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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. 1. The "photo album" ending. . . 2. Hikaru and Misa running into each other's arms in the bowels of Alaska Base. 3. The image of the dead Zentraedi pilot, clutching a Minmei doll in his skeletal hand, forever waiting for "culture" in the shadow of his downed fighter pod. . .
  2. I think it was either $20 or $35. I was expecting $50-75. But, I won't be too happy until the person reports that they have received it, in good condition, and is happy. H
  3. Hey WM, how about a few words about your photography technique. I've got a digital camera. But obviously. . . both its capabilities and my skills are lacking. . . How do you get such clear, detailed, close-up pictures!?! Thanks! Hurin
  4. Hurin

    First Valk

    I think 1/55s are good for nostalgia's sake. . . and if you were buying a toy for a kid (because of their durability). But, honestly, if I could somehow remove the nostalgia from my eyes (which is impossible), I think I would probably look at a Bandai "chunky monkey" and say: "bleh, why would anyone buy these when Yamatos are available." But, now we're getting into a classic Yamato vs Bandai debate which as been done to death elsewhere. Lets keep in mind here though that this guy seems to have no nostalgic attachment to any of the older toys. . . and I think that is really Bandais strongest selling point to those of us who've been around for a while. Regarding durability. . . if you're still the sort of person who plays with your toys, I'd go with Bandai I guess. But if you're the type who might transform it a few times a month, and then stare at it admiringly (and perhaps wave it about in the air while making swooshing sounds). . . then Yamato is your best bet. Just one man's opinion. H
  5. Hurin

