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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. How about a "both" choice? H
  2. I always assumed the re-release Roy would have all the latter valk fixes. But, just for the record, we don't know for sure that the re-issue Roys will use the newer parts from the Max and Low-Vis. Personally, I think it will use the improved parts. But we don't know this for certain. Just FYI. Best Regards, H
  3. I'm just disappointed that nobody got the "purple monkey, dishwasher" reference. Or, if they did, they gave no indication. H
  4. Hurin

    Newbie Question

    Hudson, First. . . that was pretty impressive of you to have all that correct information. If more newbies were like you, we wouldn't have so many embittered old vets around here. Second. . . buy a 1/48 VF-1 in your favorite color/character. Though, if you're thinking of getting a Roy VF-1S, you might want to wait until the reported re-release comes out in October (hopefully). Many of us are assuming that it will have all the improvements of the latter two valks (correctly printed skulls on the tail stabilizers, nose-cone and flaps are more securely attached, etc.). There are also reports (that are even less-well confirmed) that the Hikaru 1A will also be re-released. Again, hopefully with improvements. Third. . . welcome to Macross World! Best Regards, Hurin
  5. Actually, there are almost no markings on the SDF Macross valks. I don't even think U.N. Spacy appears on the gun barrel and legs in the TV series. Though, for aesthetic purposes, they were added to the toys and "off-show" artwork. So, if you're going to put U.N. Spacy on the legs and gunpod, might as well put 'em all on. H P.S. Could be wrong about any of that. But I think I remember reading about all this somewhere and for the life of me can't remember ever actually seeing U.N. Spacy on the gunpod during the TV series itself.
  6. I think the Roy 1S re-issue is pretty well confirmed. But the only reference I've seen to a Hikaru 1A re-issue is the Yamato newsletter that nobody has actually confirmed by saying: "I read Japanese, and here is exactly what it says." It would seem odd to me that they would release the Hikaru 1A and 1S so close together. Not saying it insn't happening. Just saying that nothing is certain right now. Or is it? H
  7. Help me! The sickness has got me! I just got one at the clearance page for $122, shipped. I did this even though I know that they are re-releasing the Roy 1S (hopefully improved!). I did this even though I have one sitting on my bookcase at home right now! I did this even though I still don't have a Low-vis or a Max. I need help. H
  8. Man, that animenation sale is so tempting. But I guess I'll wait for the re-issue in hopes getting a Roy with all the improvements that were implemented for the Max and Low-Vis. H P.S. I hope TMP Anime is going on something other than that newsletter.
  9. Any confirmation about the "re-issuing" of the 1S and the 1A Hikaru? I'm considering getting the 1S again since I modified my first so heavily. But I'm not sure if I should buy now or wait for this rumored re-release. Thanks! H
  10. I though it might be a case of "negative" flipping as well. But then my brain started to hurt when I wondered if it would really cause the 011 to become 110. But, after reading your post, I fought my way through the pain and came to the conclusion that it probably was indeed just a flipped negative. Or whatever the animation/digital/non-film equivalent is. H
  11. Shame on you Graham!
  12. Of course! My mistake! H
  13. No, I mean, you see both 011 and 110 during just that opening sequence. H
  14. Because every time I walk by my bookcase and see the yellow of Roy's chestplate, and the sublime lines of the VF-1 in fighter mode. . . I just get a wonderful feeling of being a twelve-year-old kid again, rooting for Rick (sorry) to get Minmay. . . and watching in melancholy fascination as a world is destroyed and people struggle to carry on in the face of such terrible events. I also get that overwhelming feeling of bittersweet emotion over the wonderful ending of the story, and how sad I was as a child when I realized that there would be no more Macross saga. Bastardized as it was, Robotech was a far cry from insta-parachute G.I. Joe and/or Transformers where kids are treated like idiots and wars that go on for years never produce even one death. Macross was my very favorite story as a kid (possibly second only to Star Wars before Lucas trashed it). Seeing these toys now. . . they just feel like. . . home. H
  15. Was just watching a digital version of the DYRL Game Opening Sequence (you can get it on DVD on the Anniversery DVD available at Valk Exchange I think). Looks like, just before launching, they screwed up on the number for Hikaru's VF-1A. It is 011 in most shots, but for the side-shot just before he is catapulted off the carrier, it definitely appears as 110. Yes, nit-picky. . . but it just goes to show that it's not only AnimeFriend. H
  16. Howdy WM Cheng, With your modeling skills, I'm sure you would have absolutely no problems doing the "gap reduction" operation. Of course, you'd risk loosening the landing gear. But, you don't seem to be the sort of person who will be rolling this thing along too much. I personally can't wait to get my FAST packs so I can confirm that my landing gears didn't loosen so much that they won't be able to support the FAST packs' (reportedly) immense weight. Though, I don't anticipate a problem, I've applied a lot of downward pressure on the backpack and it stay just fine. Rolling it, that's another matter. Though, actually, I've heard that some people have trouble with the front gear collapsing while rolling even though they've never modified anything. So, in your case, you might want to consider giving it a try. I have some digital pictures still in my camera that I was going to post to my thread on the procedure. Let me know if you'd like to see them. I gave up on posting them when I re-thought the utility of the operation. Best Regards, H
  17. I recall Graham saying there would be an SDF-1. . . but for the life of me, I can't find where he said that it would be the last Macross toy that Yamato produces. Sounds like the "telephone game" has taken over. Purple monkey, dish-washer. H
  18. Who's to say he didn't?
  19. Hurin

