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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Uh, I was saving everyone even more reading. That's what the dots there mean. . . . "There was more. . ." In case you weren't aware, what you originally wrote was still there. Yes, it's all a vast conspiracy and cover-up. Sheesh. For the record, just because I don't quote something back to you, doesn't mean I didn't read it. Since when is it a personal attack to analyze what you said about capitalizm and prices? Touchy? Every time a FAST pack is sold, it is profit on top of the revenue from the valkyrie. They don't need to sell 1 FAST Pack for every valkyrie to make a profit on how they decided to distribute valkyries. However, if they demanded all valkyries be bought with FAST Packs, that would put the price so high as to probably negatively affect demand. . . which is why they give us the option with the Hikaru 1J. Who's willfully mis-interpreting things now!?! Read it again bud. I'm saying the exact opposite. If you don't see any surge in the interest in 1/48 valks since the FAST Packs were released, I can't help you. Yeah, but I sure wouldn't pull a "Skull-1" and come in here pissing an moaning. . . calling people fools, and basically playing the victim. I'd just say: "Hmmm, too rich for my blood. Those of you who can afford it are lucky. Yamato, I wish you'd find a way to lower the price." That is hardly what Skull-1 and his ilk do. . . And that point is!?! BTW, if I didn't get to be a smart-ass and have fun with this. . . I wouldn't even bother with you. Oh my god! You got me by ten whole dollars by not counting shipping. Congratulations! You win! All my arguments have crumbled to dust. Why must life be so cruel!?! You may now do your happy dance. . . Again, your point? I was pointing out that we're all used to having detachable FAST packs. How does the 1/48s having better detailing than the 1/55s make me suddenly feel that it's okay for them to permanently attach the FAST Packs. That makes no sense. For the life of me, I can't make any sense of this. . . Congratulations. You've learned to be frugal with your money. Now, don't come in here pulling a Skull-1, and we won't have to have any more conversations like this, will we? Oh. I wasn't aware that each thread must be self-contained in its own little universe. So, if I profess to be a Stalinist in another thread, should that not have any bearing on what I say here? When Skull-1's posts are filled with factual innaccuracies, bad logic, assumptions with no evidence, inflammatory language towards Yamato and fellow MWers, I will point it out. It is also perfectly reasonable to point out that these types of posts are part of a pattern. For some reason, you've chosen to hitch your wagon to this guy's star. Good luck with that. Well, other than a few nit-picks and some wilfull misunderstanding on your part, I think what I wrote stood up pretty well. Nothing you wrote in that last response makes Selling seperate FAST Packs seem in any way similar to selling valk heads seperately. Apples and oranges. . . So, with that, I'm gonna hope we can let this go. I type fast, but my hand is killing me from too much computer gaming tonight. H
  2. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    All that horrible "languishing on the shelves." A real tragedy.
  3. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Sweet merciful crap! There is so much wrong here I don't even know where to begin. . . Hmmmm. . . bashing capitalism There is an implicit criticizm of capitalism there. . . overpricing You're the one talking about the FAST Packs being a rip-off. How is calling something a rip-off not a complaint about price?!? Well, you seem to think you did. . . but let's see. . . Oh dear lord. Do you actually believe that?!? Selling heads will cause them to sell fewer valks for a minimal profit to Yamato. If anything, it would lower profits. Because, for each head they sell, that's possibly one fewer valk that they would sell. Whereas, the FAST Packs are always profit on top of a valk sale. To say that selling seperate heads and selling seperate FAST Packs are the "exact same thing" is ludicrous. One makes it so that they will almost definitely sell fewer valks. The other actually encourages the purchase of more valks while adding revenue to the company through the sale of the FAST Packs themselves! In other words, the results for Yamato couldn't be more different. The only way it would make sense for Yamato to sell valkyrie heads would be if they could price them so that the income from the heads would outweigh the loss