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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. The taller Minmay is a TMPanime exclusive. The other two are CM'S I think.
  2. I got a 1/60 Roy VF-1S before the 1/48 was available. I always thought it looked funny (especially in battroid). When they released 1/48 VF-1s, I got one. And just thought it looked nearly perfect in every way. So, I bought every one of them from that point on. I got a pair of cannon fodders and the VF-1J Super in 1/60 scale because I wasn't sure if they would be made in 1/48. When they were, I sold them. But, I keep my 1/60 Roy because every once in a while, I get tempted to "complete" my 1/60 collection when I read about them here, or see the Super-O or Elint. When that happens, I just open up my 1/60 Roy, look at its tiny head, heatshield clippy part, and odd legs (etc.). . . and I'm cured. Whenever I see my 1/60 and compare it to my 1/48s, I just can't imagine buying any more 1/60s. Just one collector's opinion. To each their own. H
  3. Yeah, there's got to be third factor here. Like the make/model of my keyboard (Saitek Eclipse II). I'll plug in a different one and see if it continues.
  4. Replaced my motherboard and power supply for unrelated reasons. Still getting the same crashing when I rapidly press enter while posting/replying. So, wasn't my motherboard. I'm thinking it could be my keyboard and its USB interface. How many of you above who are not seeing this behavior at all are using USB keyboards? B
  5. The ultimate solution seems to be IPB v2.2. Since Macross Nexus upgraded to IPB v2.2, we've had no penetration by the same bots that harass us over here. Whereas we used to get tagged by them a few times per day. However, there are some low-level upgrades needed on the MW server that only Shawn can do before we can move to IPB v2.2. So, MW won't be moving to IPB v2.2 immediately. Having said that, for the vast majority of users, the posts are discovered and removed before they're even aware of them. Your situation appears less common since you're getting emailed notification of every new post (). To my knowledge (and I've looked before), there's no way of limiting new members' posting privileges. After all, if we make it so they can't post until they reach a certain number of posts, how will they ever reach that number? Basing it on time (two weeks before being allowed to post) is not supported by the board software and even if it were, I'm not sure it would be effective and might actually have the unintended consequence of discouraging new members (people who register to post want to post now, not two weeks from now). The best layer of defense is at registration. Unfortunately, the current system where an email address must be validated has been adapted to by the spambots and is no longer very effective. This thread has me thinking about a solution I could try. But I probably shouldn't say more until I look into a bit more. Now, having said all that, if you want to see a forum that is truly inundated, try this memory maker's forums. Not only are they new threads, but nearly every thread also has a spammed response. Link.
  6. Guys, this may seem a bit arbitrary. . . but a while back the staff talked about thread titles and how it was somewhat odd that some threads took it upon themselves to be the "OFFICIAL" (in all-caps no less) thread for a topic. Since "official" implies that the staff or MW ownership is somehow blessing it (when such is not the case), we decided to discourage the use of this terminology (and change thread titles when appropriate). Yes, it may seem odd. . . but not any more odd than people christening their threads as "OFFICIAL."
  7. He who breaks the head on his toys so that it will appear "more dynamic" and calls joints that appear above the crotch "knees" made a brief return. A moderator deleted his posts since it was classic flame-bait and leaving them would encourage similar behavior on his part and that of other banees in the future. And bsu quoted Princess Bride.
  8. I've definitely found that it happens when I press ENTER a few times rapidly. As I do between paragraphs. It didn't happen on the old motherboard though. . . odd.
  9. One gets blown away outside the window while Hikaru is confronting Minmay just as the final battle begins. Right before (or after?) he slaps her. H
  10. Somewhere, in a windswept desert, standing amidst box after box of Max and Milia 1/48s, LordKungFu stands and stares despondently. . . a solitary tear slowly creeping down his cheek.
  11. You're very welcome!
  12. Hehe. . . From The Inbox of Nardo Pace - The Empire's Worse Engineer: Edit: I voted for Luke. Since, contrary to later revisionism, the movies were about him.
  13. Hmmmmm, not sure where this "Buck Rogers" thing comes from. I've been a Loremaster searching out Dunedain ruins and they've all been tastefully done. . . and downright beautiful. I don't think Tolkien fans come much bigger or more fanatical than me. And I think the game is very good. But, of course, I also realize that in order for the game to thrive, it will need to appeal beyond me and my seven Tolkien dork friends and those who've read The Silmarillion five times (I'm on #7). The Middle-earth game for Tolkien uber-fans was the original Middle-earth Online. And it was canned because it was judged not to be commercially viable given the realities of MMORPGs as being demonstrated at the time by Ultima Online and Everquest. While I would have loved to have played that "original vision" with "perma-death" and all that wonderful "true-to-the-books" stuff. . . I probably only would have enjoyed it for a few months before either the plug was pulled on it or it went through a SWG-like revamp in order to bring in the more casual gamers. As it stands now, I wander the beautifully rendered hills exploring Dunedain ruins and collecting artifacts of bygone ages while wearing only cloth armor (as my class dictates). . . tonight we plan on journeying to the Barrow-Downs. As a Tolkien fanatic, I have to overlook the fact that everyone I meet is an "adventurer" and not a "commoner" there only to provide a setting for my adventure. And they are often armed to the teeth. But I also realize that I'm playing a game and it's not really possible to "live the books" along with thousands of others who want to "live the books" as they saw them as well. What I would want and what I'm getting are two very different things. But what I'm getting is just fine considering all the factors involved. H
  14. I just don't see the problem with people noticing that this show is pandering to the kids in ways the original did not (if reports are to be believed). Clearly, all daytime U.S.-produced cartoons are oriented towards kids. But there are degrees to the pandering at play. There is a vast difference between a show that is intended to appeal to kids above all else, and a show that is intended to be quality entertainment that kids can enjoy. Clearly, this new Thundercats is the former and many would argue much moreso than its original incarnation. I just fail to see why some want to castigate others for noticing. Edit: Full disclosure. . . I couldn't give two craps about Thundercats. I watched it as a kid but was never a "fan." They could dress them all in pink and have them drive a love bus up Mumra's butt and I wouldn't care.
