a very nice picture, it's not quite as vibrant as the official DVD. The sound on the FX DVD also has quite a bit more "hiss" in the soundtrack. Having said that, the FX DVD is actually the better choice for those who will be watching the DVD on a computer since Bandai/Emotion mangled the mastering of the official DVD in such a way that it shows a lot of interlacing artifacts when played back on anything but a quality table-top DVD player in a couch/TV environment. Please see the review for details on this. As for bootlegs of the bootleg. . . who knows. If the bootleg of the FX bootleg is a "digital rip" of the FX DVD, then there should be no quality loss at all. And, indeed, it might even still work with the "subtitle upgrade" procedure linked in my signature. [Edit -- See ValkryieExchange's post immediately above. These newer bootlegged FX DVDs are apparently different and not based on the FX DVD at all.] Best, H
Ancient topic. But I also ran into this recently. Having someone PM you (or even PMing yourself?) will rectify this should anyone else experience it.
Chas, we appreciate your concern for trying to improve MW. So, I hope none of my comments come off as harsh or discouraging. Having said that, in my view, if the default date range were the problem, I'd think the ideal FAQ would be: Q: I don't seem to get any results for a search that should return results. A: You may need to widen the date range of your search. Try changing "Search Posts From. . ." to "Any Date." Actually, I remember when we did have to change this every time. My searches would often turn up empty a while back. But, that was a few IPB versions ago. To my knowledge, the default has been "Any Date" for quite some time now (probably due to the very problem you describe). Best, H
I don't see any harm in pinning such a thing. But, I'm confused because (for me at least, in two different browsers, both logged in and not) the search page should be defaulting to "any date" rather than "in the last 30 days." The tips above are good. And, again, do no harm. But, well. . . the search form is also relatively self-explanatory. Edit: Just tried it from another computer that's never "seen" MW before. Still defaulting to "Any Date."
Can't speak for other staff. But I'm going to leave this unlocked and assume it's a work-in-progress custom-built Meltran warrior. Congrats!
Continually picking fights and perpetuating grudges with people from thread to thread (whether your "target" be a member, moderator, or admin) is not appropriate. If you have a suggestion about moving a topic that might be in an improper place, please do so in a civil tone without the unnecessary invective. H
Actually, you can probably thank me for that response since --until I foolishly decided to address your concerns and got this ball rolling-- the staff had decided to just ignore you, as they usually (wisely) do. It's the default Skull-1 policy. Man. . . I again have to ask why you seem to think you can be as rude as you please, and when someone addresses your unnecessarily (though characteristically) harsh and overly dramatic post with some mild sarcasm, they are the problem. As for "Goderator". . . please. . . you act as though you've been oppressed, or threatened. Neither has happened. You've apparently got a complex going on. Has your thread been locked? Have you been warned not to argue with the "mighty Admin?" Have you been bullied into silence? Did I delete your posts to hide your "truth to power" tirade? No. You were just informed about what was going on (and had some of your misapprehensions cleared up) via some sarcasm that the harsh tone of your original post definitely warranted. As for moving these posts here: Had I deleted them, I'm sure you'd be indignant that there was some type of "cover-up." There's no winning with you (as most are aware). You wanted the modification forum to stay. . . guess who was most vocal about saving it? Ah, but as we implement what makes sense in lieu of that decision (actually populating it with posts that belong there). . . you have a problem with that. And so on. . . So, keep alleging some type of abuse is going on here. . . but actually all you have received is a mild, watered down dose of your own medicine. If you can't see that you were unnecessarily combative in communicating your concerns, I'm sorry, but I can't help you. And, for the record, had this been the first time you'd acted belligerantly, you probably would have gotten the benefit of the doubt and a very different response. If you're going to make hostile, ill-informed posts that (unfairly) imply incompetence on the part of others, you shouldn't expect the response to be entirely civil. Best, H
Dogs and cats living together. . . MASS HYSTERIA!
Since apparently nobody can help themselves from destroying that thread with petty bickering (yours truly included). And in the interests of not just deleting the posts via "fascist-style" purge. . . If you must keep this discussion going, let's make it more civil than how it started. . . And we'd gone so long without one of these sad little topics in here.
You pretty much just nailed it with that last sentence. Though I did not intend to "rile him up further." Rather, I intended to point out that he is (yet again) making a mountain out of a mole-hill. "Disgusted" is a strong word, and my responses have been very tame compared to his initial tirade. Were I dealing with anyone else, I would have tried to diffuse the situation just as you suggested. But through years of seeing Skull-1 in action, I know it would be pointless. So, I'm finding a "middle way." (Rhetorical) question: Why are you not asking Skull-1 why he responded so harshly to the move initially? Could he not have been more diplomatic and/or cordial in merely requesting a reason for the move? This should really be the last word on this subject: This forum is probably staying (good thing). The threads that had been left un-organized are being moved as they are noticed (good thing). The organization of the forums will actually start meaning something again (good thing). So, I really don't see anything to get so "disgusted" about.