    First Valk

    Welcome to Macross World. 1. If you can afford it ($120-165 shipped depending on where you find one), I think most would recommend a 1/48-scale Yamato VF-1. Which one depends on your favorite valk. Currently, there are the following 1/48 valks available as of late September: VF-1A Hikaru (now rare and expensive, but more are being produced. . . presumably with minor quality issues fixed.) VF-1S Roy (somewhat rare. Again, more being released in the next month or two. . . presumably with fixes.) VF-1A Max (Readily availabe. This one was the first to have QC issues fixed) VF-1A Low-Vis (Limited release and rare/expensive. Non-canon paint-scheme which never appeared in any anime so far.) Coming soon (in next two months hopefully): VF-1S Hikaru (red, DRYL paint-scheme) VF-1J Hikaru (TV scheme) Most here would recommend also picking up a set of FAST Packs for any 1/48 Valk you get. They really make an already superb rendition of the Macross VF-1 shine even brighter. Though, demand for the FAST Packs far out-stripped supply. . . so they will be hard to get for the next month or so. . . A good place to see great pictures of a lot of Macross toys is SuperJaw Toys. Two great places to purchase Valks: Valkyrie Exchange Twin Moons Anime Or, of course, you can scavenge Ebay. Here is a good overview (by Lebhead) of the differences between the various types of valkyrie toys. Finally, take a look at the toys area of Lebhead's Protoculture site. Uh, I think I'm out of info now. Brain dump complete. . . Oh, someone will probably mention this, so I might as well do it nicely now. . . I think images in your signature are frowned upon. Welcome Aboard! H
  6. I'm with ya there. I couldn't believe it either. It really jumped there at the end. Of course, I'm not complaining! H
  7. Don't know what is recommended, but I asked this question above and WM said that in this particular case, he applied the decals without first laying down a layer of clear-coat. I think, however, that this is the exception rather than the rule and he was just excited and impatient. Best Regards, H
  8. I don't think it's supposed to be readily apparent to us. . . for two reasons: 1. They just wanted to get the point across that we appear primitive (at least in warfare) to the Zentraedi. 2. From our perspective (as humans), watching us fight the Zentraedi doesn't look primitive or lame. . . but from the Zentraedi perspective, just the fact that they do obliterate the ARMDs and the rest of the fleet despite our best efforts demonstrates a total lack of space-warfare sophistication on humanity's part. In other words, as a master tactition, he's noticing nuances of our tactics that aren't visible to us at all because we are both ignorant of such nuances and oblivious to how space-warfare should be done in the Zentraedi rule book. And, of course, we didn't see everything that was happening during that battle. He may have been referring to stuff not actually shown on screen. H
  9. Could just be me, but I assume there will be some indication on the box (part # or SKU) that this is a different release. Not doing so would create just as many issues for Yamato as it would us and our sellers.
  10. Old crooked-skull 1/48s = FAST Pack candidates. New correctly-applied skull 1/48s = No FAST Packs! I'll just put the FAST Packs on my old ones to hide the crooked skulls, and buy some new ones to proudly display the "good" skulls. They got the skulls right on the low-vis. . . so hopefully they've learned how to apply them straight by now. H
  11. Check out the models forum for hints on panel-lining.
  12. Wow! Feel better man! H
  13. Wow. . . sorta makes my attempt at stickering pale in comparison (though I still think Takatoys are the best option for those not talented/patient enough for water-slide). Question though. . . you mention laying down glossy black on the tailfins (to hide the original skulls). Did you put down a gloss coat or anything else before putting on the rest (I'm especially interested in the UN SPACY on the legs). Hope you can provide some info! Wonderful work man! Thanks! H
  14. Finally got mine after a long, hurrican-prolonged, UPS ground journey from Florida (to the west coast). . . Wow! For all that traveling, the box is still in perfect shape. This will be my "mint/never opened" original release Roy. So, a good box was a big deal for me. I'll buy my valks from Kevin at Valkyrie Exchange whenever I can. But, I must say that AnimeNation is a good second choice (along with TMP Anime of course!). Very nice packaging and a perfect valk (box, at least, I'm not opening it). Now, to fight off the urge to get an improved one when they are released! Best Regards, H
  15. I'd like to see a mass-released CF 1A but with a limited release 1J variant. H
  16. Well, if we were to go with that screengrab, we'd have to make the gunpod as big around as the battroid's leg! BTW, where is that screen grab from? It rocks! I don't think we can go to a cel from the show and say: There, that's how it should look. The people drawing the show took just as many liberties with the line art as Yamato has when their artistic sensibilities dictated that they should do so. H
  17. Okay. . . not to sound like one of my favorite moderators here. . . But geez guys! How anal can ya get!?! They're hands! I mean, it never occured to me that the hands might not be perfect until people started ranting about them a few months ago. Which brings up an interesting question. . . how long after the release of the first 1/48 did people start really complaining about the hands? I could be wrong, but it seems like people only started really complaining about the hands after the other major issues were fixed with the release of the Max and Low-vis. But I could be wrong. It just seems so very, very nit-picky. I wish they would grip the gunpod better. . . but I think they look fine. . . especially since they need to fold into the forearms. No offense intended here guys. My tongue is planted firmly in my cheek. I realize that we all want our valks to be as close to perfect as possible. . . but let's show some perspective here! Best Regards, Hurin
  18. That had me wondering too. But someone set me straight just as Azrael has done. You can relax. No liner notes for the last DVD. H
  19. If our real, present-day militaries could come up with a indominatable air-superiority fighter that could also land on the ground and become an all-terrain, super-fast, maneuverable, and devastatingly powerful armored weapons systems, don't think that they wouldn't jump at the chance! H
  20. Well, sorry, but I had to go with the 1/48 choice. I've pretty much decided to abandon the 1/60 line after only buying about four. . . and I'd love to have some destroids to pose with my 1/48 valks. But, that's the way this works, vote for what you want. . . Best Regards, H
  21. Hurin

    1/48 decals

    Anasazi37 makes custom water-slide decals of all kinds for various Macross models and toys. Check out this thread. I think he's out of stock right now though, as there appeared to be a deadline for ordering the last batch. Best Regards, Hurin
  22. Sweet merciful crap, dude! Who pissed in your cornflakes? I thought it wasy funny/interesting/curious, I posted it. . . and others went off on long diatribes and fanciful conjecture as to why the number was wrong. The tongue-smiley and the light tone of the original post should have made it clear to you that this was all in fun. And. . . apparently quite a few people found it interesting as well considering the number of replies (which put a lot more thought and effort into the topic than I ever did!). I was just the person who pointed it out. Other than that, I barely said a word. But, uh, thanks for coming by and just spouting off about how lame we all are. Much appreciated. I'll be sure to think to myself: "Will max enjoy this topic?" before I post again. H
  23. Or, in typical fighter-jock-bravado-style, he just figured: "It's just a scratch. . . i'm going to get laid!" Which, to my mind, is more the Foker style.
  24. Hehe. Glad you liked. Use away! Man, forgot I posted to this thread. Coming back now, it ooks like you really stirred up a hornet's nest. Best Regards, H
  25. Yamato had said that they're gonna do a DYRL version of the Macross, but it's on the backburner due to other projects. <_< Rumor-patrol: Check out this post from Graham: A Yamato SDF-1 Macross is not confirmed. Best Regards, H
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