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Everything posted by grapetang

  1. Nice 1st episode! My late comments: Logo - "fRontier" almost looks like "fLontier". How appropriate. Looking forward to the next episode!
  2. Wow! Awesome job! Love the care & attention to detail. It's a matter of taste (and I'm no expert) but perhaps wash with grey for a more subtle panel line effect, saving black for the darkest recesses? Just an opinion... Great work there!!!
  3. Nice! Out of curiosity, what are you using for materials? Sheet & block styrene? Will you be casting in fiberglass (or something that can actually take a spill & protect you) later on?
  4. Nice! Thanks! I like the new avatar too.
  5. Nice! Love the clean look. Awesome job!!!
  6. Interesting looking exhibit. Some of it is a little too bizarre for me but I do like the transforming mech girl! www.1999.co.jp lists the kit wolfx was referring to but it's long out of production. Since it's NSFW, you can find it if you search for "S.M.P. Ko2", including out-of-stock items. I thought it was neat back then & still think it's neat today. Nice design! Good luck trying to find one though. It might be easier building one from scratch and you can add the Low-Viz scheme or the "modesty"-scheme!
  7. Nice work here & in the other posts. It's nice to see girls getting into model building too! ps - Hope you find the missing thruster on the strike pack.
  8. Wow!!! Great job!!!
  9. As an alternative to buying or building, you can use your (digital) camera to take and/or the web to get backgrounds that you like and then print them to scale to display behind your 1/48's. Put them on foamcore or on V- or W-folded cardstock/posterboard standing up on end. You can also edit them in your photoeditor of choice to add damage, rubble, smoke, etc. (tip: keep it subtle if you do). You can easily switch backgrounds for a space scene, SDF hangar scene, Macross City scene, etc. Along the same lines, if you get images of buildings, you can digitally "weather" & scale them, then stick them on jagged-cut foamcore/cardboard, etc. to simulate ruined buildings. Add wooden popsicle sticks, paint, and you're well on your way to a nice diorama. Please post your results! Good luck & have fun!
  10. Nice! Love the shading & colors. Do you use reference or are these straight from your head?
  11. Nice stuff, promethuem5 & 007-vf1! Here's my VF-1S fighter, also painted long ago. They're quick kits that are fun though I'd recommend something bigger if one were to practice building & painting. I'd _like_ to believe that my modelling skill have improved since then... Sorry for the blurry shots - it's tough focusing on a 3 inch model.
  12. Sure! I've built a VF-1S fighter & an armored VF-1J. Quick builds with minimal articulation & detail but lots of fun! They look great with paint & decals. I think the Engrish was "sucker play and all that" referring to the capsule & suction cup display. I gave the VF-1J to a friend but I'll try to dig up the VF-1S fighter to post. It'd still be neat to build up a chess set with these.
  13. Liking it as well. The quirky character personalities are great, as was Chuck's (Anna's) Japanese! I think it's a short-term series though...
  14. Great comments by the guy, particularly about increasing awareness of the hobby, designing for safety, and triggering the safety escape. Kudos to him & his team! Great way to spark kids' imaginations too! We need more of that in this world. Awesome Redstone launch! Man, I feel sorry for the recovery crew...
  15. Poor Porkins, indeed! Ouch!!! All that work! I really feel for them but it seems typical of how my old smale-scale X-wings "flew". Back to the drawing board for Incom & the rebellion...
  16. I'm a fan of the VF-2SS (minus the SAP) and would love to have an affordable, semi-accurate toy of it. Still puzzled by its front landing gear though... Scratch-building sounds like a good idea.
  17. Hmm... can't think of my top tanks at the moment... EXO: GUNHED! Great design & cheesy movie!!! Valkyrie: Assault: Amazing game and rotational graphics - one of my all time favorites. It took me a while & lots of quarters to beat. The in-game tank looks better than the drawings though... Speaking of Bolo, what about Winchell Chung's designs for Steve Jackson's Ogre games? The heavy tanks and superheavies were neat too.
  18. If you're in the US, you will probably find your answers here http://www.copyright.gov and here http://www.uspto.gov. International copyrights are probably more complicated. I always thought it was OK if it was a one-of-a-kind _ORIGINAL_ and not a mass-produced Gundam, er... item, but then again, I'm not a lawyer. You might want to read about Fair Use. For resin/plastic/vinyl models, legitimate companies do get limited licenses to reproduce & sell their goods at cons. I don't believe re-cast shops bother which leaves me wondering about infringement when they create their own unique designs (based off some character or mech) and then sell them for profit. How does it work for for one-of-a-kind, original fan art? Mass-produced fan art? Stuff sold at cons?
  19. Pretty cool. Hope it doesn't cato!
  20. Thanks, Electric Indigo! Great links (love your renders too!) Yup, a large scale model or toy would be nice...
  21. Oh, OK. I didn't know that. I guess we'll have to standby on the photon torpedoes... Great work though. Really love it and am looking forward to more! Good luck w/ the other app!
  22. Wow! Great lighting and great work! "Full stop. Z minus ten-thousand meters..." Any up/down rotation in addition to the side rotations? Just wishful thinking on my part...
  23. Well, here are the only two decent ones I have. If anyone has more, please post!
  24. Very spiffy for an old ARII kit! Great detailling & great job! Gee, that 1D head really reminds me of the Gundam RB-79 Ball...
  25. Cool! Thanks so much, Vermillion01! I'll see if I can dig up the tiny images that I've culled off the net. If I ever complete my Mave avatar, I'll post that too. Thanks again!
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