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Everything posted by ItanoCircus

  1. Amazing work. And thanks for mentioning me. In the future I hope to be able to continue making 3D models for the community. 😁
  2. You can see the rest of the works in my pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91214349
  3. I came back And this time recharged! All right! I have gone from drawing by hand to drawing entirely made with software. But I do not draw with tablet or similar. But with the wonderful koikatu, and his chara studio. So I share this wallpaper.
  4. Now in 3D!! Shammy, Kim, Vanessa, Millia, Lynn and Misa (she is always in that mood)!!
  5. delete.
  6. The last one i made.
  7. NSFW - Nudity
  8. Yes, it´s the Megaroad. -Megaroad Summer 2017- But not the Megaroad 01. Just a Megaroad class ship.
  9. Thx!! New work: (I will make a wallpaper with the bridge bunnies soon)
  10. Renders. NSFW
  11. I hope you like it-Warning NSFW Content-
  12. As I mentioned before . Here I have a video -workshop- 3D printing at the university where I study my career. https://www.facebook.com/guillermo.a.mestroni/videos/10209180301440473/?l=3959576343097334269
  13. Update. Wings taking shape in solid.
  14. After digging a little with solidworks, I realized I have to start from scratch. The idea is to do something similar to my other project. You can see how the parts are shaped to be assembled as a model kit.
  15. Hi there! A quick update. I converted the STL file format to solidworks. Right now i´m using Solidworks 2015 x64 -Windows 10 Pro- So, i hope to make improvements and use the tool textures in solidworks.
  16. Thanks! This is a previous model , I did in sketchup , as a concept. https://www.facebook.com/guillermo.a.mestroni/videos/10206051769349126/?l=4221615502894803251
  17. Sorry for the delay. I was busy with college. Recently finished learning to use SolidWorks. So after finishing my other projects , I will rebuild the F- 203, with more accurate measurements. My other project:
  18. I found the build log of this model. I have not seen any blueprint but gives some ideas. http://katagishi.e-rc.jp/plane?pc=139858GLLC70GrWBvbl
  19. If anyone is interested, here are the files for printing in 3D. https://mega.nz/#!fYMUQQhD!Gvsieklqhk0euIF9CLDlgjgIBZC7slZ8crOJ0jcZLjE
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