of revenue from not being able to sell a Hikaru 1S, etc. And, that would be a mighty expensive head. So expensive that I don't think it would be feasible. As I said before, at that point, you'd all be complaining about the price of the head, anyways. So why not just stick with the whining we've got. And, of course, word is that Big West nixed the whole "seperate heads" thing. . . so it's all moot. Not that I think Yamato would have done it even had it been possible. It just doesn't make good business sense. Oh no, not one!!! As for everyone dealing with it rather than being happy. . . that's exactly what Yamato wants. A company wants to split the difference in price. . . so that you're neither thrilled, nor pissed. Yamato doesn't want you thrilled that you payed an incredibly low price. . . they want you to pay as much as they can get out of you, while not quite hating Yamato for it. This is Business 101, my friend. I don't even know what to say here. You think people wouldn't hate Yamato for permanently affixing the FAST Packs to 1/48s and selling them like that? I'm sorry, we'd all hate it. Yamato knows we'd hate it. . . and that is why they didn't do it. As I said, they want to maximize profits without totally alienating their customers. Doing something as stupid as not offering the 1/48 FAST Packs as a seperate kit would be just the sort of thing to alienate many. It's not good business, and they know that. Which, is, of course, why they didn't do it. Somehow, because you inexplicably believe that the "seperate" head concept is exactly the same, you think this is somehow conceding a point. But, well, it isn't. For more on why most of us would hate permanently affixed FAST Packs, see below ("Bandai spoiled us. . ") Again, that's just not true. I'm not sure you're aware of this, but when I buy another valk, I can actually get to stand that valk next to the other ones. . . and then there are. . . wait for it. . . multiple valks. I can have Hikaru next to Roy! What would make a Macross geek happier. To say that people are buying the valk "for nothing more than the head" is just simplistic. Yes, there are some who don't see the point in having each valk side-by-side. But I think most people who buy multiple valks are happy to have an entirely new one to set by their existing ones. First, you're repeating yourself and I've addressed the "double-standard" accusation above. And, uh, they do cost $200 after shipping. Do the math. Not that I would expect you to know, having never actually owned one. Yes, because, as I said above, when I took the Roy out of its box, the rest of it magically disintegrated. . . leaving me with nothing more than a head and a few yellow stripes of paint. Which, by the way, are terribly difficult to keep from staining the furniture. Nope. Bandai spoiled me. I always want my valks to have removable FAST Packs. And, I think the vast majority of Macross fans feel the same way. Which is just another reason why Yamato was smart to do it the way they did and not ostracize their customers. The idea of permanently attached FAST Packs on an otherwise totally poseable and transformable toy is just ridiculous. And, again, Business 101. Supply and demand are affected by price. As price goes up, demand decreases. The trick is to find the "sweet spot." To force people to not only purchase the FAST Packs, but to have them permanently attached, that would lower demand for two reasons. (1) Price. (2) Stupid design. Which, of course, is why Yamato makes them removable and sells them seperately. Okay, first, for a guy who's never owned a 1/48, you've got a lot of opinions about the relative value of their various models and accessories. As for "beating down" a guy who is expressing his opinion. . . please see the other thread as well as this one. Skull-1 doesn't just express an opinion. He attacks Yamato, makes unfounded assertions, and in some instances him and some of those who agree with him go so far as to call those who like Yamato's products idiots or fools. Am I going to point out the flaws in their logic, one-sided views, and general self-victimization "whoah is me" syndrome. You betcha. Well, sorry you're offended to have your own words scrutinized. But, if you don't want your views on product pricing and capitalism to be scrutinized, perhaps you had better not write about them. You first. H
