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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. My understanding of these two pages in Macross Compendium is that the VF-1 has already been designed at this point. It's prototypes were the VF-X and VF-X1. VF-0 is the bleeding edge technology still in testing. They're only using it in combat because the VF-1's thermonuclear reaction engines were delayed. Well, that does move Max's assertion out of simple "bold assertion" mode. . . thanks to Legioss. Two things here though: 1. How official is the Macross Compendium? I know we all treat it like the bible (hehe, until we disagree with it!). . . but I've always wondered where the actual source of this information is. . . and if any of it is just simply made up by Egan Loo because it sounds cool? 2. It doesn't make 100% sense that a "bleeding edge" experimental plane would have a VF designation, while another test plane would be the VF-Xx designation. My understanding is that (even in real life) experimental planes have an X somewhere in their name. My interpretation could be that the VF-X1 and VF-0 are the same plane and/or the VF-X1 was redesignated the VF-0 when it was needed for combat and given live (experimental?) weapons. On another note, I doubt the fully designed and built VF-1 is sitting on the tarmac somewhere, waiting only for fusion engines. There would still have to be a lot of work done on it after the engine swap. All that being said, I do now acknowledge that Max and Aegis's interpretations now seem more plausible. Though nothing is yet proven, either way. If, however, someone can source that information from the Macross Compendium, I'll happily admit my mistake. Best Regards, Hurin
  2. I guarantee you, somewhere on a Star Wars message board, someone is arguing that the Naboo Starfighter is more advanced than an X-Wing.
  3. Okay, even though I think comparing specs written twenty years ago with specs written today is like comparing apples and oranges (for reasons described in too much detail above). . . let's see if we can actually explain away some of the differences. Obviously, this is all theoretical and conjectural. . . and is just for fun so that us VF-1 fanboys can feel like our plan can't get its ass kicked by its own prototype: The VF-0 has active stealth, the VF-1 does not. VF-1: Found to be ineffective against Zentraedi sensors. Removed shortly after Initiation of Hostilities, Space War I. The VF-0 has flare and chaff launchers, the VF-1 does not. VF-1: Found to be ineffective against Zentraedi weapons. Removed shortly after Initiation of Hostilities, Space War I. The VF-0 has ECM, the VF-1 does not. VF-1: Found to be ineffective against Zentraedi sensors. Removed shortly after Initiation of Hostilities, Space War I. The VF-0 carries more gunpod ammo than the VF-1 (550rds vs 200 rds). VF-1: ??? (totally guessing: GU-11 fires heavier, denser, more effective ammo) The VF-0 can carry two spare gunpod magazine in the leg FAST packs. VF-1: Added armor and fusion engines made this impossible. The VF-0 has leg mounted atmospheric FAST packs that hold 24 micro-missiles each. VF-1: UN SPACY redirected focus to space-based weapons (FAST Packs) shortly after Initiation of Hostilities, Space War I. The VF-0 has better rear visibility from it's cockpit. VF-1: Debatable. Not Addressed. Both the VF-0 and VF-1 have a similar max speed in atmosphere. VF-1: Considering they're essentially the same plane, no suprise. Again, this is just for fun. For all I know, the VF-1 does have "active stealth" in the mind of Kawamori. He just couldn't list it in the spec he wrote in 198x because. . . it didn't occur to him! What with there being no widely known stealth-capable planes in existence at the time. I wonder, though, how much armor could be added to the VF-1 after the removal of the stealth equipment, flare/chaff launchers, ECM, etc. Everything is a trade-off in aircraft design. Considering all of the above, I think I'll take the production VF-1 with FAST Packs if I'm going to be fighting zentraedi in space! Best Regards, Hurin
  4. Wohooo , at last ! someone that agrees with me I've also always thought that the VF-0 has far superior capabilities to the VF-1. Graham Ah, but that's not what Aegis and Max are saying. They are saying not only that the VF-0 is superior to the VF-1, but that the VF-0 is not even the prototype for the VF-1. Something, by the way, with which I obviously disagree, considering I've never seen any evidence for it. Only bold assertions. H
  5. They are stickers. They are not pre-cut. You need to cut them with a sharp hobby knife. I had to trim the intake stickers slightly. But it was no big deal. Though, this is a newer release of these stickers, so maybe he resized them (no need to though). I reviewed an earlier edition here.
  6. Exactly. We've all got to take the imaginative leap to picture the VF-1 using today's animation techniques, love of military hardware details, and current aerospace developments. We can enjoy the old TV series and movies for what they are. However, when enjoying Macross Zero, we've got to open the imaginative floodgates a bit more and picture what SDF Macross's mecha would have been like had it been actually designed, animated, and broadcast after Macross Zero. Though, personally, I too dislike that they went for the "bang" rather than continuity with prior series/movies. But, well, I understand. H
