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Everything posted by grapetang

  1. Wow! Great job!!!
  2. OK, I'll bite. Very cool!
  3. Hi akt_m, Great work! I agree w/ Chrono that she looks more "real" than anime. Some humble suggestions: head: - make her head rounder - round off the jawline so it's less angular - reduce/flatten her nose size (she's Chinese, not anglo) - make her peepers bigger & lower the position so she appears younger - give her hair more volume [attachmentid=37828] torso: - reduce her torso length to 2.75 to 3 heads (it appears too long to me) - reduce her waist down to 1 head width (sexy!) - perhaps reduce her rib cage size slightly (1.5 or 1.25 heads wide?) if so, thin out the arms to match legs: - shorten her thigh to 2 heads long - shorten her lower legs to 2 heads long - add more curves, especially to the calves [attachmentid=37829] Just some humble suggestions. I wish I could do what you're doing. She's looking great & I'm looking forward to seeing more! ps - Even for a more realistic interpretation, I would suggest everything except for making the eyes bigger.
  4. Thanks for the clarification, kkx. I'll probably stick w/ thinner to clean my washes. and that shading/ weathering/ oil stain flow he's applying sure is subtle; I can't see it in the video... It's still neat though!
  5. Cool! The head & color scheme kinda remind me of the refined Barzam from Zeta Gundam/Sentinel: [attachmentid=37796] Great work again! Looking forward to more!
  6. Cool! I didn't understand two things in part 2: 1. After washing the panel lines, what's that white stuff he using w/ the Q-tip to clean up the wash? 2. What's he spraying on the wing after applying the "no step" decals? Clear sealant or is it lt.grey paint to blend the decals in? Thanks for the videos!
  7. Nice execution. I like the ones where the boosters are completely different in color from the VF-19 so that you can tell what is what (ie far right for "classic" and left one for VF-X2). It's too confusing otherwise... Personally, the grid/patch of speakers or missiles on the upper flaps don't work for me, but again, nice execution. Keep up the good work!
  8. It'd be neat to get/make a Falcon in scale with the rest of those fighters! Good luck w/ the Y-Wings!
  9. Cool! Thanks for the background. Good luck & best wishes on the sales!
  10. Wow! Great cover!!! I may be out of it but who's the blond haired woman between George Lucas & Jango Fett?
  11. Congrats! Good luck w/ the product & the launch!
  12. That's cool! You've even got Black Knight in there!!! I remember playing that and 8-Ball, Pinbot, FunHouse, & Firepower ages ago. Medieval Madness & F-14 sound familiar; I'm sure I'd recognize them if I saw them. Uh... stupid question: do arcades still exist outside of Nickel City or Dave & Buster's? Will it go into pizza parlors or something? Neat idea - I'd love to try it out sometime!
  13. Nice! No customizations other than my background image. What kind of car do you have?
  14. Very nice! I like the paint scheme!
  15. Yeah, I really like the Deathpion's sleek, organic design; it's quite a departure from the other Zoids. and I agree about the Salamander blockiness (I like the head better w/ the ears/flaps removed) & the mechanics. I don't have any of the Gojulas' but would love to get a one some day.
  16. I have the Deathpion and it's the pride of my Zoids. I love the mechanical stuff too. Have you see the Salamander (pteradactyl)? It's AMAZING what they did with one single eccentric motor: the pteradactyl walks, flaps its wings up & down as they fold & unfold, lifts its head & opens its mouth while the tail swishes left & right. Neat stuff!
  17. I seem to recall a shooting GU-11 gunpod toy? model? from about 20 years ago that shot plastic BBs or caps but I can't find any references to it. I think there was also an Orguss gun as well. Can anyone confirm? PC case mods!!! This unfortunately ISN'T Sharon but it is HAL. How about this for a 1:1 PC case mod w/ MP3 song capability? Here's more of this guy's neat stuff: I haven't thought about my wish list yet...
  18. While I love the VF-2SS design, I always wondered about the front landing gear. Is it really supposed to be swept back like it is? It seems like the nose would just crush the gear & collapse to the ground. Are there any real life jets that have this nose gear arrangement?
  19. Found some images from a google search: Robotech Defender Model Kits plus MacrossWorld's IMAI model page: Axoid: Orbot: what about poor Vexar? There're more. Have fun!
  20. Awesome!!! I like the Gundam rocket too. and sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure the MacrossPlus will do him proud. May his soul soar w/ the stars...
  21. Nice YF-19! I like the details like the shadow in the water. Did she draw it from scratch?
  22. Wow!!! That *IS* insane!!! They should do a VF-1 w/ boosters or the Gundam 0083 Komusai II...
  23. LOL! I'll refrain from making remarks. Nice pic, BTW! Apollo Leader: Holy crap! That's awesome! and to think that I could've gone to LDRS-5 two decades ago... Nice collection of rockets in your Mac20th pics. Did your X-24 bug (I think) or X-wing ever fly properly? My bug always ended up tumbling back, and my X-wing kept breaking up. Great work there. I'd love to apply the Miriya scheme to something like that Maxi-Alpha III on the bench. ps - What do people use to finish balsa wood these days? Dope/sanding sealer? Epoxy?
  24. Wow! Nice work!!! Looking forward to the next one!
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