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Everything posted by LordSixx

  1. So now we gotta wait for the summer (and nothing's guaranteed) because HG are a bunch of greedy hacks!
  2. Oregon... but bailing soon back to So-Cal! Too damn cold n' wet here!!!
  3. It's all about the MECHA!!! Then the characters... Don't forget Shinguuji, Roy and Claudia had Aegis.
  4. Dude!!! Goin' back to that painting from page 1... Nice Job with Photoshop! Anything with "Robotech" on it makes me puke!!!
  5. I'm still drooling....
  6. I've referenced the DYRL "This is Animation" book and I couldn't find anything. I see how the ejector seat becomes manueverable (in space I presume), but no restraint system.
  7. Does anyone know how in the hell these pilots stay strapped in? I have never noticed any restraints in any VF's. I've checked DYRL and Plus. Any ideas?
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