  15. I ain't running Vista!
  16. Some googling turns up some results. Not totally isolated. Others have the "crash when replying" bug on message boards. I just wish it wasn't so sporadic so I could track down the cause easier and test for it. Best, H
  17. Yeah, had it since November. Managed to keep from bragging about it until now. Though, over the last month, it's gone to hell. . . so not much to brag about. The nvidia 680i chipset doesn't seem fully cooked yet. Though, before having these stability issues, I would have told people saying so that they were crazy.
  18. Well, new theory is that Firefox hates my overclock on this replacement motherboard. Didn't have this problem on old motherboard. Odd, yes, but that's the trend I'm seeing. The system is rock-solid stable otherwise (can loop Prime95x2 and 3DMark06 concurrently for 24 hours). Rig is: Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.375GHz w/ Thermalright SI-128 Dual NVIDIA 8800GTX SLi (BFG) 2GB G.Skill 6400 4-4-4-12 eVGA 680i SLi Motherboard Creative X-fi Platinum PCP&C Silencer 750 Quad Sony GDM-FW900 24" Widescreen CRT -- Best Monitor Ever!
  19. Howdy All, I'm trying to sort out some stability problems with a system that was perfectly fine for several months. I thought I had the problem licked. . . but then out of nowhere, I started getting random Firefox crashes ("Firefox encountered a problem and will close. . .") only while browsing discussion forums. Especially when replying. Indeed, it seems to strike most often when I repeatedly press "Enter" as I would when finishing a paragraph and beginning another. So, I'm sitting here trying to figure out if I have some obscure problem (since the rest of the system now seems fine) or if it might be a result of the recent update to Firefox So, what's my point? Has anyone else who has recently updated to Firefox noticed these crashes recently where there were none before? If yes, then I can stop hunting around for phantom issues and enjoy my now-stable computer. I've reverted back to Firefox just in case it was indeed the update. Best, H
  20. "Sword of Omens. . . listen to my sooong!"
  21. Yeah. . . well. . . the "catch" of being in Middle-earth is sort of a big one for a lot of people. My wee brain has never been able to get into these other made-up universes, etc. I played Warcraft. . . but I never liked the fiction around it so much that I wanted to "live" in that world. So WoW left me cold. Same thing with DaoC. Ultima Online grabbed me when it was new because I was a huge Ultima fan. I tried SW Galaxies. . . but it was just terrible and never grabbed me. So, clearly I'm biased as a Tolkien fan. I especially like that it's based on the books rather than the movies. No Elijah Wood! UO was great because it was the first, and was the "Wild West" in its original incarnation. There were no laws, and the players really ran the show. I remember trying to be a good guy and repeatedly getting my ass handed to me by l33t d00d kids for a year or two before they put the training wheels on the game. SWG was just terrible. Even though I was an original trilogy fan, it was just so bad that I only gave it a couple half-hearted tries before giving up on it. So, even my status as a fan doesn't blind me to a truly terrible game design. . . I think LotRO has a great mix. An intellectual property that I love (and taking my preferred angle on it), and a great design. As you said, nothing terribly new or innovative (though I think monster play is pretty f'ing cool). But, something doesn't need to be either to be darn good. H
  22. Sorry, no mounted combat. Horses only appear as a means of "rapid transit." You go to a stable, pay some money, and you hop on a horse that takes you to the nearest town at a much faster pace than you could otherwise walk. If you see something interesting along the way, you can pop off the horse. But then you're stranded and will need to walk the rest of the way. Now, if mounted combat (etc.) means a lot to you, I can see that as a major disappointment. But if it isn't, it's actually sorta nifty. Edit: Actually, at lvl35, you can buy a horse that you control and ride it wherever you can walk. But you can't fight while mounted.
  23. Oh just to be clear, it's now in "Open Beta" which means anyone can try it before it is released in late April. But, only pre-order customers got early access to it. General access begins March 6. Another benefit to Pre-ordering (which is still available) is that you get the option to buy a lifetime subscription rather than paying $10-15 per month. The liftetime subscription is $199. . . but for someone like me who is certain to play the crap out of this thing and at least come back for each expansion back (Rohan, Gondor, Mordor, etc.). . . it does indeed make sense. At launch, the game only coveres Eriador. . . as far West as the Ered luin. As far East as the Misty Mountains. North to Angmar, and South to. . . I dunno. But not far enough to get to Moria or super-far to Rohan.
  24. I haven't gotten seriously into a MMORPG since Ultima Online. But I'm already hooked on this one. Very well done. Even though it's still officially a Beta, it's very highly polished already!
  25. Howdy All, I'm on the Landroval server. Pre-order allowed early access (was in closed beta test too). If there's interest, we should get a MW kinship going. H
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