Actually, my friend, the moderators have been discussing the fate of this forum. While Roy's opinion on it is valued, it is the minority opinion. So this forum will, in all probability, not be going anywhere. Rather than delete this forum, we've apparently decided to enforce the categories of these forums so that things are actually located where they logically belong. Now that we have a new batch of motivated, active moderators, such management can be undertaken more uniformly and regularly. Just because something has been in the wrong place for a long time is no reason to keep it there indefinitely. Our apologies that someone hasn't taken your exquisite sensibility into account and deleted Roy's old post so as not to thoroughly confuse you. I'm very sorry that you have felt somehow wronged by having your thread moved to its proper place, a link to it made from its original home, and (now) even an explanation made as to why it was moved. Clearly, your indignant outrage and "disgust" is warranted as all this is a travesty of epic proportions. I assure you that inquiries are being made and the proper people will be disciplined forthwith. Best, H P.S. You might consider not further derailing your own thread with your righteous, courageous, and clearly legitimate crusade against forum organization.
Yeah, it's a shame when things are put where they're supposed to be. The moderator who moved it left a "shadow topic" that redirects to here. So, those who were following it in the Toys section will be able to find it. Further, were that not the case, if they were panic-stricken at the prospect of losing this thread, they could have used the search function. So, your righteous indignation is quite unwarranted. In case you hadn't noticed, we've got a full staff of moderators again who are able to do a lot of the things that were falling by the wayside before. One of those duties is moving topics to their proper forums. You're welcome. H
I don't disagree that the computer gaming market is getting smaller as the console market grows and gaming in general expands. I just don't agree with your theory about the cause. I don't think it's the expense, I think it's the complexity and the need to manage an operating system, drivers, security, antivirus, and everything else that managing a PC entails. I think your desire to attach blame for the shrinking PC gaming market on those who choose to purchase high end equipment is based in something other than concern for that market. Having said that, while computer gaming is undergoing a period of transition, people have been predicting its imminent demise since the SNES was the latest "threat." So, I don't think PC gaming is in any danger of becoming extinct due to the nefarious actions of a few who are <gasp!> excercising their choice to purchase high-end equipment. Okay, first, that's not actually true. The top-of-the-line gaming computer a decade ago cost $3000. I can remember CGW constantly spouting that old adage for years: "The computer you want always costs $3000." But, nowadays, you can get a high-end gaming system for $2000 (or less). I don't even want to consider what my Atari 800, Commodore 128, or Apple IIgs cost in adjusted-for-inflation 2006 dollars! Second, you seem to be contradicting yourself. You seem to be simultaneously saying that computer gaming is requiring newer, better, and more expensive equipment and that lazy and/or callous developers are catering only to the high end. . . while you also are stating that you can still get by just fine with quite antiquated equipment. Of course developers design their games to take advantage of the newest technology. That's only common sense. But I can't think of a single game in recent memory that didn't also allow for older systems as well. It would be foolish for developers not to make their games playable on the last few generations of systems. Aside from one or two DX10 games that are intended to drive adoption of Vista (Flight Sim X), that isn't going to change in the near future. As for being mad that you can't play a game on a system that is below minimum requirements, well. . . all I can say is. . . Speaking of minimum requirements. I'm looking at Company of Heroes (a state-of-the-art game) and its minimum requirements state: P4 2.0Ghz. That's a five year-old CPU. If there is a computer gamer who can't be bothered to upgrade his CPU in five years, I humbly suggest that maybe he should get out of the hobby rather than demanding everyone else slow down and stop buying new stuff. I find this point of view mind-boggling. It's like you want hardware developers to just say: "You know what, things look good enough. Let's just stop. We're destroying computer gaming with all our new-fangled hardware that people want!" They develop ways to make games look/sound/play better. That's what they do. You might as well get mad at the sun for coming up tomorrow. Or, as you have apparently chosen to do, you might as well blame people for wanting their games to look better (and be willing to pay for it). If it's too expensive, people won't pay it. If they priced it wrong, they'll adjust or it will fail as a product. Markets are funny like that. Better looking and more immersive games are a good thing. Choice is a good thing. Variety is a good thing. Markets are a good thing. Communism. . . not so much. Apparently, the folks at NVIDIA and ATi should just stop all their progress because it's destroying computer gaming. Or, we should form some Game Player's Union and demand that they release their new products at a far lower price point than the market would normally bear (thus removing their motivation to develop them!). . . all to save computer gaming! H
Ummm, didn't you just say that you're happy with the cheap/old hardware and still find games "enjoyable?" So, how do people who are willing to pay for the highest performance relegate PC gaming to a "niche market" when there are also cheap components available that you readily admit provide perfectly acceptable performance. People have a choice regarding the level of performance they can purchase. Unfortunately some people resent this variety when they see others buying performance they cannot --or choose not to-- afford. And, this variety also leads to complexity. So. . . PC gaming isn't a "niche" market because some are willing to spend a lot on their computers. . . it's a niche market because it's not easy. Those who want easy and just want everything to work out of the box should get a console. Though, I should also point out that consoles inherit the technology from game-oriented computers. And, who is driving that technology? Computer gamers in their "niche market." It's the power users that drive the market to develop faster, more powerful gaming hardware. . . and this hardware is later inherited by the consoles and --at a later time-- by the budget crowd. So, far from relegating PC Gaming to its "niche status" (which exists due to the nature of computer gaming rather than because of people being spendy). . . power users and those willing to pay more for better performance are driving the PC market and accelerating progress in gaming technology. You're welcome. H