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Omni Existence

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Everything posted by Omni Existence

  1. awww crap! I was still looking forward to them after all this time. Oh well...mo money for my 1/48's!
  2. The right is primarily Yamato's. They reserve the right to keep future projects in secret. In any case, MW almost always has an advanced peek at new Macross toys a month or two before anyone else. Yamato has been gracious enough to give MW-ers that opportunity. It's not that no one is openly questioning Yamato, but rather most of us here have been around long enough to know how to be patient with Yamato's future releases.
  3. Yeah! That scene was funny. I was hoping Neo was going to somthing like "Whoa dude! That was wierd!" Alas, I got no such pleasure. The APU's were very fun. I hope McFarlane releases APU toys if ever a Revolutions linbe of toys will be made. ...and a Persephone (Monica Belluci's character) toy wearing that costume she was wearing in the club.
  4. I just watched it a couple of hours ago, and man did id ROCK Did you see the Zion Battle? That was awesome! The APU's were great! and...and.........did you see that battle at Zion? Man that was EXCELLENT!!! Yeah, the Zion battle, it was uber cool. That battle at Zion, it was BAD@$$, and, and, and..... Seriously though, the movie was "bleh" Same old same old. Good thing I lowered my expectations of this movie. Having to be the last part of the trilogy, I was hoping it could "at least" tbe the saving grace of the franchise. It wasn't The Hell Club fight scene was like watching "stock footage" of the lobby fight in the first movie, and the rest, well, too anime for a live action movie. My opinion of Revolution? 5/10. It wasn't as f*cked up as Reloaded, but still bad nonetheless. Someone gimme back my US$1.50!!!!!
  5. That's the whole damned problem. If Yamato would put out a TV Max and Milia "J" then I would spend money on those. THEN let Yamato rip the rest of you off with the "S" Hikaru (at least a customized Bandai has a different paint job for crying out loud). As it stands they'll waste money on this stupid ripoff and we'll never see the Valks that most of us really want: M&M, CF, Elint, etc. because they won't make money to spend on "new crap." What you keep forgetting SPO is that what YOU want isn't really what's primarily on Yamato's list. because NA is not exactly Yamato's biggest market. About the M&M, it's just a HIkaru VF-1J with a different paint scheme. Same BS, different day.
  6. I can't help you, but I just wanted to comment that, THAT is a very nice display piece. I'm always wondering why I never got around to buying one, including the Misa (swimsuit) figure and Minmei DYRL? variant.
  7. BRAVO!!!!!!!! Very well said Hurin!!! Would you believe some of us here have put up with that same BS everytime a Yamato thread pops up, a new Yamato Valk comes out, ever since Yamato started releasing Macross stuff? Sigh, unfortunately thick heads with air in between them are hard to crack and put some "sense" in.
  8. JpY9800 sounds standard for 1/60 Valks with accessories. Lookie at the Ostrich and the Elint prices. Although, I can't imagine how big the box will be considering the boxes for the Ostrich and Elint are DEFINITELY space waste!!!
  9. I like the Low Vis box best, but that box is just too much of an eye catcher. I wish they bring back the classic black box. That is eleganice in simplicity.
  10. I had mine on pre-order at HLJ. Hope I get notification soon! Anywhoo, I find it sad that only a couple or more months ago, everyone was asking for a Hikaru 1S to go with the FAST Pack, now that he's coming, they people don't love him just coz of the heat shield color Weird...
  11. EMS is the best way to go. Expensive but worth it. NO fears of it arriving busted up like SAL. My last pacakage (GX-04B and Yamato 1/48 FP's) arrived 7 days after being shipped. The box was squared away.
  12. Hey guys, I'm posting this up here since this is the busiest thread on MW. Spread the love! B O T S F O R T O T S Mods, please let this sit here for a while. Thanks!
  13. These things are being marked down for sale at a lot of malls here in PI. Around $7.00 to $8.00 each if I am not mistaken. I plan ot buy one just for kicks
  14. ...they should be hanged
  15. Bought the Hikaru 1A when it came out, no tape. My supplier said all of his 1/48's did not have sticky tape to seal them.
  16. Nora in her Flight Suit......yummy
  17. Yep, that's the same thing I got. From the back neck piece, to the back of the shin, it's like they painted the entire back half using a lighter shade of maroon.
  18. That alone has got to make it GOOD!
  19. I finally get some cash and buy all 4 EVA's. I know, I know, I was very vocal about them not worthy of going under the "Chogokin" line, but they looked nice enough to be bought. Unfortunately, I am one of the unlucky mooks that received "QC slips" on ALL 4 of my EVA's. The paintjob on my EVA 00 (yellow) is not even close to the prototype, its not even shiny compared to the 00Kai and 01. My EVA-02 also has what Drif described as uneven paint on some parts. The front section of my EVA-02 is maroon, flat maroon (unlike the metallic ones in the proto as well), and the back section has something that looks a lighter shade of maroon. The left shins and thighs have a really noticable gap on all 4 EVA's, paint chips on the 02 and 00 chest area out of the box, slack jawed 01, loose hips on the 00, and yellow paint blotches on 02. These are awesome toys, but I was rather disappointed with the issues. If these were somewhat bigger, I wouldn't mind the paint chips, but these things are small (about the size of the Maz fembots) so chips are noticeable. Being Bandai, I didn;t expect the issues to be this bad. Anywhoo, I'm just happy I got them.
  20. Yep! Mazinkaiser kicked Mikenese ass! My favorite scene was when he used his Scrander as a boomerang...classic!!!
  21. Cool! I finally get to complete my Miyazaki DVD collection
  22. The good thing is, they whine, but they buy it anyway Bandai? They dropped the Macross re-issues already, and from the looks of things they completely forgot about it already. I just wich BW can take the Macross 7 license from Bandai so Yamato can make uber cool VF-17 Nightmares!
  23. Really? nana in US means granny too. rite? I'm from the Philipines, and "nana" is not a good thing here either...
  24. My thinking is the internal meeting went something like this: Mr. Big: "So what's the story on the Alpha toys?" Designer: "Well sir, we're ten months behind schedule and fifty thousand over budget." Mr. Big: "Crap. Come on, guys... this is supposed to be a 'cash in' license not a 'cash out' one!" Designer: "Sorry sir." Mr. Big: "OK, OK... what can we do to make some quick coin off these gullable fanboys..." Designer: "Well... we still have the VF-1 molds..." Mr. Big: "Eureka! We'll crank out another variant to make some quick lucre! Slap a different head on it with a new paint job and blammo! We'll do the same thing those Yamacho people are doing... the fanboys seem to just love those Yamada things that are all alike..." Designer: "Need I remind you sir our previous offerings are still rotting on people's shelves... how can we sell yet another crappy variation on a concept that is floundering?" Mr. Big: "Easy, we make the limited editions even more limited! Cut the production run by a third! We'll still get the money from the sale to the distributors and then they can shoulder the losses... just like before!" Designer: "Mr. Big, you are a genius!" Mr. Big: "Yeah, I know... now who's up for a nice lunchtime puppy beating? I'm buying!" LOL! Exactly! I'm still looking forward to the Alpha's though, but I hope they retail it for about US$40. Anything more, they can keep it.
  25. Maybe they hit a dead end on the Alpha's.
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