  7. Or, finally. . . to put it another way: Here's my theory. . . What is "cool" has changed since the original Macross was written. The creators of Macross Zero wanted to put "cool" stuff on the VF-0. But, they really couldn't do so without mangling the intuitive progression of the VF-0 to the VF-1. They wanted to make the VF-0 super-cool, but how could they do so without making it cooler than the final product (the VF-1). . . so it became a conflict between continuity/faithfulness to the orignal, and creating some bad-ass mecha that would make people say "wow" and sell a lot of DVDs (and models/toys, eventually). So, yes, on paper, the VF-0 is superior in many ways to the VF-1. But, I would posit that this is solely in order to make the Macross Zero franchise more appealing to today's anime fan. It is not that way for continuity purposes. For those reasons, I, for my part, assume that the VF-1 has most if not all of the capabilities of the VF-0, even if we never saw many of them. After all, lack of evidence is not evidence of lack. Just because the twenty-year-old specs do not mention active stealth doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't there. Those specs might be in error, or incomplete. Or the stealth unit might have been classified back then. Obviously, we're all taking this too seriously. But, well, if the creators can go back and retroactively add so much to Macross (via M0), I think they also (at least subconsciously) intend the VF-1 to eventually be superior in this "new vision" of Macross that they are giving us. If they can give Roy different hair, they can give the VF-1 active stealth. To me, that's the only way things make sense. Let's face it, continuity isn't Macross's strong suit. We've got a movie that is totally disowned (MII). Another one that retells the TV series while fundamentally changing the appearance of mecha and characters, and then we've got convoluted "movie within the anime" explanations of how they fit together. Meanwhile, we're told that the TV series is the canon story, while the designs (mecha and character) from DYRL are the canon artwork. So, if they can do all that, they can retroactively go back and make the VF-1 better than it's friggin' prototype! H
  8. It seems a bit unfair to judge the specs for the VF-1 (written twenty years ago) against the VF-0 (written today). All those features listed for the VF-0 I would assume are also part of the VF-1 even if only as options that were either rarely used, never used, or dropped as being impractical for a production fighter. But, it seems to me to be very unwise to compare specs written twenty years ago (VF-1) with specs written today as though we are comparing apples to apples. I had always assumed the VF-0 is the prototype for the VF-1. Other than assertions to the contrary written here, I don't see any other evidence that it is not. Now, I'm a VF-1 fanboy. So, this may be just my reflexive rationalizing for why the VF-1 would kick butt. . . but it seems to me that those who are saying the VF-0 is "better" than the VF-1 are taking a big leap that seems rather counter-intuitive. Or, to put it another way: Just because Kawamori (or whoever) decided to get much more detailed in writing out the specs for the VF-0 (possibly because today's more sophisticated anime fans demand such detail), does not necessarily mean that the twenty-year-old specs of the VF-1 might not also contain a lot of those same features and details had it been written today. Or to put it in yet another way: If Kawamori were to go back and update the VF-1 with all those features that are listed for the VF-0, would you then feel comfortable saying that the VF-1 is obviously superior to the VF-4, VF-11. . . VF-19? In my humble opinion, it just makes no sense to say that the VF-0 is so vastly superior to the VF-1. The specs aren't terribly useful in determining such things considering the difference in their authorship dates and the environment in which they were written. H
  9. Please, for the love of God, lock this thread before I'm compelled to post! Too late! 157 replies in the original debate of this topic. Please let that be enough. H Oh. . . ham sandwich.
  10. My understanding is that the stickers for the intakes are intended to simulate what the intake covers look like when folded up and lying against the top of the intake as they do when in fighter/gerwalk mode. I think they are provided so that you don't have to touch your Yamato stickers at all. Which, of course, is a good idea. You don't want to have to mix and match. . . and you can keep your Yamato ones mint. Best Regards, H
  11. While we're on the topic, I believe I have a bootleg. Is this the reason that the print quality of the screen captures seems to degrades as you get farther towards the back of the book? Or is the original like that too? Thanks! Hurin
  12. Well, that's fine if that's your preference. I just didn't think it was appropriate to start screaming: "Who's to blame for this!?!" and asserting that the UN SPACY is somehow wrong. Especially while most agree that Yamato did the right (and accurate) think by painting the UN SPACY on the legs. Again, if you prefer it the other way, more power to you. However, if you apply stickers only according to what you see in the anime, you're going to have a very plain looking valk. Heck, in many (most?) shots, the Macross Kite symbol isn't even on the nose! LOL. . . I love the use of the word "infamous". . . it is supposed to be there! There is a distinct lack of lettering and logos on valkyries in both animes. Yet every model and toy uses the "infamous" lettering and logos. Even the Bandai. . . H
  13. Hurin

