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Omni Existence

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Everything posted by Omni Existence

  1. Waste not want not Anywhoo, Graham already asked if Yamato had any plans of doing panels for the Hikaru VF-1S, like what was done on the LV. Unfortunately, he got a "no" so I doubt the 1S Roy will have it either.
  2. LOL! I knew you'll bring out the limp noodles JValk!
  3. To each his own my friend. To each his own. You like yours, I like mine!
  4. Yep! Though I would call it "patience" Anywhoo, I am definitely getting it!
  5. Do'h my bad!
  6. And one of my absolute favorites, The Doctor, Aries Turner from Macross Zero... Enjoy!
  7. Here are the Sirens of Macross...
  8. Hey, here are some OLDIES of mine that you can add to your collection. Here's Minmei (sorry JValk, I had to)
  9. Thanks! Not Mikimoto, but somewhere along that line Anywhoo, check out my fanart if you have time. Some drawings are NOT FOR KIDDIES though!
  10. Hey, NIce to see MIsa having some fans. Here, this is my contribution. Pencils by me, and colors by Wolf 13.
  11. The 1/60 is in a class of it's own, as well as the 1/48 and 1/55. I only own a couple of 1/48's due to a limited budget. I have several 1/60's though, and have ONE 1/55. A Takatoku Super VF-1S I cannot say for certain if they will take the abuse of time like the Bandai's/Taka's did, but I can fairly say they are tough enough to stand toe to toe with the Bandai reissues.
  12. They are offering replacement parts for their toys. Although, it is available only to Japanese customers. They [Yamato] cannot distribute outside Japan, including the replacement parts, or Asia for that matter due to the current hoohaah court battle.
  13. To each his own I guess. 1/55's to me is just nostalgia. I would have loved to have the re-issues, but being a little more mature and picky, I opted to have accuracy versus nostagia, and aesthetics over ease of transformation (we're no longer kids afterall), and got me the Yamato 1/60's. If we're talking about durability, I always say that the 1/60's can hold their own. The Yamato 1/48, I consider the realization of the ultimate Valkyrie toy. Not for the faint of heart....or wallet
  14. Glad to see the fanworks continue. I have some unfinished stuff at home, too lazy to post though. Maybe next week
  15. LOL! Very funny thread! I missed reading some of the other pages, I do hope, no one posted another live action anime with porno actors as the cast
  16. I've seen the pics before, but this is the first time I saw the entire report! Wonderful! Thanks Noel!
  17. Very well said Hurin! Very well said! some people.....I mean really
  18. Ummm......can't you just be happy for those who missed the first issue?
  19. What the man said! Still trying to track down some of his Calendars and early manga works.
  20. Nope! Not interested in a 1/60 Scale Monster. Too big, very unpractical both space and price wise. I'm not too big a collector to spend approx P30,000 of my currency on it. If I had that much money, I'd spend it getting the toys I missed and some new ones (like SOC's, Yammies, GITS toys, 20th Anniv Prime, Getter G's, etc) Maybe if they made a 1/100 or a 1/144 Monster. Maybe.
  21. ahhhhhh....all of this sounds tempting! Unfortunately, not my priority. I still have a bunch of SOC's and Yamato Valks to get, AND, I am saving up for the Optimus Prime instead.
  22. Nice set of uh......"cannons" she's got there Excellent work WDC!
  23. Whoa! It must be cold where she is.......... Rico, your drawings are getting better and better. Kudos to you bro!
  24. I missed a couple of 1/48's so I am happy there's a reissue GBF, I guess a small sticker indicating "2nd Edition" or something similar won't hurt
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