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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Don't mind Max Jenius (though I really find it odd that he found this thread so horribly annoying and off-topic that he closed it, and was apparently overruled). He likes to drop into threads and basically make you feel like a jerk for bringing up a topic that he doesn't personally find interesting. Usually via very short, terse posts. Exhibit A I've learned to ignore him. As long as he doesn't actually close the thread, no harm done. Though, considering I'll probably be banned now, I won't have to ignore anymore. I for one have found this thread the most interesting one since the 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru was released. There's only so many times that you can read threads where people say: "Hey, let's guess about what's coming next. It'll be fun!" H
  2. I have no patience for the people who had no patience for the ending(s).
  3. Just about everything you mention as being absent will be shown in the Extended Edition DVD (Saruman especially). For my own part, I understand that the movie can't be the same as the book. After all, that's the point of calling it an "adaptation." It's when they choose to emphasize things I dislike over things I like. . . or when they alter things for no (apparent) reason. . . that's when I start to disagree. But, just saying: "This wasn't the same" doesn't automatically make the change bad. Which is where I think a lot of the fanboys head off the cliff. BTW, that last part was not directed at you Bob Joe Mac. Best Regards, H
  4. Holy crap that is a long post. Sorry guys, I just posted and saw it. . .
  5. Saw it last night. Overall, I liked it. It was good. But I was ultimately disappointed, especially after reading nothing but good things about it. For the record I am one of those book-readers that are so maligned (not too much here, but elsewhere) for questioning unnecessary deviations from the original story. For the most part, throughout the last two years, I have understood the reasons for many of the deviations made. . . and I have accepted them. Over all three movies, I only really had two real problems. The first was the changes made to Theoden's character which were largely remedied in this last movie. But, unfortunately, this last movie also made one change that really tainted the movie for me. . . because it wasn't just a change, but a change that was both unnecessary and damaging to the sacrifice of many of the characters. SPOILER I'm speaking of the Army of the Dead fighting at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields (Minas Tirith). I could understand why this was done (to save time and not have too many battles shown). However, by making the Dead Army so omnipotently powerful on the battlefield, they really sell the sacrifices of so many living characters short. Essentially, we see Theoden fall, and many brave Gondorian and Rohirrim soliders as well. . . and then the Dead Army shows up. . . and we get the sense that had they just gotten there an hour earlier, they could have handled the entire army of Mordor on their own. . . no muss, no fuss. For the record, in the books, the Army of the Dead does play a role: Aragorn takes the Paths of the Dead through the Mountains seperating Rohan and Gondor. He takes this shortcut to both head off a threat to Southern Gondor by the Corsairs from Umbar (evil Men) and to gather the Army of the Dead to him so that he will have an actual army with which to do so. Now, even in the books, the concept of an Army of the Dead was a bit. . . difficult. But, it is handled on the page by Gimli only telling of the coming of the army in hindsight. . . and how they swept down upon the Corsairs of Umbar and defeated them. Thereby freeing the Southern Army of Gondor up so that they could board the Corsair ships and go to the rescue of Minas Tirith with Aragorn at their head. Now, in both versions, the Army of the Dead plays a pivotal role and victory could not have been won without them. However, it is one thing to have them play a secondary role "off camera". . . and another to have them show up and destroy Sauron's entire invasion army in a matter of minutes. . . rendering the sacrifice of so many living men apparently moot. Whether Theoden and the Rohirrim showed up or not, the Army of the Dead would have wiped out the enemy at Minas Tirith. So, what was the point of Theoden's sacrifice and that of his men? Though it is difficult to judge the timespan, it appears that the Army of the Dead appears on the scene no more than an hour after Theoden charges. Had Theoden been two hours later, the city would still have been saved without hardly any loss of life. Assuming of course that Minas Tirith's inner citadel would have held out a few more minutes. How else to handle the Army of the Dead? Well, just a few quick changes could have been made. Here's a more faithful version that wouldn't have taken any more screen-time: Elrond warns Aragorn of Corsairs coming from the South (same as movie), he then reminds him of the Paths of the Dead and the Dead Army (same as movie). He then tells him of the Army of Southern Gondor that is being held in check by the Corsairs (that's five more lines of dialogue, tops. . . which could have replaced that pointless dreck about Arwen becoming sick and only Sauron's fall saving her. Uh, did Aragorn really need any more motivation!?!). We then see Aragorn do what he did in the movie, summoning the Army of the Dead. Then, we have the exciting moment where Aragorn appears at the Battle of the Pellenor Fields. . . with a real army behind him. When asked where this army came from, someone (Gimli does it in the book) describes the Dead Army conquering the Corsairs and Army of Umbar. . . etc. Flashbacks could be used (if needed). I'm sure some will label me a fanboy purist. I'm sure others will say: "Dude, let it go." But, my understanding is that we are here to discuss the movie, and that is my impression of it and one of its more blatant flaws, in my humble opinion. Again, I don't mind changes in a film adaptation. But changes for no good reason that fundamentally alter a major element of the books (the sacrifice and heroism of the Rohirrim). . . make me sad. As for a Silmarillion movie/mini-series. I think that would be a disaster. Tolkien struggled for decades to weave those stories into something of a coherent narrative. He was never able to do so. Christopher Tolkien basically sutured them together and published it without even trying (though I don't blame him). Though The Silmarillion is my favorite Tolkien book, it is definitely not an easy read (especially the first time). The Silmarillion reads a lot like The Bible (Old Testament) in many of its parts. Show me a good adaptation of the Bible on film. It just can't be done. I can see them picking a story here and a story there and possibly making a film. . . but The Silmarillion as a whole would be a nightmare. Look at how much of an "action movie" LotR became. . . The Silmarillion lacks those most basic "hooks" of a proper narrative which the public will appreciate. Ya know, those pesky little details like a "main character" or "hero". A coherent plot centered on a specific goal. Might as well make a movie about three-hundred years of Roman History. The narrative would be just about as disjointed. Guys, please keep things civil. Like I said, I liked the movie. But I was really irked by that one thing, and it ultimately tainted my enjoyment of the movie as a whole (my fault, I guess). So, if you really loved the movie. . . please don't feel it necessary to flame me just because I disagree. Though I'd be thrilled to hear if there's any alternate interpretations or possible things I haven't considered that would make the Army of the Dead less of a problem. But, I must warn you: "They are cool" is not a valid argument. H
  6. Pretty simple, grab the green outter shell and pry it off. There is sort of a lip that curves around the inside, so prying that a bit as you pull might also help. Be careful that you don't scuff/scratch/hurt the little nozzles as the "shell" comes off. H
  7. Yikes! Is that your private collection or the storage for the store inventory?!? H
  8. This thread has pictures. Enjoy. H
  9. Usual suspects. Valkyrie Exchange and Twin Moons Anime. Come on old-timer! You've been around long enough to know that! I believe VE still has some of the Hikaru 1As available. But they've already sold out of the Roys. H
  10. I'm going to have to go with: "What is your favorite SDF-1 room: Bridge, Pin-Point Barrier System Control, Hikaru's Quarters, or Room Where Hikaru's Trashed Fan-Jet is stowed." That oughta bring about some interest! H
  11. Hurin