    Age Check! :)

    I'm 29. Hey! I'm the same age as the guy who sells me nearly all my valks! Six months until thirty. . . eeek. H
  14. I can't find a single 1/48 Yamato Valk that has depreciated in price at any major seller. Except for the occasional fire-sale on Max, they're all still around $125-135 pre-shipping. H
  15. I believe the Macross Kite symbol is Trademarked. So, if the wallscroll is unlicensed it may be a (fruitless?) attempt at not getting sued. H
  16. That image is a great example of what I mean. . . it is the "box image" for a VF-1J model I believe. While the UN SPACY logo was never visible in the anime, whenever a model or toy company wants to do a canon/detailed release of the VF-1J, the UN SPACY has been there. So, I hope we can call off the "Who at Yamato made the mistake" witch-hunt? They did the right thing. Further, I hope future valks have the UN SPACY painted on the leg. Even with decals and/or custom stickers it's nearly impossible to get the "painted on" look for this particular area. Best Regards, Hurin
  17. Holy crap that 1A CF looks good! I'm speechless.
  18. Regarding the U.N. SPACY on the legs. The U.N. SPACY logo is never visible on any valkyrie in either anime (TV or DYRL). So, adding them to the Hikaru VF-1J makes just as much sense as adding them to any other valkyrie. The U.N. SPACY logo, to my knowledge, is (nearly?) always included and displayed on the Hikaru VF-1J whenever it is released as a model or toy. It is the "official" version of the toy. I believe that the markings were too difficult and time-consuming to animate. Yet, my understanding is that they have been intended to be there on the VF-1J for as long as they have been put on the other valk models. Batou's post that the original sketches show the U.N. SPACY clearly visible should seal the deal. In my humble opinion, this is not a mistake on Yamato's part at all. Rather, they are just being consistent. Best Regards, Hurin
  19. Hurin

    Early 1/48's

    My biggest issue with the first releases were the crooked skulls. Mind you, they didn't bother me that much at the time, but now that fixed ones are available, I plan on putting FAST packs on my R-1S and H-1A so that I'll never have to see the crooked skulls again (unless I go through the considerable effort to pry those boosters back off). H
  20. Hurin

    Early 1/48's

    I'd just get the new and improved ones unless you actually foresee yourself investing in these things and selling them at a later time. But, if you're investing in toys I suggest you speak to an accountant who can get you set up in the stock market. Probably a better place to send your money. . . Then again, I've got a MIB ("mint-in-box") of both the VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Hikaru. . . along with opened ones. And I'll probably do the same with the improved ones. It's a sickness. . . and I just can't help myself. I'll probably never sell, but I just love the idea of having some mint and still be able to play with their counterparts. Best Regards, H
  21. There does seem to be quite a saddistic fascination on seeing people die graphically. I thought this was supposed to be about skill or coolness, not gore. But, I think the gore fascination is explained by so many of us growing up only seeing cartoons meant for children. . . with no death and no gore. So when we see it now, we get excited. . . it confirms in our mind (and allows us to assert to skeptical loved ones) that these "cartoons" we watch definitely are not for kids. H
  22. Okay, it's not excactly a kill (though it should have been). When Max and Milia are fighting in the streets onboard the Macross, there is a scene where Max opens up on her with his gunpod, and Milia falls face first with smoldering holes all over the back of her Q-Rau. H
  23. What is this "cyclops effect" that has suddenly appeared. Never heard of it. . . edit: NM. Just found pictures here. There is also a link on MW somewhere. But I closed that browser and I'm too tired to go back and find it. H
  24. If someboy wants one. . . and is willing to pay that amount. . . what exactly is the problem? H
  25. Yep. However, I'll be getting the 1J w/ Packs cuz I want the different color. H
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