  4. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Ah, Goku. . . your last post reminding me of this. . . You keep coming back to how things are overpriced. . . which together with this comment, leads me to believe that you have a problem with free markets (the non-socialist word for capitalism). Well, before you start bashing capitalism, I suggest you consider that in a purely socialist and/or communist state, there would be no Macross toys. Indeed, there would be no Macross. In a non-free market, where all means of production are owned by the state, can you imagined the "Peope's Committee for Resource Distribution" deciding to set aside resources for transforming robotic toys? Much less funding the development of a television series starring futuristic robots? It doesn't happen. Because, of course, they are too busy distributing the meager amounts of food and material that such economies produce "fairly". . . so that, of course, everyone is equally poor. Woohoo! Let's bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator and call it "fairness." But that's a topic for another forum. Let's bring it back to Macross. . . Yamato will do what makes the most business sense. That means maximizing profits while not completely alienating the customer-base. Had they molded the FAST Packs onto the valks themselves and demanded we buy another one for $200, I know I wouldn't have bought one. They know this, so they didn't do it that way (and indeed, planned all along to have FAST Pack accessories sold seperately). If they thought the consumer would have stood for it, they would have done it. But the market has a way of balancing things out. Keep in mind, the cost of producing something has no bearing on the price of an item. The price is determined by what the market is willing to pay! In this case, the middle-ground was found as being non-swappable heads and seperate FAST Packs. You think that not selling the heads seperately is ridiculous, but they know that enough people will buy the complete valk with the 1S head anyways, and they'll make more money doing that than selling the heads themselves. So what makes the most sense for them to do? Again, what you think is fair --though it plays a role (in the aggregate) in determining price and product selection-- isn't the most important thing in a free market system. Having your obviously strong feelings on the matter so blithely ignored by Yamato is the price you pay for living in a system that actually allows you the choice of having Macross toys. H
  5. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Wow, so many assumptions: "tack on?" I suggest you look at the amount of detail, stenciled lettering, the weight, and the "square footage (inch-age?)" of material used for the FAST Packs. . . do you even own any? These things are more detailed, heavier, and substantial than the valks themselves! Again, who says the FAST Packs are a rip-off?!? Well, besides you, I mean. Have you taken the covers off the armor?!? There is much more detail and quality in these things than the valks themselves! So, to be honest, I'm really not sure what the heck you're talking about. In my experience, almost everyone who has bought the FAST Packs love 'em. I don't feel ripped off. Considering they are so detailed and use almost as much material as a valk, I think half the price of a valk (less actually) is just fine. So, do you also think the valks are over-priced?!? Is anything Yamato does worth the money to you? If not, I've got a fair suggestion, don't buy 'em. Can you imagine what people like you would say if they started selling only the heads for $25!?! Talk about a rip off! There would be a virtual riot here! It would take mere seconds for someone to write: "That head only takes $2 tops to manufacture! The greed! The greed!" Repeating the same myth over and over again doesn't make it true. Monkey-N makes one post about how he doesn't think Macross is a hot property in Japan anymore. . . and suddenly the sky is falling and valks are "languishing on the shelves." News flash: The VF-1S Roy sold out. . . the VF-1A Hukaru sold out. . . the Low-Vis sold out. . . the Max 1A uh. . . didn't sell out, and I don't even have one of those. . . so I guess I'm pretty representative of the market, cuz it just didn't excite me. Hey wait, maybe I should have come here and started bitching and moaning that they shouldn't make a Max cuz dammit, it's just so unfair! And, even if there were 1As, and 1Ss "languishing" on the shelves. . . that is not necessarily a bad thing. I see the same darn toys every time I visit KB, and I don't immediately think that all those manufacturers must be going out of business! My God! Look! Those Spider-Man 12" figures are languishing!. . . languishing I tell you! H
  6. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    No apolgies necessary. By now, even I'm sick of me!
