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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. I don't see the Prometheus as presenting any real continuity problems within the DYRL storyline. In fact, it shows up later in the actual movie. Pretty simple really. They are pilots on the Prometheus and are swept up in the Macross's fold. From there on, they fight from the Macross. A few months later, DYRL begins. As for the ARMDs being already attached. Either an animation error or different plot than the "real" story of the TV series. And, there are more than two ARMDs, correct? Either way, no big whoop.
  2. Hurin

    VF-0A poll

    I'll never understand the topics which essentially ask: "Tell me which one I like more."
  3. Just an FYI: We've upgraded the forums on Macross Nexus to IPB v2.2.x. This is a substantial upgrade. There's a lot of new (and some crazy) features in this new version. Friends lists. Member ratings/voting. Profile comments. All new posting editor. And much more. On the surface, it looks very similar. But once you scratch the surface, there's a lot of interesting stuff all of which can be disabled if some of the new features are too freaky). Feel free to register and check it out. You might even consider it a sneak-peak at what MW will eventually be running (presumably). H
  4. Looks like something out of Battletech! And I mean that as a compliment!
  5. Hurin


    Yep, different part in my case (R-L1 and L-L1). But wasn't a big deal. Found spares here.
  6. Hurin


    Both hips on my first release Hikaru 1A cracked. But, I'm not sure if we're talking about the same cracking. Mine cracked on the actual hip piece (also the intake in fighter mode).
  7. Oh, I wouldn't say that. In the past, there have been a lot of posts disparaging sellers for "gouging." If not the "enemy". . . they've clearly been defined as adversaries. You've got a healthy attitude towards free markets. That hasn't always been the case with everyone.
  8. Or, you could say that pre-ordering early is the smart move. Since you'd get the price before the seller adjusts for market demand. Plus, you're helping the seller determine a good market price. Of course, if you consider the seller the "enemy". . . that's not really a plus.
  9. Because many people will pay that much.
  10. As someone who has probably only seen two full James Bond movies from beginning to end. . . but has seen bits and pieces of several. . . I thought this one was a really good. It's a very well done "reboot" of the franchise. Bond movies haven't ever really gotten me excited. I've mainly watched them when others wanted to do so. But, from here on out, I'll be seeing each one. My wife is now in love with Daniel Craig. I don't blame her.
  11. You asked for it! You can't go off on abusive, name-calling, tirades and threaten physical harm to those with whom you disagree without some repercussion!
  12. I know who it was. . . but I'm not telling. . . personally, I would have chosen: "cannot comprehend M7"
  13. That "RDF" on it makes a solitary tear slowly roll down my cheek.
  14. Yes. Revoked. (announcement)
  15. Thanks guys (especially for the diagram)! All set! Best, H
  16. Howdy, I'm trying to put my 1/60 VF-1S Roy (non-Strike) back in its original box. I've got all the obvious stuff back in the box (thanks to images of the box online). But, after filling up the plastic framework completely, I'm still stuck with the hands, antennas (2), a spare fuselage plug, and an odd piece of clear packaging that looks like one of those filler pieces that goes over the wings of the 1/48s when they're in their original packaging. Anyone want to peer into their 1/60 collection and help me out here? Do I just put the stuff in a baggy and tape it to the "cloud" background out of sight? Best, H
  17. Hi there, I manually validated you (for some reason, email change validations don't always get sent. . . this is a widely reported error on many IPB forums). Your email is currently set to (* put in randomly to preserve your privacy): e*m*n*.h*@n**.com Please PM me if you need to set it to a different email addres than that. You wouldn't want to post it here lest it get picked up by a roving spam-bot. Best, H P.S. I'll delete your 2nd account as soon as you confirm that you're all squared away.
  18. Nice. Like the new era TIEs. I had stopped collecting by the time those came out. Nice vintage Falcon too? The newer one is grey and has weathering, right? H
  19. Hurin

    VF-1A Angel Birds

    Check out the release list at the Macross Nexus. Every release after the February 2003 release of the Roy VF-1S incorporates the fixes of the Max VF-1A (released in May, 2003). So, the only valkyries without those fixes are the first edition Hikaru VF-1A and Roy VF-1S. All later editions had the fixes. Best, H
  20. Just because someone: a) Has more money than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . . and/or b) Likes something more than you and is therefore willing to pay more than you are willing to pay. . . Does not make that person an "idiot." Welcome to a free market. If you think it's too much money for what you get, you can vote with your pocket book and not buy it. If enough people do that, Yamato will either lower the price or stop making the item. But if they sell out at whatever price Yamato has chosen, they've clearly set a good price from their point of view. . . and those who bought at that price have done nothing wrong. They obviously just like the item more than you. Regardless, there's no need for name-calling. H
  21. The official Bandai/Emotion Region 2 DVD. [attachmentid=37469] Why am I posting this image here? I have my reasons (but they are odd, and obscure). H
  22. For something along the lines of what's been done here. . . First you would need the better subtitles. Then you would need to have them timed properly to the anime. Then you would need to go through the process of preparing them to be grafted to the DVD. Then you would need to fine tune it until all the timings were perfect. All told, that's hundreds of hours of work. I've contemplated undertaking the project before. But, I've always been discouraged by the fact that Macross Zero wasn't very good. H
  23. Moving the primary home of this project back to MW now that I can actually control this thread effectively.
  24. After a brief stay at Macross Nexus, the DVD subtitles projects are coming home to Macross World. So, please feel free to post questions/comments here again. I removed the posts immediately prior to this referring to the move. Thanks, H
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