    VF-4 Lighting

    Can some valk expert list the valks on that scale chart in order for those of us who are post-TV-DYRL-challenged? Here are my guesses VF-1 (DYRL-SDF Macross) VF-4 (Flashback 2012) ??? VF-11 (Macross Plus) ??? VF-19 (Macross Plus) VF-21 (Macross Plus) Thanks! H
  20. Mine falls off too on my 1S. My 1A's is tight. Never really occured to me to get upset about it. Anyways, I'd try the "gentle-squeeze" trick. . . see if you can make it stay a little better. Otherwise, I'd remove it, and keep it in a safe place so it doesn't get lost. I doubt you'll ever really miss it once removed.
  21. Hurin

    1/48 VF-1 Decals?

    Valkyrie Exchange has TakaToys stickers again http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com/Yamato/14...ecals_set2.html Woops! You can't add them to your cart from that link, but you can add them from the list of "transforming toys" at the Online Store.
  22. Hurin

    Macross Figures

    The Ishtar figure is now spoken for. . . Thanks, H
  23. Hurin

    Macross Figures

    Sorry guys, I haven't decided to part with the Minmay doll yet. I'll let you know if I do. I've already gotten four PMs about it. H
  24. Hurin

    Macross Figures

    I ordered one set from Valk Exchange. And sure enough. . . here is the order: Minmay (Normal hair) Hikaru (Normal Hair) Ishtar (Normal Hair) Mylene (Normal Hair) Minmay Doll I don't want/need Ishtar or Mylene. I may even part with the Minmay Doll. Anyways, for Mylene and Ishtar, I'd gladly accept $10 each, shipped. Just PM me if you want 'em. I just wanted Hikaru and Minmay. H
  25. Just one quick point: For all we know, those pills might have been nothing more than valuum or other normal Macross-era "downer" equivalent to calm his nerves. The doctor says that "somehow" he is controlling the violent impulses. But that "somehow" doesn't necessarily mean he's using strange or rare medications. If I was known to have a knee injury, but continued to play basketball on it. Yet I didn't tell my doctor how I was able to do so. . . he might say: "Hurin has somehow managed the pain in his knee." I'm sure he wouldn't be thinking of some futuristic pill or surgery. For all he knows it could be anything from yoga stretches to a new knee brace or a ton of Advil. Just nit-picky point. But one worth making, I think. H
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