  7. Substitute "LFL" or even "Lucas" for "Yamato." Hmm... Well I want to postscript saying that I don't intend this with any acrimony. I really like your stuff and think we're even close politically, from a brief browsing of your site. I just think it's silly for you to be so vehement against the newer SW stuff. So no hard feelings. Hehe. . . I was waiting for someone to bring this up. Look, we just fundamentally disagree here. But I would like to point out some differences: These toys people are upset about not having have never existed. Star Wars was Star Wars. It existed in a finished state for twenty years. Because Lucas has announced that it will not ever be released as it once was on modern media, he is essentially confiscating the original movie and witholding it from our posterity. How will my kids watch it? How will they buy it? I'm not sure why you consider this so hysterical or nonsensical. It makes certain sense to me. We won't have VCRs in twenty years. . . much less laserdisc players. And even if we did, the media would have deteriorated and the quality would be so poor (even beyond how bad they look now compared to DVD), that I doubt anyone would suffer through them. While I see your point and there is a bit of hypocrisy in my views here (cuz I've done my share of whining!). . . I think there is also consistency. I always come down on the side of freedom and choice. When I totally lost respect for Lucas was when he announced that the Special Editon is his "original vision" of how the film should be, and there will be no other versions allowed. Pardon me, but I remember watching a different vision for twenty years. . . and twenty years from now, I would like to see that vision and show it to my children. While I appreciate the irony of me feeling "entitled" (though I wouldn't use that word) to a DVD release of the original films. . . I think to some extent we are comparing apples and oranges. I feel it is silly to not release the original films considering, they are the original film. How's this for hysteria? It almost seems like a cover-up to me. "No! No! There was never vaseline under the landspeeder. . . the movie has always been this way! Nothing to see here!" Hehe. . . how about I go completely off the deep end now: Remember how the Soviets used to airbrush disgraced or purged people out of the Party photographs. . . that's what Lucas is doing to the original films. Okay. . . even I think that's going a bit far. . . but I thought it was funny. H
  8. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Dude, we've been through this whole aspect of your "argument" before. And I use the term "argument" loosely. Because this is just ranting, and emotion. To sum up the arugments made by me and others in that thread: 1. For being pieces of "crap", my VF-1A Hikaru and 1S Roy sure look great on my bookcase. 2. The 1A was essentially a prototype. It was bound to have problems. The 1S used the same parts (probably the same batch of tail fins too!). . . so you do the math on that one. 3. If you wanted it to be perfect, you'd pay more for it. Perfection is not possible. I am happy with mine, and thrilled that later ones will be better. 4. To be mad that they are fixing them and releasing them for those who still want one isn't something to be upset about. . . it's giving people a choice. Choice is good. If you don't want one, don't buy it. 5. . . . Oh sweet merciful crap! I just read this, written by me: I just realized that you're the guy who started that thread. Holy crap. . . I'm done here. If 93 replies to your post couldn't convince you that being upset over a toy being fixed is bass-ackwards, I can't help you. LOL! I'm going to actually enjoy my weekend now. H
  9. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Don't need to be psychic. . . I just read what you wrote: You too can be a pyschic! Last time I looked, Bandai was still in business. Plus, their reissues failed (I'm not even sure you can say they "failed" considering they re-released almost every single one) not because they were all the same toy. . . but because their toy was twenty years old and there were newer and cooler ones available. Are we sure these have been cancelled? I must have missed a memo. But, I can see them deciding to concentrate on the 1/48 line and bailing on the 1/60 upgrade pack idea. But, upgrade packs and accessories are not the same as the toy itself. The economics and market dynamics are different. I would that Yamato is more interested in selling more valks first and foremost. . . which then increases their market for accessories in the future. Just my opinion, of course. H
