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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. I wasn't aware that in order to bring something "new to the table" that the "something new" had to be corniness, morons as side-kicks, and humor aimed at eight-year-olds. Taking a look at the (bsu-acclaimed!) tank scene that "rivals the truck chase in Raiders". . . the part that ruins it for me (because I'm dead inside) is the multiple times in this scene alone that we take a break in the action to repeatedly demonstrate that everyone in the movie but Indy is a total f'ing idiot. Just about everything Sallah, Marcus Brodey, or Jones Sr. do in that scene reveals them to be complete morons. From the secret society (or college club) greeting in the tank, to Sallah with the camels, to the "pen is mightier than the sword" lameness. . . not to mention Indy knocking multiple people out with one punch. . . and shooting a pistol through 4-6 nazis at once (and then mugging for the camera). And, this is merely one scene. The rest of the movie is replete with this ass-hattery as well. That type of idiocy is totally lacking in Raiders. And, contrary to assertions that such idiocy was necessary to distinguish a sequel from its predecessors, I don't think you need to introduce idiot characters (or make pre-existing characters retroactively idiotic) in order to make an interesting sequel. Honestly, I blame Beverly Hills Cop. Yes. Yes I do. After that movie, Hollywood seemed to have decided that just about every film must have dollops of "humor" thrown in. But, as we've seen with just about every Lucas (and to a lesser extent Spielberg) vehicle since Raiders/Empire, when asked for "humor". . . they just introduce some characters who acts like idiots for "comic relief" or have people fall down a lot. . . and then the kiddies (young and old) squeel with glee. But since Bev Hills Cop predates RotJ, I suppose I have to also mention that this turn for Lucas began a bit early. . . apparently when he became a father and started making movies ("for the kids!"). . . leading to Marcus Brodey having a lobotomy, ewoks, Howard the Duck. . . and finally to Jar-Jar himself. No, the Indiana Jones films are not supposed to be "serious". . . Raiders is an adventure/action movie. But Raiders has no trace of corniness to it. There are no "Jar Jar" (or even "Short-Round") moments anywhere to be found in it (closest comes from a momentary glimpse of someone's face through the windshield during the truck chase). And I don't think it's accurate or even makes a lot of sense to say that the latter films needed to be more cheezy or hoaky to distinguish themselves. But, they sure were. As for the "chemistry" between Ford and Connery. . . I'd be more impressed with had I any real urge to see the dark anti-hero from Raiders and the Lost Ark spend two hours trying to impress his father and be repeatedly referred to as a "boy scout" (not to mention that for the opening sequence he is literally a boy scout). Silly me, I just wanted him to kill nazis and act like a bad-ass without a bunch of buffoons bopping around beside him. Ya know, like the first movie, but with some new twists rather than an entirely different sensibility and target audience. Having said all that, I used to think Temple of Doom was the worst of the three, until --on the advice of bsu (if memory serves)-- I re-watched it and changed my tune.
  2. Sorry, but that's already happened to this franchise. Have you watched Last Crusade as an adult? Most people I know who say that Last Crusade was their favorite (or even good) haven't seen it since they were fourteen. And upon watching it, they're amazed at how downright cheezy, hokey, and outright bad it is. Yet, the majesty that is Raiders will never fade.
  3. Well. Shawn's aware of the problem. He's made reference elsewhere to some type of dynamic firewall running on the server (at a level which I have no control) which may be contributing to or causing the problem. So, it's all in his hands. That's all I have.
  4. It's not an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray DVD, so it's pretty certain. It's a standard DVD (though Region 2). . . the only reason "HD" is being mention at all is because it was mastered from "HD source." Best, H
  5. I'm also sick of all those X-Wing toys. They really need to make more Naboo starfighters. (No, you can't have too many VF-1s.)
  6. And yet another sticky situation. . . It's only a matter of time before people demand "tracking" of how much has been donated. . . how the money has been spent. . . etc. Hey! Let's buy a valkryie for someone with the excess! Is there excess? Hey why not two!?! Can't we afford two? Why not? Where has the money gone? The next time there's a technical problem the questions will be: "We donated a lot of money, why can't we afford better service!?!" Plus there are tax considerations. As well as the aforementioned issues with members feeling entitled to certain things. . . Quite frankly, right now, Shawn & Graham don't owe anything to anybody. They probably want to keep it that way. That accepting donations might not technically or legally change that situation isn't really the point. The point is that it almost certainly will alter how some folks behave (rightly or wrongly), and will lead to complications. If they ever want donations, I'm sure Shawn and/or Graham will let everyone know. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
  7. IMHO, donations ruin many online communities. Soon, people want a "return" on their money. . . VIP areas. . . or special consideration when they are moderated. It's only a matter of time before someone says: "Hey! I donated $25 a couple months ago! I should be able to post about Rainbow Brite if I want!" How do you ban somebody who just donated $100? Or how about just $10? These are questions I think we'd just as soon not have to ever address. But all that's just my opinion. Not MW policy.
