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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Quick Warning. . . Some overtly political material was deleted from this thread earlier this evening by a Moderator. Political discussions have always been forbidden on these forums. Please kindly knock it off. And, for the record, when another member points out a blatant and verifiable rules violation. . . the proper thing to do is to cease breaking the rule. . . not attempt to taunt the other member into also violating the same rule while demanding that a Moderator tell you to your face that you're breaking it. P.S. We've actually (for quite some time now) been in the process of updating and clarifying the entire MW Rules & Guidelines document. Expect it to be posted soon, and more prominently.
  2. The short answer is: No. Sorry.
  3. Absolutely nothing different. The inner boxes (etc.) and DVDs themselves are identical. The only thing different is the (very nice) outer box.
  4. Did you try the scene I specified? Again, we're not just making this up. Many people have noted this and documented it.
  5. I do have both versions. The Animeigo and the ADV. And, quite frankly, you are mistaken. At several points in the dub, the signature Macross sounds are replaced by "stock" sounds from generic American cartoons. This has been documented. If memory serves, one stark example is where the barrier system is about to overload. When Hikaru is shooting the gun emplacements on the Zentraedi ship, the sounds are clearly different. The ones on the ADV release are obviously replaced with a much more generic "pew pew pew" sound effect more reminiscent of G.I. Joe than Macross. And this is not an isolated incident. So, the ADV dub replaces sound effects and, quite frankly, I don't care for most of the voice acting. Both of which (one objective and one subjective) factors make it unacceptable to me. However, I would have still recommended the ADV version if their original Japanese soundtrack was decent. But there too the ADV release is inferior as its Japanese soundtrack has much more hiss and is quite a bit quiter. Because it is quiter, you have to turn it up farther, which only hilights the hiss even more. That's not a good situation. All of which adds up to: Animeigo FTW!
  6. If you like generic G.I. Joe sound effects in the english dub replacing the signature Macross sounds, then I guess all I can say is "to each their own."
  7. Having said that, I suspect this is a case of your IP changing while your cookie does not. The boards may need to create a cookie again for you when it sees the old one that was created under the old IP. I don't see this issue because my IP address from all of my locations stay relatively static. If those of you having this issue would be kind enough to note your IP address (not the one your router gives you but the one your router is given by your ISP), and then note the IP address again after you notice that you've been unexpectedly logged out, that would be helpful and possibly indicative of the problem. You can see your current (world routable) IP address (not your local one from router) by going to the following site: http://whatsmyip.org/
  8. It's at times like this that sometimes it's important to remember that a lot of people don't have any issues. . . I use MW from four different computers and three different ISP/networks. Two browsers (IE and Firefox). After noticing some oddness after the server move a few months back, I. . . Updated my bookmarks Cleared my cache Cleared my cookies . . . and I never had any trouble again. I'm logged in on each computer and I stay logged in on each computer. It's pretty clear that this problem is isolated to certain circumstances. So we need to try to isolate what those circumstances are. . . as it does not look like this is going to end up being a fix where a switch is thrown on our end. If we're going to keep discussing these issues, I strongly suggest we start posting details again regarding ISP, operating system, browser version, customized settings, and environmental variables (are you changing your IP? Moving from network to network?). Otherwise, this thread just becomes a series of: "Me too! Fix it!" posts that really don't serve a purpose. It's highly unlikely that "we" at MW can "fix" it as things seem to be working normally for the vast majority of users. Rather, we can merely help you isolate what's going on on your end of things that is causing MW to behave like this for you. Help us, help you!
  9. Animeigo. Definitely. Here's why Heh. I was writing it all over again when I remembered posting that on the Nexus. Snippet:
  10. Looks like there's still some links on the main page that link to www.macrossworld.com/forums as well. This might be still tripping people up. I'll PM Mechamaniac about changing them. If need be, I think I can dig out my password to the main site somewhere here in this mess. : )
  11. He (bsu) was being facetious (sarcastic).
  12. I don't think he's claiming nobody was aware of the Dam Buster influences. But even those familiar with the influences might still get a kick out of the clip. Wrong side of the bed?
  13. Please do let us know what your ISP says!
  14. I didn't say it wasn't great animation. I said it was jarring in its dissimilarity to the rest of DYRL. To me, it's like having Bugs Bunny appear at the end of a Transformers episode. And, honestly, I've just never been ga-ga over what that video offers. I don't really appreciate it as being an appropriate end to DYRL. I guess it's too "uplifting" for my tastes.
  15. You may need to adjust your television. I always considered Roy's TV flight suit to be grey.
  16. The Angel's Paint video always seemed extremely jarring to me. The animation style is so utterly different. . . it's not exactly seamless. And, well, it's not even that great, IMHO. I'd rather have had it just fade to black as it originally did.
  17. Okay, so consensus is that there is news about a remastered standard DVD release? Booyah! HD would be nice. But a remastered standard DVD is really great too. If they really did go back to the film and get a new master without all the interlacing problems, it'll make a big difference. If this pans out, I'll be thrilled that I didn't spend the hundreds of man-hours IVTC-ing this title by hand. How f'ing dumb would I be feeling right about now? Thanks for the info!
  18. This thread will live as long as I still draw breath! I've let my interest eb. . . but ever since I was addicted to Microprose's M1 Tank Platoon simulation circa 1990, I've always had a soft spot for the M1.
  19. I'll boycott anything with Paltrow. . . "Antony. . . oh, Antony. . ." Yes, that's right Warner Brothers! Tremble with fear! A boycott of one!
  20. And this is a bad thing? Let RT suffer the humiliating failure and leave Macross unscathed. Plus, the RT movie will probably make its way to Japan via WB's muscle (they might even take pains to leave out things that would make it too 'un-Macross-like' to Japanese audiences), and it may touch off a Macross renaissance over there, leading to more goodies for us over here.
  21. Ya know, as Macross rather than RT fans, I think we are uniquely situated to actually enjoy this film. We're already used to the idea that Macross has been bastardized and mangled. And many of us are already "over it" and no longer get worked up about it. So, while your average RT fanatic will be bitching and moaning about every little plot digression or alteration to their beloved "canon" (ironic considering the nature of that hacked-together franchise), we'll be just enjoying seeing live-action mecha mayhem. . . and smiling a bit at the apoplectic RT fans bulging forehead veins.
  22. So that is why I couldn't find it when I went back to look for it other "Other Anime." Moved. Thanks. H
  23. I've added some NSFW warnings. Nobody should interpret this as a lifting of the rule on content needing to be "family safe" around here. I'm just too lazy to really decide if they should be deleted or not or call for a discussion among the staff. So this is just a quick and easy fix. We don't want to have a meeting at the conference table every time someone posts a link to a semi-naked anime character in a suggestive pose. Personally, though, I probably wouldn't have posted that here.
  24. Which is, of course, a totally meaningless observation (by your friend, not you. Don't mean to single you out). People who are happy (or don't really care either way) are much less motivated to post anything. Whereas, there's always somebody ready to indignantly spew their righteous anger and crap all over something. By the standard of "pro vs con" message board posts, every computer game released in the last decade has been a major catastrophe.
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