  10. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    I don't know exactly how much it costs to create an all-new toy. And the point is. . . neither do you. But it is certain that it is a lot less to make a variant. Especially if the parts are already lying around. Just because you assert this, doesn't make it true. This is your opinion. I believe they will sell well. There is a certain amount of hubris in the thinking so often seen here: "If I don't want one, nobody will." And, you don't know how many they are making. If they scale the release correctly, they will make money on it. . . and that is their goal. And what makes you think they haven't? Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't agree with what they're doing. So they must not have done any market research. That's the only explanation, right? Uh, Yamato is re-releasing the 1A Hikaru because they have sold their stock. So, uh. . . what was your point? It did badly? I'd like to see any evidence for that other than the fact that you seem to want it to be the case so badly. Remember, just because there are toys sitting on the shelves doesn't mean Yamato isn't making money. Yamato sells them to the stores. They've made their money. After that, it's the retailers problem. And, in the US at least, the retailers generally can't get refunds for unsold stock. However, this is all moot as I have not heard of the Hikaru 1A still sitting on shelves. Valk Exchange has only had them sporadically up until now. . . and TISINC99.com is the only place I know of where you can still buy new. The more this goes on, the more it just starts sounding like the same old thing: "I want what I want. If Yamato won't do it, they're idiots." Nevermind all the other factors in play. Heck, you said it yourself: Well, you're just going to have to wait. And, despite how much you seem to want to believe otherwise, it makes no sense to believe that the release of the Hikaru 1S is in any way delaying a hypothetical release of the Max 1J. They are starting with a Hikaru 1J. . . dude, you're halfway there! Why not be happy about it? H
  11. TakaToys Sticker Review
  12. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Nope. Still love mine, as many do. It is further evidence that you have very high standards for a toy. To each their own. But I'm confused. . . which is it? If the 1A was so terrible. . . why are you upset about an improved one being available to everyone now? Are you still just beating the dead horse over the original flaws? And, if the quality is so terrible, why would people want a 1S head to put on such a horrible, horrible valk?!? Shouldn't you be happy there is a better one out now? So very confused. . . H
  13. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    I'm not sure you can judge the health of a company by how many products are left on the shelf! Since when does a company need to sell out its stock to be a success? Are all those companys' toys that I see on the shelves of KB and TRU failing!?! My god! Poor Hasbro! I think you said it best at the end. . . Yet your entire post is based on the idea that they aren't going to make it, and they should be expending massive amounts of capital to give you the valks you want before they inevitably fail. If they are short on cash, I still think it makes more sense to do low over-head projects and squeeze more money out of what they've already invested in, rather than invest in new sculpts, manufacturing processes, paint schemes, and marketing. But, obviously, intelligent people can disagree on that. I try to qualify my remarks when I think it warranted. I'm not sure that making more VF-1 minor variations is the best strategy. However, it is obvious that the VF-1S Hikaru is a low outlay undertaking for Yamato. That is just sound economics and is backed up by prior experience (the skulls on the tails being crooked for two different valks is an indication they overproduce the part in anticipation of later variants. . . which lowers cost and raises profits). What bothers me is when people assert blindly that Yamato will go out of business if they don't start making the valks they want. . . I still remember Aegis saying that Yamato would go out of business over the 1/48 and that we were all unscrupulous for consigning the 1/60 line to death with our fixation on the 1/48s. Yet, here comes the 1/60 GBP and Q-rau. Best Regards, H
  14. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Uh, I called them morons when it came to coming up with catchy English names and phrases. I'm about to call you a moron for being unable to read. My 1/48 was a POS and the things I complained about were apparently fixed in the Low-Viz. So.........just because I didn't start a million dollar anti-Yamato campaign to stop everyone from buying it I lack marketing saavy? Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. People bought it because it was the only thing out there at the time! The total lack or resale value on the thing shows that it's an inferior toy. The only saving grace for it is that it was the first ever made. That may cause it to be worth something to someone one of these days... (DOUBTFUL.) As for spelling................ I dunno about you but I still go by SPO quite happily. Take a look at my sig if you can read it. That or the fact that you can still buy them new (tisinc99.com or Valk Exchange until about a week ago). Or that many are aware that an improved version is on the way. I have zero problems with my 1A Hikaru. Except the crooked skull. H
  15. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    I'm going to say this one more time. . . these subtle variants are pure profit for Yamato. They are probably working on M&M 1Js as we speak. . . so what the heck is wrong with Yamato making money while the work is underway? The release of the Hikaru 1S doesn't take any effort, time, or resources on Yamato's part. The parts are already probably made. . . so exactly how does the release of this thing hurt you? If anything, again, you should be happy that Yamato is making money while working on your vaunted "M&M"s so that they will actually remain in business and be able to release it! They are not "wasting" money on the Hikaru 1S (as you put it in an earlier post). There is minimal outlay on Yamato's part for a large return per each valk sold. H