  8. Well, I wasn't able to handle the banner change since things have been crazy at work and I just became an uncle. But I guess it's okay for me to say that I was aware that something like this was in the works, but I had no direct involvement. Remember guys, though I'm in the Admin group, I'm not on the same level as Shawn or Graham (site owners). I'm just the click-monkey. Though, I wouldn't read too much into this. I think this is just a means of offsetting some of the hosting costs for MW. I'm far from an authority on this since I've really only gotten snippets of information while this was being worked out. . . but as far as I know, this is just a banner ad like any other banner ad on any other website. To the best of my knowledge, Yamato won't be "gently steering" anyone or anything any more than Toyota can steer the content of a site where they've placed their banner ad.
  9. Topic Title Fixed.
  10. Well, if that isn't an example of sheer marketing genius, I don't know what is! Clearly, they have listened to us here.
  11. It's more about when your ISP has updated their DNS server's entry, but your computer is working from its own locally cached entry. On a couple of occasions though, I've seen it clear things up in explicable ways. Can't hurt. Might help.
  12. Clear cache. Clear cookies. Delete MW bookmarks. go to windows command prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns Let us know how it turns out.
  13. This is due to the same cause as the registration email issue. It's being looked into. . . but requires participation from the site owners. I'm hoping to have them involved soon.
  14. Here's what was said at the time of the Minnesota Bridge Collapse: Seems appropriate here as well.
  15. Yes. This is important.
  16. Okay. . . have a theory. It's a low-level thing (meaning only someone with direct access to operating system of server can fix it). So. . . contacting Shawn. Fingers crossed. H
  17. I've checked around a bit. MW is actually on a reputable hosting service. And our IP doesn't appear in any block lists that I've found. Honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of manually registering folks (there's actually a lot of requests via MN). So, I'm going to look into this a bit more over the next few days. No promises though.
  18. Well, I'm not exactly sure how not allowing free email accounts makes a board "elitist." However, that's not actually the cause of the issue he's noticing. So, unforunately, he's jumped to an incorrect conclusion and then decided to cast aspersions on MW from a faulty premise. If we'd blocked free email accounts from registering, people would be notified of such when they typed in their email address (it would immediately turn red as you typed it). We don't block any of the free email domains. The current working theory is that when the Macross World hosting service was changed a few months ago, we were moved to a company that may have a habit of being black-listed by some ISPs. Therefore, registration emails don't get through to certain ISPs who have blocked access to our hosting provider. This is, of course, not because Macross World has ever done anything wrong. But because other people on the same network may have done so. In the meantime, I've been manually registering people who run into this problem via this procedure. But I don't think anyone's keen on asking Shawn to move to another provider again (assuming the theory above is correct) given how much of a hassle the prior move ended up being. Please pass this along to your friend! And thanks for helping out!
  19. Well, the rules a few years ago essentially read like a stream-of-consciousness blog post from the staff about all the different things that annoyed them. I think this is a bit more --as I said-- "kinder and gentler". . . but still effective.
  20. Heh! Good point. I'm leaving it that way!
  21. I'd interpret it as: We'd probably allow tranforming toys. Or some anime stuff. But I wouldn't post your toaster here, or your Playmobil collection.
  22. Well, just to be clear, we've always had a rules document. There's actually very little difference between these rules and the old ones (except for the expanded For Sale area). The newer ones are a bit more succinct, consolidated, and organized. They're also a bit "kinder and gentler" I think. And they're now posted where everyone can see them rather than buried in the "FeedbacK" section at the bottom of the forums. Over the last year or so, the old rules posting had been changed quite a bit. This just seemed like a good time to "start from scratch" and create a whole new document.
  23. So as not to muddy up the new Rules Post. . . here's a thread for any comments or suggestions. Please try to keep them constructive. This is not an offer to start including everyone's pet peeves in the rules. We don't want the inmates running the asylum. But if you seen something that was overlooked, or poorly explained. Please let us know below. Please also note that these rules were worked on by several (all?) members of the Macross World Staff.