    MPC SDF-1?

    Well, if we're talking about the same person, that person disappeared along with all the information that person ever "released." And, well, there are varying theories on the legitimacy of what that person was saying as well. I have never posted about it or expressed my opinion regarding the information that person released. . . and I intend to keep it that way. So, let me rephrase: What I wrote above is essentially what happened with the information Graham has given us. And, to my knowledge, that's the only information that has ever been given here on Macross World that wasn't immediatley deleted. I'm referring directly to a few threads on the old boards where people started putting words in Graham's mouth (by name). Best Regards, H
  12. I am not flaming you. Obviously, bringing up an old topic is a pretty minor offense. Welcome to MW! Just want to point out that the search function for these forums is very easy to use and super-fast. It took me about 10 seconds to click search, type in "play", limit the search to the titles of posts, and set the date to "any date". . . only four topics came up. I bumped that topic. Let's have people add to the existing poll if we can. That poll is both more representative of us (since a lot of people who posted in the first one will not post here), and has a better range of options. Old Poll Best Regards, H
  13. Thought maybe I'd bump this one so we can get the newcomers to post here rather than fill up another (less detailed) poll. H
  14. My Hikaru 1S also has this minor problem. I removed the air brake and tried some small pieces of masking tape in the grooves where the bumps of the air brake rest, but without the desired effect. Has anyone fixed the loose air brake, please share your method. Want to see if there are other options before I apply some clear nail polish. I'd try white Elmer's glue before nail polish. Non-toxic, non-permanent, and dries clear. Should wash off with water. H
  15. That's how they are supposed to be. 100% guaranteed. You won't find a picture of the FAST Packs with a light on the right. H
  16. Hurin

    MPC SDF-1?

    If I recall correctly, Graham said that Yamato is considering making an SDF-1. . . then the rumor-mill got started and the next thing we know, we had people claiming that Yamato has "promised" to make an SDF-1 and that it would be done as their last Macross piece (presumably after they run the valkyrie line into the ground). There were even vague release dates mentioned. Then, of course, everyone assumed that this was what Graham said. So Graham had to come out and say: No, no, no. There is no actual plan for releasing an SDF-1. It is only being talked about by Yamato right now. That's it. All this took place on the old boards (I think). So, the best info we have is that Yamato is considering it. . . but that's about all. Someone please correct me if I missed some newer info.
  17. Uh, I see the engines covered up on things as old as A-10s and F-15s when I visit airshows. I'm not sure there is any conspiracy or "Super-secrecy" here. But I could be wrong! H
  18. Hehe, then you aren't going to be getting one. Unless it's FP-less.
  19. Pardon my ignorance, but I'm assuming you took the valk apart and then dipped only the painted parts in the solution. . . or did you dunk the whole thing!?! What grit (minimum) would you suggest for sandpaper? Thanks! H
  20. Hehe, of course, we're all just kidding. We only say that because this thread was quite exhausting when it was in its prime. . . and I think we all heaved a sigh of relief when it finally peetered out. I know I did. But, actually, your thoughts are always appreciated. Everyone should always feel free to post away! But, I for one am going to try mightily to not get sucked back into this debate. H
  21. Lord, I hope not. . .
  22. Yeah, I considered that. But, for some reason, I think a scaled back release is probably still inevitable. . . and could be dropped in our lap at just about any time. It's the most basic head-swap type of release.
  23. Well, while they work on the paint (or plastic dye) scheme, I can easily see them releasing a 1S Max. . . or some other minor variant. But I do think a TV Max/Milia 1J are inevitable. H
  24. That's correct, top-inside of intakes. Contrary to what I thought before applying them, they actually look pretty good up there, though they are rarely visible. H
  25. Okay, since this has been discussed so thoroughly (in the case of Aegis, fanatically) in those other two threads, I'll just shut up here. For the record though, while I see merit in both arguments, I think ewilen's argument is ultimately the most persuasive and adaptable to the (ever-changing) information coming out of Kawamori and the animes themselves. If anyone has anything else more on this "VF-0, prototype or not" argument, I suggest we take it over to the other threads. Best Regards, H
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