  16. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Uh, they are selling the armor for $45-60 because it is more complicated, being a "complicated" set of "six pieces." In other words, there is profit in it for them. Try not to make my arguments for me. And another thing. . . I'm not berating anyone here. I am pointing out that there are other forces at work other than what people really, really want. If anything, those who post here saying that Yamato are idiots and that people who want a 1S aren't much better need to be more careful about what they say. . . or at least take into account factors other than what they want. . . H
  17. I'm supposed to drop off my gf and her roomates downtown. I spent all my money this month on a new computer. So I used that as an excuse not to buy a constume. . . which means I get to spend the whole night tonight playing on my new computer. . . well, until I need to go pick up their drunk asses. She's wearing a hot little Roman Goddess costume tonight. Part of me worries about letting her roam the streets alone tonight dressed like that! H
  18. Coolio man. We're good. Again, I apologize too. At this point I am fully regretting posting that piece up there at all. Maybe some day I'll rewrite it (for my website) to be a bit more thoroughly researched and less bombastic and polarizing. Best Regards, H
  19. Hurin

    Latest 1/48

    Do you actually think that isn't in the works? Doing these variants isn't taking much resources. . . meanwhile the work continues on the Hikaru 1J (which requires a full repaint and new head sculpt). . . the 1/60 GBP, Q-rau, and Monster. . . all the while, Yamato is raking in money with the 1/48 variants. With the parts already made and only heads needing to be swapped and minor paint details changed, these variants are probably largely profit. Ever wonder why the skulls were crooked on both the 1A and the 1S? Because they were (probably) all made during the same production run! They just paint a yellow or red strip on the top and voila! You have the appropriate part! I say again, these variants are bringing in a lot of low-overhead cash for Yamato. . . and that should make you happy. That means that the company will remain solvent and allow them to be around long enough to provide you with your more "imaginative" M&M VF-1J models. . . and much more. . . I say again. . . sigh. . . H
  20. For the record, I believe this is the "highly rude and offensive" paragraph in question: Sweet merciful crap! If that is "highly rude and offensive". . . the world must be a very offensive and rude place for you. Constantly assaulting your delicate sensibilities! I apologized for the overly broad generalizations. . . but now I almost regreat doing that! Generally, when someone presents an apology, he is acknowledging that he did something innappropriate or wrong. Or, he is expressing contrition for the effects of an action that he did not intend. And, just FYI, the classy thing to do at that point is to accept the apology rather than droning on about how highly offended you are and making gross generalizations about someone you don't even know. . . H
  21. So, you don't like apologies very much. . . do you? Buddy, I don't agree with you about what makes a movie good. Got it? Jeez. . . be more touchy why don't you? You find this "highly rude and offensive?" We're talking about movies here man. How the hell can you be highly offended by criticizm of your taste in movies?!? And I need a thicker skin? H Adding a bit here: As I said, that post came from a website. . . not a discussion forum. It was not intended to be discussed. It's a strongly worded piece. Should I have posted it here in a discussion forum then? That's a good question. I didn't realize people would take it so personally. We're talking about movies here people. Relax. As for what you said: Am I not supposed to be offended by this? First, you don't even know me, pal. I write one heated thing and suddenly I'm some pariah who has no balance or perspective in my beliefs? I'd say that what you just wrote is much more offensive than what you claim warranted your response. Especially considering that I was apologizing at the time. Dude. . . I guess you're perfect and have never written anything insensitive or overly direct. Bully for you. . . Some of us are fallible. And, more to the point, some of us know how to appropriately accept an apology rather than playing the "holier than thou Saint card." H
