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Everything posted by LordSixx

  1. Can anyone tell me what happened to those pics (can't find 'em) here on Mac World of that YF-19 toy that someone painted up with the Roy Focker colors? That was AWESOME!!!
  2. Does anyone know or recommend where I can get my PS2 modded for the import Macross game?
  3. LordSixx

    VF Girls

    ...you can always tell when an American artist is trying to draw japanese! correction: you can always tell when a wannabe manga/anime artist TRIES to draw mecha/anime characters.
  4. Druna, After you beat the living piss outta them, call me... I'll finish the job!
  5. There are a lot of scan lines on that wallpaper... can we get one that's higher res or higher DPI?
  6. Very cool! Do I see a hint of Frank Miller as an influence?
  7. Very cool poster... but as the key words for the poster, I always thought "Mankinds last hope... Super Dimension Fortress One-Macross."
  8. LordSixx

    VF Girls

    ...you can always tell when an American artist is trying to draw japanese!
  9. A while back I found a awesome website that was dedicated to DYRL. It had great art work and featured the original DYRL soundtrack. Many of the character bios were still under construction when I was last on there. My issue is that I can no longer find this site anywhere! I have lost the address and have checked many links and web rings to no avail. Any ideas?
  10. DYRL... May those gunpod sound effects forever ring in my head!!!
  11. They are all AWESOME, but my vote goes for Mac Plus. That see-thru visor is too bad ass!!!
  12. That pic was done by some American graphic artist for a VFX US release when it was being planned for an American debut... obviously that was scrapped.
  13. I think we Americans have pretty much taken up the Macross Fan Base. We were all introduced to it as RT as youngsters. To us, it just hasn't died, and with the additions of Plus and Zero to fuel the fire, it has grown in popularity here. To me, it's better than Star Wars... and that says a lot! We don't get as flooded with quite as much anime as Japan does. As far as other titles such as Gundam, etc., they just don't have the appeal that Macross does. Lets face it, giant robots with guns kick ass, giant robots with swords... no thanks! It does suck that we are divided as Macross/RT fans, but that also adds fuel. It creates controversy, much like our political parties. We also have a lack of availability of Macross merchandise due to this legal thing going on over the rights. Therefore creating the law of supply and demand, which is something the Japanese fans don't have to endure.
  14. Lets remember that DYRL was animated back in '84, so it may seem as if it was a bit slower than the kick ass digital animation that we are currently seeing in Zero. Of course, the digital is more consistent and smoother. Also, check out that kick ass dogfight between Max and Millia in DYRL. That was pretty damn impressive and still holds my vote as best on screen battle. Glad to hear you are enjoying Zero... so am I!
  15. Actually, I really ENJOYED this dub, and usually I hate 'em! I thought they did a helluva job considering others I've seen, I would recommend it. I like the enhancements to Guld's voice when he's in the YF-21.
  16. Dude, Are you sure your not mixing up the NAMES "Istar" and "Isamu"? Let Mac II die. It's the bastard child of the Mac family.
  17. COOL?! Looks like some bad bootleg painting off some cheesy toy...
  18. i like the jive translation.it's like having "huggy-bear" from starsky & hutch narrate macross."damn straight,DD is about to have his ass handed to him...dig?" now picture "boomhaur"(sp?) from king of the hill narrating that valkyrietestpilot Duane, your killing be bro!!!
  19. I'd like to find one of Roy... anyone seen one? I know they have those DYRL Mac figures in sets, but from what I understand what you get is random.
  20. LordSixx


    Graham, why do they not talk to you anymore?
  21. KILLER job dude!
  22. I have no doubt the Mac0 ep.5 will be very cool, but in order for ot to kick ass we need to see: 1. an ASSLOAD of action 2. SDF-1 or ASS-1, whichever form may vary 3. VF-1S 4. perhaps a cameo by Claudia, Global, or Hikaru? 5. and ending that ties everything up (this is the one that I have my doubts on)
  23. I have this disc and I love it. Especially all the stuff with the YF-19 in the intro and the Video Game footage. Watching that Mac7 intro like 5x in a row gets really old though... but WELL worth it!
  24. I have this... LePoseuer is totally right, lousy subs, but I know what's going on anyway and good visuals. Nice packaging, found it used at CD/DVD resale for $20. I think it was worth it.
  25. Can you say LAME?!!!
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