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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Howdy, First of all. . . these new boards rock. They rock so much that it seems a shame that we have to taint their coolness by allowing the old boards to exist at all. That being said, however. . . Any link on the old boards that points to any other post on the old boards is now broken. They are absolute links. . . so they didn't survive the change in the old board's URL. Because the new boards are located at root/mwf/, can't the archive/old boards be moved back to their original location? (root/cgi-bin/) I mentioned this before any of the moving was done. But I'm sure you guys are overwhelmed by feedback and problems. I wonder if perhaps a "virtual directory"-type pointer might also be used to fix the problem. Or, hell, just tear down the old stuff. I used to think they'd be cool to have. . . but now I'm not so sure. The old stuff sorta detracts from the coolness of the new. IMHO. Thanks!
  2. I doubt Yamato would dare try to make this into a toy. After all, it has hands. Hands! And we all know that if the hands don't look perfect. . . the entire toy then sucks.
  3. Yeah, I gotta agree here. We had such a thread on the older forums. . . and nobody is forcing anyone to read a thread! Just because some people don't have broadband or have a bad route to these servers shouldn't mean that threads like the "show your collection" thread should be arbitrarily deleted/locked. Seems pretty, well, selfish to say "If I can't see these. . . nobody will!" Best Regards,
  4. I've heard a few times here (old boards), that the voice actor for Hikaru has passed away. That's a shame. . . and obviously not just for reasons related to Macross. But, if it's not too ghoulish, I was wondering if there is any further information on how he died. Natural causes? Heart attack? Thanks!
  5. 1/48 = 6 1/60 = 4
  6. Hurin

    Meeting with yamato

    Well, while I think panel lines would look cool. . . at least my existing valks won't seem to plain now next to the newer ones. Then again, they're already re-releasing the Hikaru 1A (with 1S head of course). So, were that to have panel lines, then they'd only need to figure out a reason to re-release the Roy and Max. . . and like the sap I am, I'd buy them if they had panel lines and all the improvements of the Low-vis and Max. H
  7. I think it's working now because I just uploaded mine. . . and it is displaying correctly.
  8. I wonder if there is a setting to keep one large image from screwing up the text wrapping for every post in the thread. Though, I have to say, that the large image causing the problem above is actually appreciated. It's now my new desktop.
  9. Hurin


    For some reason, these models remind me of Strong Bad.
  10. crap. Nevermind. I didn't read closely enough. The link is above! Is there an archive of these anywhere? I would love to get my hands on these for decaling my 1/48s! I don't want to take the 1/48s' sticker sheets out of their bags. . . and I'm using the (superb) TakaToys custom stickers. So these would really help! Thanks! Hurin
  11. My valkyrie does all these crazy things. . . like it transforms into a robot. And then sometimes, if I get really confused while trying to fix it, it turns into this half-bird, half-robot thing. HELP! H P.S. Hopefully we can have this thread point back to the archived thread when it is available on Friday?
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