  22. I agree 110% with you! Fans in general are the worst thing to happen to the entire genre. Personally, I blame the internet. Blame the internet? I'm sure your tongue is in your cheek there a bit. But let's look at that: If I had never heard anyone else on the web decry Greedo firing first, midichlorians, ewoks, or Jar-Jar Binks, I would still think them just as lame. In fact, I know this to be true since I don't normally partake in Star Wars discussion boards and was careful to avoid them prior to each new film so as to avoid spoilers. I walked out of the The Phantom Menace more disappointed and annoyed about the midichlorians than I was about Jar-Jar Binks. The internet simply gives a venue for that disappointment. . . and many fanboys use it as such. But, who is the bigger fanboy? Those who point out the flaws of the movie and express disappointment with the direction of their most beloved franchise? Or, those who can't bear to hear criticizm of the holy franchise and its beloved creator: Georgie the Magnificent who can do no wrong? Which also brings up another interesting point: It has been said that nostalgia is causing all the fanboys to hate the new films. In effect, nostalgia for the old films make it impossible for the rabid fanboys to accept anything new added to the tale from a Long Time Ago and a Galaxy Far, Far Away. . . But, couldn't it be the opposite? Why is it not that some fanboys are letting their nostalgia blind them to just how bad the new films are. . . and how utterly misguided Lucas' direction with the franchise truly is? Now, again, I won't keep myself awake tonight thinking about this. I gave up on Star Wars a few years ago. . . I sold my childhood collection of toys (for a boatload of money!) a few months ago. But, it came up, and we started discussing it. There is nothing wrong with that. . . H
  23. She did see them. . . her reaction: "Well, it was 1977." I played them for her afterwards. I never had a problem with the changes in the dogfights. I have a problem with the fact that the man has no idea where to stop. As I said in my overly long post: Nobody has the guts to tell him that what he's doing looks like ass in many cases. Jabba in the hangar? The "musical number in Jedi: SE. Uh, the walkers are still stop-motion. And she liked them just fine, thanks for asking. The see-through speeder canopy. . . hell, I never even noticed that one until it was pointed out to me during the promos for the Special Edition! I've never noticed any bad bluescreen shots in Jedi, new or old. But again, I wouldn't have a problem with fixing obvious technical glitches and improving special effects. But going in and fundamentally altering characters (Let's say that Han isn't the sort of person to fire first, twenty years later) and adding scenes is bad form. . . and it sets a bad precedent. Where does it end? How about the removal of all guns from E.T.? So now, all the FBI agents are running around point cell phones at people. Pleeease. . . Did anyone else see the South Park about all of this? It was classic! H
  24. BSU_Legato, So, according to you. . . we just plain shouldn't be discussing this stuff. And, if I have an opinion on it, passionately expressed, I'm just some sort of nut job. I wish you wouldn't feel it necessary to paint me as some sort of fanatic simply because I have a strong opinion on some movies. Do these thought keep me up late at night? No. Do I think about it often? No. Do I like asking myself questions and then answering them a little too much? Possibly. . . But when my friends and I get together and news of any of the upcoming movies is raised, these things occasionaly come up. When someone starts talking about how it would be just fine and dandy to remake SDF Macross, or a sequel starring Hikarua and Misa, it came up. And, to save everyone this agony over there, we're discussing it here. So, if you think that this shouldn't be debated. . . feel free not to do so. But, well, I don't feel like a freak for having strong opinions on the matter. After all, I thought these forums were here for uh. . . discussing things. If you don't feel like discussing it, or you've heard it all before, you don't have to read it. I do apologize to everyone for the "If you think Last Crusade is the best. . . you just like bad movies" type-stuff. Again, this post came from my own website and things are a bit harsher in front-page "editorial style." You're trying to get your point across after all. I still mean what I said, but it could definitely be put in more palatable language. Best Regards, H Edit: Removed some postscripts that were so poorly written as to be almost non-sensical. They'll be back.
  25. By stating, flat-out, that there will be no DVD release of the original movies without the Special Edition material, he is effectively confiscating his movies from future generations. How will you watch it thirty years from now? Do you think VHS players will still be around? Even if you could locate a player, magnetic media deteriorates over time. Laser discs? They suffer from laser rot (my Star Wars "Definitive Collection" already looks terrible). So, thirty years from now, we'll all be stuck with his "new vision" of those classic films. But, the problem is that they aren't classic any more. And, then again, what if he updates them again? Where does it end?!? Playing into your point? Hardly. . . Hubris? It takes a bit of hubris to to accuse another of it. Funny, my girlfriend had never seen them before. . . and I was careful not to poison her on the Special Edition. But when she saw Greedo fire, Jabba in Episode IV, and all the other CGI characters, she said: "That looks like crap! That just looks so fake!" So, exactly how was nostalgia to blame there? The man has lost his touch. We'll have to agree to disagree here obviously. But how anyone can possibly think that a man willing to put Jar Jar Binks into a movie hasn't lost some of his original vision is beyond me. H
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