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Everything posted by grapetang

  1. Happy, happy! Nice build & pics!
  2. Can't help (yet) but I think there were at least two green re-paints and a purple one. I'll be watching this as I've been wanting to do it too. Is this a straight re-paint or will you mod the head, antenna, & pantlegs/cuffs? Edit: Can't find the old links. Here're two other ones: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33235 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30715&st=0&p=775911entry775911
  3. Very nice. Is that your own arrangement or an official one? Any more?
  4. Holy crap!!! This is THE most amazing mod I've ever seen. Your attention to detail is amazing! Awesome work that's truly awe-inspiring! Congrats!!!
  5. Wow, awesome job! Love the paint, details, & weathering!!!
  6. It's a busy weekend for me. Slight chance I can make it but probably not... Have fun if I don't see you guys!
  7. LOL! Nice! Now make it transform!
  8. Great job! Love the finish & the weathering!
  9. Beautiful work!!! Just awesome!
  10. Congrats on winning the most fan-friendly award! It's definitely well deserved. Way to go!!!
  11. Wow!!! Nice work to both the builder & the designer!
  12. Cool! Kinda makes me want to mod my knock-off. It's really nice to see something that allows for lots of creativity & innovation. Great job! Keep it up!
  13. LoneWolf's right. These magnets are really, really strong. You won't even need magnet-on-magnet for it to smack hard against metal. I think WM Cheng had listed some mail-order place for tiny, rare-earth magnets that might be more suitable. Was it K&J? K&J Magnetics MAGCRAFT The super strong ones from Joann's are just easier to get since you can walk into a store, pick one up, and try it out. They are really powerful so keep them away from your credit cards & magnetic media. If you do use them and there's room, you can mount them elevated or further away to reduce the magnetic field strength, and then line the booster mating surface with thick cloth or thin felt to protect the paint. It's probably not safe to cut nor machine them. Just some suggestions... Good luck & have fun! Post pics too!
  14. Hi Skull-1, Great to see you back at your craft! You can try these puppies from Joann's. They are 12mm dia, 3mm thick. You can use their weekly 40% off or Michael's 40% off coupons too. Just don't put these things anywhere near credit cards, CRTs, tube TVs, or magnetic media or you will be hurting. Keep them away from kids too just to be safe. Looking forward to your next custom!
  15. It was my first time to a MWCon and it was great!!! The impressive customs & displays, the contests (thanks to those who voted for my art entry), the giveaways, the panels, Mari's concert... it was really, really fun! Big thanks to KiriK, EXO, Bigkid24, Maiden, Save, JAC, UCLA, special guests Mari & Tommy, the sponsors, and everyone else for putting this together and making it such a blast! I really enjoyed meeting people and putting faces to names. Wish I could've meet more of you and had time to hang out. Until the mini-meets and the next MWCon!!! ps - and lastly, thanks to Shawn & Graham for creating this community!
  16. Glad I'm not a huge Gundam fan, or I'd understand that joke. Oh wait... ...no seriously, the Gundam decals are a fantastic resource for any scifi modeler. I use them on all sorts of things - even some Star Wars stuff! Really looking forwards to seeing this build assembled too! LOL! So true... these VF-2s builds are awesome! Looking forward to the completed kits!
  17. Wow!!! These VF-2 builds are looking great! Can't wait to see them completed! Hey, Amuro Ray flies this one?!???
  18. Neat custom paint scheme and nice, dynamic pics too. Would love to see a battalion of them!
  19. Wow! That's really cool. Great job!!!
  20. grapetang

    VF Girls

    Nice work, guys!
  21. I have some commitments in the morning but will try to make it. Might be kinda late though... Re: tree: It's not cheap. Talk the cutters down in price because even if they are hauling it away, someone will be profiting & using all that wood. Hope it works out.
  22. Neat custom & paint scheme. Great job!
  23. Wow! Great sculpts!!! I especially love flighsuit Misa's dynamic pose and flightsuit Milia's hip throw. Awesome job! :)
  24. Poof! RDClip is right though. It would be much easier to composite a two-stage shot: VF on a plain, high-contrast background (like lime-green or fluorescent pink) foliage only for blurring Nice custom! Makes me want to mod my bootleg chunkies like you guys. Edit: Take 2 - Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
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