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Omni Existence

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Everything posted by Omni Existence

  1. HLJ has been great so far. I requested for a barrel tip for the 1/48 gunpod, and they sent me a whole gunpod via ISAL, free of charge.
  2. Ivy...no quips or qualms about it.
  3. all I can say is..... SPRING 2004 IS TOO F*CKING LONG TO WAIT FOR EP 4 !!!!!
  4. the first movie was 50/50.
  5. That's funny. I just received the replacement GU-11 gunpod for my 1/48 Hikaru 1S from Yamato, through HLJ. I was only asking for the gunpod tip (barrel) since someone in the factory totally forgot to place the tip on the gunpod, Yamato sends me a complete gunpod through HLJ. It took them 1 day to reply to my email that they will contact Yamato, 5 days to inform me that Yamato has sent them the parts, 2 days when I received the shipping confirmation, and 20 days for the replacement to arrive through ISAL.
  6. ah...you guys have forgotten the simple joy of just sitting back and enjoying a good flick. actor/actress sucks, historical inaccuracies, this, that..you guys think too much.
  7. I hereby make this the "Official Hate A7 thread" Seriously though, Ali, I think you're going about this the wrong way.
  8. Wonderful A7! I keep looking forward to this stuff! **runs off and bothers supplier**
  9. Yep, expensive paper weights with diecast I don't mind at all.
  10. Very nice.... If you like expensive paper weights. <_<
  11. Still waiting for my supplier to get his 1S re-issue. **twiddles thumbs** <_<
  12. Open that b*tch up! Toys are meant to be played not kept in their carboard boxes
  13. Defnitely getting this one. Not really into TF's but this one looks good. Takara Prime is probably the last TF I'll be buying.
  14. The character designs look fine to me. For once, can't you guys get over the whole he "doesn't look like it in the anime/game/comicbook, it's fugly" bit and just sit back and enjoy? <_< <_< <_<
  15. I wouldn't call his comments "bitching" It's a legitimate complaint on his part, that the colors of the packs are a far cry from the grayish color presented in the Wonderfest (or was it some other convention?) prototype. Thus he included the link to the prototype, along with his review. On the other question, if I am not mistaken, Malvin sells his 1/48's for about US$110.00, more or less, depending on the current Dollar Versus Peso exchange rate. Cheap huh?
  16. Yep, I was referring to waterslide decals that will come with the toy, instead of the usual stickers. Anasazi and Takatoys do excellent work on their decals, and I say major props to them, however, there are some guys here, like me, that cannot afford and extra $35 for 1/48 decals, so I was hoping Yamato [may] pity us fools and give use decals.
  17. Aside from the variants, there's also one other request [i hope] Yamato will heed... DECALS!!! Yes! Waterslide decals, instead of the stickers. The stickers are good, but they tend to peel in time! Please Yamato, you know your Valks look "perfect" with decals!
  18. The FP for the 1J is basically the same as the DYRL FP's except for the altered look of the forearm armor, the color, and the missing Strike option. If you want a TV scheme armor, get the package, but if you intend to do customs, get the solo 1J, and just get the DYRL armor set, but that's just me.
  19. The Low Vis is great! I for one would love to get my hands on a Low Vis. However, I would also like to see other custom variants, like the Blue Roses schemes (the black/gray, and blue/white ones), Minmei Guard, and the Enigma scheme.
  20. Hey Vin, Welcome to MW.....finally. He's our local Macross supplier here in PI.
  21. Glad to be of service fellas. It was nice of my supplier to let me use the pics. About the dark spot, if I am not mistaken, it may be the peg for the visor to connect to the head assembly. **edit in** By the way, the visor may look too light due to the light on the digicam.
  22. Last information that was available, the Gundam Arch Enemy line, which will feature the RX-78 and Char's Gelgoog, will be released April 2004.
  23. Here's more BATTROID: FAST PACK: **Source www.greattoys.net**
  24. My local toy supplier just received his shipment of Yamato 1/48 Hikaru Ichijo VF-1J's (with and without FP's). It looks nice and all, but the head sculpt isn't impressive IMO. I like the 1/60 rendition better. BOX: ACCESORIES: VALKYRIE: **Source www.greattoys.net**
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