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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Merged. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Hurin

    my 1:1 macross helmet

    Once those edges are touched up and the paint is finalized this may be the nicest Macross helmet ever seen. I'd take one of those TV ones over the DYRL ones by Yamato any day.
  3. Anime related game. . . Nanaca+Crash From what I can tell. . . you hold down your mouse button to choose the angle, and keep holding until you get the power at max, then let go. As the poor guy flies through the air over all the anime characters, you can choose to have the girl on the bike teleport in and boost him again upwards (3 times) or downwards (once, but it recharges while he's high in the air) by pressing one of the buttons in the upper-left. Sorta fun. But extremely odd. My high score is 1930m. Poor guy was punted almost 2km! H
  4. Well, I have no problem with it. However. . .
  5. . . . and blind men with sticks.
  6. Sadly, this sounds like your average English Literature course at your average university.
  7. Even the Devil can quote scripture.
  8. I have to worry about a government that names its battle station the Death Star. "The Death Star plans are not in the main computer. . ." "where are the transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?"
  9. You've somehow switched yourself to outline view or something like that. Click the "Options" button in the upper-right of the thread and select "standard." Best, H
  10. I'd take Dina over Denise. Denise's nose looks. . . unnatural (and probably is). Not that she's not still stunning though by everyday standards. Having said that. . . the way people on the internet knock Hollywood-class beauty so casually is an endless source of amusement for me. Especially when you know that it's very likely that the person doing the knocking's own personal standards for "real life" women are probably much, much lower. Either that or they are very, very lonely while holding out for their own personal super-model that just happens to have a thing for dorky anime enthusiasts.
  11. There will be only one warning here. The political and/or religious discussion needs to stop now. Okey doke? Wait, don't answer that. Just stop.
  12. . . . well, if that qualifies as sci-fi, it's my nomination. That youtube clip sealed the deal.
  13. Yep. I had found it on IMDB. But the "poster image" threw me off the first time until I took a second, closer look. . . at first glance it looked like some weird pr0n. MEGAFORCE!
  14. Someone help me out here. . . I can't remember the title, or even the actors. But when I was a kid, I saw this movie that was terrible. It was sorta a "elite fighting force" movie and they rode around on motorcycles and other "futuristic" combat gear. At the end, one of the heros is left behind while the rest of them are flying away in a big transport aircraft (with the back left open). . . and the hero has to fly his motorcycle up and into the rear of the plane. I seem to recall a desert environment for that last scene and the actors were all tan surfer types and looked like they were the Bee Gees. They were wearing tan "space suit" like uniforms and their motorcycles looked like something rejected from the (original) Battlestar Galactica series. H
  15. July 11. And it was in bold back then too.
  16. They don't feel like Star Wars because they aren't. Star Wars was the story of a Civil War and the Rebels eventually coming out on top. Instrumental to this was the re-emergence of the last Jedi. The EU makes SW more like Star Trek. Especially the emergence of "alien" threats (uh, why is that scary in a galaxy crawling with all-different aliens). . . They're "episodic" rather than "epic" as the movies were (originally). SW originally had a beginning, a middle, and an end. And the characters were geared around that arc. To add intermindable further episodes to their arcs doesn't really work all that well. Of course, the same thing happened to the movies via the prequels. Rather than a civil war with a re-emergent Jedi, the movies retroactively became about the villain (Vader). . . and how he wasn't actually the villain but just a misunderstood guy who had something to do with every other major character in the original movies. Oh, and there's a civil war. I'd argue the books, like the prequels, explore characters and go into areas where the original movies do not. And the characters of the originals really don't stand up too well under that sort of "scrutiny" (or "stretching"), and the appealing tone of the originals are lost in the translation. H
  17. I realize that at times like this it's normal to want to reach out to the various communities in which people are involved. I'm sure that as a community, our hearts go out to those affected and their families. Having said that, with some trepedation, this thread is going to be locked. But I hope you, your loved ones, and those in your circle of friends are all okay.
  18. Please see this pinned topic: Link
  19. Though, to be precise, it's probably the case that MW's service provider's entire subnet is on Comcast's blacklist. They're not picking on MW specifically.
  20. I've confirmed DH's findings. Comcast is not in the ban list. So, I'd guess that the problem is one of these. . . 1. The MW server/provider's IP subnet has been banned by comcast's mail service because of possible abuse by other (not MW!) users/customers on that net. or 2. Comcast provides spam filtering for its customers and for some reason the filter hates (a)MW or (b)IPB activation emails in general. In which case, whitelisting macrossworld.com in your spam filter's settings is the best solution (if possibe). or 3. Much less plausible is this scenario: The attack on the server (over a year ago) was indeed perpetrated by a Comcast customer (though the IP might have been spoofed). It's possible that perhaps a filter was put in place at a lower level of the server to block the same subnet upon which Comcast runs its mail server. This is probably very unlikely, but perhaps worth mentioning. But either way, only Shawn would know about and/or be able to correct it. But it's so unlikely I'd hesitate to even mention it to him. I'll see if I can replicate the problem with my brother's email address. He's on comcast.
  21. That is correct. They are "faded". . . just as they were in the original/default IPB skin.
  22. I would like to go on record as saying that if you still don't want to buy this toy after seeing those latest images (above). . . then you are not a Macross fan. WOW! That thing looks ultra-posable. Unlike the old Toynami Super-posables that just bent the mold all up and said: "You can 'super' pose it this way. . . or this way. . . enjoy." As for TV vs Movie FAST Packs. . . I pride myself on not giving a crap. Would never notice unless it were pointed out to me. H
  23. Well, after I utterly failed at that fuselage design, I settled on the existing MN scheme. Which I've grown somewhat attached to now. But thanks! Best, H
  24. I'd have to tweak that so that part of it becomes "infinite" so that it stretches appropriately across the entire banner. But that's exactly what I wanted for MN a long time ago. Almost down to the tiniest detail. Neato! I worry though that the loss of the dark blue in the logo will cause the rest of the skin color scheme to sorta "fall apart" and lose cohesion. If at all possible, it would be good for any banners/logos to make use of that dark blue background so that it fits with the rest of the skin (and more importantly, the not-easily-changed buttons).
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