  24. Section I: Prohibited Behavior and Actions No religious or political debates. No graphic or vulgar descriptions/depictions of sex or sexual content. No threats of violence, harassment or the doing of harm to others, their property, or their interests. Personal Attacks/Flaming. Having an argument with another member is allowed. Substantively criticizing or analyzing the opinions, views, or statements of another member is acceptable. However, criticizing another member as a person for whatever views they may hold is not acceptable. Please discuss arguments, not each other. Racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discrimination will not be tolerated. Spamming & Non-constructive posts. The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of what may be considered spamming and will be deleted without warning: Commercial or unsolicited (standard) spam, advertisements, and self-promotion with the intention of making revenue off of clicks, affiliate links, advertisements, or products. Creating a new topic in order to draw attention to another topic. Responding to a post in another topic by creating a new topic. Creating several new topics at once. If you have multiple questions, please group them under one topic. For Q&A, look for "newbie" threads. Making short or non-nonsensical responses or threads in order to increase your post count/solution count/reputation farming (ex. "FIRST!"-type posts). Posting solely of content (videos, memes or similar images, etc) without contributing to the discussion. Cross-universe "Versus" topics. Cross-posts (posting the same thing in 2 different threads). Kanye West Posts generated by AI. Topic Bumping. Please do not "bump" your thread excessively. If nobody is responding to your thread, it may be because nobody is interested rather than people not seeing it. Though some bumping will be allowed sporadically (once per day), excessive bumping (several times per day) is not permitted. Private Communication Via Public Forums. The forums are not a substitute for email or instant messenger. Please use the board's private messenger function or email for direct contact with members. Bandwidth Stealing. Please do not post an image here in our forums only to then link to it from other websites or forums. Avatars - Size Limitations. Avatars must be no larger than 200Kb. Resolution should be 128x128. For optimal appearance, you should resize your avatar before uploading it. Though the forum software will scale a larger image to 128x128, it will not look as good as it would were you to upload a pre-sized image. Animated avatars are allowed provided that their content does not violate any Macross World forum usage rules or guidelines. Signatures - No Images. Signatures must be limited to text only. No images are allowed in signatures. Text signatures should be no taller than eight lines of standard-sized text. Poll Spamming. Please do not post several polls at once. If there are already two polls visible and underway in a forum, please wait until they fall off the first page before making a new one. During periods of heightened activity, polls may be automatically closed after two weeks. Non-Descriptive Topic/Click-bait Titles. Please do not create topics with non-descriptive or misleading titles. Forum staff may rename topics with inappropriate titles. Multiple Accounts. Users may only have one account on Macross World. Registering more than one account for the purpose of posting while posing as someone other than yourself (original account) is prohibited. If you do not remember your old account or wish to rename your account, please contact administration. Copyrights and Trademarks - Fan art and Reproduction of original casts/molds Discussions pertaining to direct listings, sales, resales, trades, auctions, raffles/lotteries or direct web links to offsite listings, sales, resales, trades, auctions, raffles/lotteries of any recasted items or parts of items without consent of those product originators are not allowed on Macross World. Macross World is not associated or liable for any user-generated artwork or original custom items or parts. Copyrights and Trademarks - File sharing and Streaming links File sharing and streaming links, discussion of file sharing or non-official media streaming are not allowed on this website. MacrossWorld.com is NOT a file sharing nor a media streaming website. Please go elsewhere. Spoiler policy Discussions detailing story or character plots prior to release date MUST use spoiler tags. 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But, that does not necessarily mean that "Megaforce" is entitled to its own thread in the "Anime or Science-Fiction" section. The staff reserves the right to delete and/or lock topics that are deemed to be off-topic at their sole discretion. Section III: Robotech Robotech may be discussed only as it relates to Macross. We do not want this forum to be another Robotech site. Macross World and its forums are dedicated to the original Japanese vision of Macross before Robotech changed so many aspects of it. Please do not just come here to attack or to defend Robotech or things related to it. Section IV: The For Sale and Trade Section Disclaimer - Buy, Sell, and Trade At Your Own Risk! These forums are provided to facilitate communication between private, independent parties that are interested in buying, selling, or trading Macross (and similar) merchandise. 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  25. I'd ask for a "Signature Edition" line of 1/48 VF-1s. Maybe just Hikaru (VF-1S) and Roy (VF-1S). . . same mold even. . . but with all the bigger stickers replaced with tampo printing or painted instead (especially all "U.N. SPACY" stickers). A pipe dream? Probably. But I'd buy them in a second! I'll never be over the VF-1. Though I know some here have said they are.
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