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Everything posted by grapetang

  1. Thanks for the scans! It's easier to view and I can preserve my Tenjin artbook now! Yay! I don't suppose you have scans of the Yukikaze Mave or Rafe fighter jets, would you?
  2. Wow! NICE!!!
  3. Hi Ashton, One place you can try is Starship Modeler. They have a few decals for noseart as well as for Babylon5 starfuries. These aren't anime pin-ups but it might be a good reference place to start. I've wanted to try drawing some of my own for a while but haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, good luck, have fun, and post your results!!!
  4. Oh, I didn't know that about the Xbox. The artifacts on this particular image are on the clouds surrounding the F-15 edges; they are caused by high-compression settings or by repeated compression (edits & saves). Thanks for the info though!
  5. Hi Jin, Here's the one w/o the filter, and glad to be of help! It's a cool shot! Fun stuff! ps - for future reference, use a higher picture quality setting, if you can, to avoid some of the pixel artifacts.
  6. Hi Jin, Is there a tailcode for a base called "Skull"? Dunno if this is what you're looking for but here's one take on it, plus some contrast. You can invert the tail colors and use the low-viz scheme too. Have fun!
  7. Nice! I like the rendering and the Budweiser missile!
  8. Well, regardless if it's canon or not, it's still pretty darn cool! I'll have to try the game sometime after I work my way through Homeworld 1, TIE Fighter, Freespace I & II, and a ton of others... Great work there!
  9. Nice! Say, do they drop destroids off in space? I thought they were ground-based, without thrusters... Would the monster spin or be pushed back from the cannon recoil?
  10. Nice!!! Great job on the VF-2 and the others, especially on the bare metal finish!
  11. thats what it was. thahks There's also "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" (1979-81). Draconian Marauders above the AT-ATs and the Earth Directorate Starfighters below the the YT-1300 freighters/Millenium Falcons.
  12. Nice! I like the mechs!
  13. Nice!!! I don't know why but somehow, I'm accustomed to seeing the fighters pointing _up_ with the scoreboard between them rather than pointing right. You could pack them a little closer (if you wanted) if you move the VF-19 up & to the right or if you have them facing each other. It's looking great!
  14. Cool! I had wanted to do this about 20 years ago and had picked up a lot of the Nichimo 1/200 kits to do it: K - SDF-1 (or Hikaru/Max) Q - VF-1 (strike) super battloid (or Misa/Minmei/Milia) B - VF-1 (super) battloid N - VF-1 (super) gerwalk R - VF-1 GBP armored p - VF-1 fighter White color scheme for the white side and Max/Milia/fodder colors for the dark. All standard Macross 1 units since none of the other series existed back then. I don't have a 1/200 strike nor enough VF-1 fighters for pawns but it was fun thinking it up and collecting the pieces. and the board would be quite large at 1/200 scale! Sadly, I haven't built it. With all the newer series now, I'm not sure what I'd do for units these days. Hmm...
  15. You're welcome! I use Photoshop 6 (yes, I'm behind the times but I'm legit! ): - use the magic wand tool to pick out most of the valkyrie (try changing the tolerance settings) - use "Select -> Similar" to pick out more - use the polygonal lasso tool to clean up the selection Note - [shift] will add to your selection; [alt] will subtract from it. You can use any of the other selection tools too, like the pen tool to trace out your outline. Once I have my object satisfactorily selected, I save the selection so that I can always reload it if needed: - "Select -> Save Selection" (Recall with "Select -> Load Selection"). I can then copy and paste the valkyrie, or I can invert the selection and delete everything around it. I'm no expert in Photoshop but this is how I did it. I'm sure there are better methods. Anyway, great work you've got there! Cool retrospect too!
  16. That custom job looks great and so does the pic! Here's the mask if you wanted to play around some more: [attachmentid=41501] Big F: that's really impressive that you only used the blur tool! I did the quick cut & paste on the motion-blur w/ a subtle shadow below it. Re: lights: thanks for the info, guys. I found more details looking up the Hasegawa color scheme on www.1999.co.jp. Great scheme! Looking forward to seeing more!
  17. Big F is right. You can play around w/ Photoshop, GIMP, or your editor of choice to pick out your Valkyrie. Here's my quick take (not as detailed): [attachmentid=41482] Great job, BTW. Out of curiosity, does the low viz have any colors, like wingtip or tail lights?
  18. Yeah, me too! Getting paid (+ a budget) to do stuff like this would be great!!! TopGear definitely does some really cool things. I wish we had more programs like this in the States... JB0: Isn't that the "reverse engineered flying saucer"?
  19. Someone pointed me to these great videos of the BBC's TopGear show making a space shuttle based on a Reliant Robin vehicle. It's amazingly well done & quite spectacular! Dedicated to all pioneers! Enjoy! Part One Part Two BBC TopGear Episode [attachmentid=41298][attachmentid=41299]
  20. Awesome work! (I still love my Deathpion!)
  21. Hi Grebo, Nice stuff! Were gundam, dougram, & M.Shirow inspiration for some of your designs? I particularly like the cyborg section and how you followed anatomy (like having two hinges at the knee so you can pull the heel up to the butt). Very cool! Keep up the work! ps - Do you work for Viz?
  22. Hi MechTech, I've been lurking in your other thread. Awesome work there! Just a hunch but I'd say you prefer the modern naval scheme. While not canon, it's still very cool and your Daedalus *IS* your creation anyway, so paint it the way you like it. It's not part of a cartoon nor movie, nor advertisement for a colorful toy so it doesn't have to match if you don't want it to. In fact, now that it's "real", you could paint it as if it *IS* a real vessel. Another option would be make a slight compromise and mix in some dark blue w/ the lt/med. grey on the hull so you satisfy both camps. Just my 2 cents (1 pence)... I think you should paint it the way you like it. and great work there. Looking forward to seeing the completed project!
  23. Hi guys, glad I could help. I remember downloading those ship views years ago. and yes, it's really sad how the show deteriorated. I stuck through to the early part of season 5 and that last season was really, REALLY bad... I never saw the rest of the show after that. Re: force lance: was it ever a flashlight? I always thought they held a flashlight w/ the other hand when they were exploring in the dark. On the other hand, this site seems to say that it can be used as a light source (as well as a cutting tool, plasma gun, & offensive/defensive drone launcher). Re: music: Go Alex Lifeson!
  24. It's called a force lance If you're looking for hand-held weapons, Tyr had a multi-tube-shaped assault rifle that looked kinda funny/cheesy. I was a big Andromeda fan and she's in my top 2 favorite starships. I love the design (she looks great w/ the battle blades extended) but I didn't care much for the slip fighters. The Nietzscheans capital ships were neat too. (OK, OK ...and I like Rommie ) Here're the thumbs to those TIFF files: You can get the full size shots at the main Andromeda site. Mr.March is correct. The first 2-3 seasons of Andromeda were really good, then it tanked quickly when they changed the writers. It got even worse when the networks starting moving the show's timeslot without informing anyone. Anyway, good luck w/ whatever you're doing and post the results! ps - Don't forget the nova bombs and the point singularity projector!!! They are two of coolest weapons ever devised!
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