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Everything posted by grapetang

  1. Wow! Thanks for posting the pics & recaps. Looks like a great con with fun for all (the displays, the customs, the contests, the special guests, the happy campers & general camaraderie!) Congrats to all the attendees & winners. Great job, KiriK, >EXO<, & team! Even though I wasn't able to go, I wanted to say thanks to you guys & the sponsors for putting this on! Hope to make it next year!
  2. I won't be able to make the 15th. I might be able to make the 22nd so do what's better for everyone else. Bootleg chunky distance throw?
  3. Hi KiriK, >EXO<, all, Thanks for organizing this! Damn, I'm flying out of LA on the July 17th, the DAY BEFORE! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well. Please pass my goodie bags to the next attendees. Say, how do the art contests work? Are there categories or topics? Guidelines & deadlines for submitting? I'd love to try the in-person one but alas, that won't happen. Any other ways to participate w/o being present? It looks like a lot of fun! I'm really. really sorry I'm going to miss it & meeting people. Hopefully next year. Have a great con, everyone!
  4. Love the buildup, paintjob, & details! Nice pics too. Awesome work!!!
  5. Great tips for a fun mod! Thanks!
  6. Wow. Just wow... The size, the detail, the LEDs, the audio record/playback, the TRANSFORMATION... Wow. Congrats on an awesome scratch build and well-deserved Best of Show!!! and thanks for sharing! ps - I vote for a transforming 1/48 or 1/32 VF-2SS (no SAP).
  7. Wow! Nice job! Wish I could speak & read Chinese...
  8. Nice! I love that close up shot of the destroid (#5). Looking forward to the completed project! ps - need some red vajras to go with it!
  9. Sounds like a great idea! You should do it! :) I found this as a reference. Do any of the VF/YF experts or aviation buffs have any info to add?
  10. Wow!!! Awesome build!!! Any more B5 stuff, like an EA shuttle or a Narn heavy cruiser?
  11. Thanks!!! Ah, nostalgia! It'll be cool to see the organic Baund Doc & The-O designs again. GUNHED, anyone?
  12. Love the paint & weathering! Great job!!!
  13. Hi all, Happy Launch Day!!! I'd love to hang out but I can't make it this round. Japantown, SF is a great idea though. Sushi, mochi, taiyaki, browsing Mikado & Kinokuniya, gawking at the extravagant toy/model prices of that one shop... Have fun!
  14. Good idea! I still think a Zentraedi/Meltrandi mighty mugg would look great next to a 1/60 or 1/100 valkyrie!
  15. Just ran across this mockup: The guy did a nice job. His website is here.
  16. Nice sketch! Looking forward to more! and I was thinking Gundam Evolve too. I really enjoyed the Mk-II and the Dendrobium!
  17. Damn, that's GORGEOUS!!! Awesome job!!!
  18. Nice work! It's good to see something different here.
  19. Definitely a fun read! I like the photography & the different angles & closeups. Some humble suggestions: - keep each "page" to 6 panes or less (I think you already do this) - use regular shaped panes (rectangular) as much as possible - mix up the arrangement for dramatic effect (like the full-sized Q-Rau pane) - use establishing shots to create setting & tone - timing & pacing - have more time <-- super tough one There a quite a few how-to manga books as well as the Scott McCloud "Understanding Comics" & "Making Comics" books. Thanks for making the effort & for sharing! Great stuff!!!
  20. Yup, I'm planning a custom like miriya but haven't worked out the design kinks yet (might not be feasible). and thanks to bigkid24, I have the supercool SDCC Iron Man! Fun stuff! For what you get, I wish they were a little cheaper though...
  21. They're both cool though I think the visible face is cuter. Yup, see the link above. I ordered a few but haven't gotten to them yet. Have fun!
  22. Hi Ginrai, Along what bigkid24 said, you can cover/paint over the copyright in the scan using Paint, Photoshop, GIMP, etc. rather than physically cut it out. If your original decals are roughly 6.5" x 5"/5.5", your scans are 300 dpi. You can give the printshop both pieces of info. While you're at it, you can also upgrade your decals with the Hasegawa Super VF-1 decals: located in the model pages. Suggestions: - upgrade/customize your decals and go with you original sticker plan - upgrade/customize your decals and use blank water-slide decal sheets (don't forget to clearcoat them) - use paint for the stripes, and stickers/decals for the markings & kite emblem There were a few threads describing custom waterslide decals: Creating Waterslide Decals How to make Decals??? The toy's kinda cute but the FPs are off and the rest of the armor is missing. Too bad it doesn't transform. Good luck!
  23. Beauty! Nice build! Love the silhouette icons too!
  24. That's AWESOME! I love Halloween & passing candy to the kiddies!
  25. Like here? If you do something with it, please post the results! Good luck & have fun!
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