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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. As an 80's kid who graduated from Star Wars to GI Joe, I can't go back to 5POA. Maybe these are for people who never made that jump? Then again I really only like 3.75 inch and don't like the "modern" 4 inch figures; they look like gangly messes to me. I'm fine with '85 Joe style retro articulation don't need "modern" additions, though swivel wrists (standard for most retro o-ring kickstarters) are probably okay. I think for 5POA people and people like me, it's wanting what we had at the peak of our childhoods. 5POA people just peaked earlier. 😁 I wonder how much more it would be to actually produce something with more modern articulation though. A dollar extra per fig at most? These 5POA generally retail for an obscene $20 or so from what I've seen. Couldn't they just pass that extra buck along? I wouldn't pay any price for 5POA, but I'd pay an extra dollar for GI Joe level articulation.
  2. Wow, as someone who hasn't seen any of the shows, that surprises me. She wanted to blow the crap out of the death star in ROTJ, and I remember her being treated well in the old books. Did Disney do her dirty?
  3. Ugh. That '91 Snake Eyes might be the one that tempts me to buy a Classified figure. It's not my favorite Snake Eyes design but it has a certain goofy charm. And it lacks the random visual noise (pointless seams and textures) that I dislike on other Classified figures -- if the render can be trusted.
  4. I need to watch the old series! I was super excited to try out City Hunter, but it was ruined for me by the main character being a total perv idiot. Maybe Cat's Eye is what I need.
  5. Also even the parts with action had very few frames. So I'm not even sure about smooth.
  6. I guess if you like ugly character and mecha designs and sloppy animation, this is for you.
  7. Pics of a Ninjago transforming jet has leaked. It's supposedly coming this summer. Seems relevant to our interests.
  8. Was KK also responsible for how badly the prequels sucked?
  9. Hard to believe that's the original.
  10. I haven't built mine yet, but I'm in total agreement.
  11. I like how this guy fixed the colors: https://brickset.com/article/117215/improving-the-new-renegade
  12. I don't think I made my point very well. I wasn't worried about the buggy staying in place. I was just saying that the feature seemed to be focused on the "action" element. You fly low and drop off your buggy in one quick swoosh. Unlike the Galaxy Explorer where you have to first land, open the rear doors, and then pull out the ramp. The former seems more fitting for a kids action theme than an 18+ Icons set. Whereas fiddling with functional bay doors and ramps might appeal more to us older "kids". I noticed that too! Weird.
  13. In the video, the designer shows the drop ship fall very quickly and swooshes the ship away. I don't think he got the memo on 18+ Icons sets. Adult Icons sets should have interesting, well thought out mechanisms that don't sacrifice the overall integrity of the design for an "action" feature. Just dropping an exposed buggy out of an otherwise empty mid section of the ship -- that belongs in a kid's action theme, not in Icons. The buggy doesn't even look like it fits snugly into the ship's midsection. It just hangs back an entire stud behind the front cross beam. If the front of the buggy sat on and hid the crossbeam, it would feel like, hey, someone carefully designed this. As it is, it just looks haphazard.
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