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Omni Existence

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Everything posted by Omni Existence

  1. Welcome to MW! Like what someone said, it's all downhill from there! Enjoy the ride!
  2. Some still are, but most people are just plain whiney.
  3. ROFTLMAO!!!! That one has got to be the funniest one I've seen!
  4. I'm a fan of almost any vampire, or werewolf movie. I am definitely seeing this one once it hits Philippine shores. Man I hope they don't cut out the RE2 Trailer. Those idiots at the Movie And TV Classification Board folks here in PI suck eggs! They always cut off the new trailers and insert crappy local movie trailers. OT, hey, isn't "The Rundown" that movie from Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock?
  5. Here are some of my suggestions: Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade One of the best anime titles that I have ever watched outside Macross. Read Or Die Fun and refreshingly new. Very good pace and story, and an awesome soundtrack! Gunbuster Absolute classic, plus artwork by Haruhiko Mikimoto. Awesome story, and cool Mecha Action. NausicaƤ/Princess Mononoke It's from hayao Miyazaki, need I say anything else? Cowboy bebop: Knocking On Heaven's Door Badass. Those are some of my suggestions. Good luck on your party!
  6. Congrats on your Bucky Lee and welcome to MW!
  7. I must have missed it, but has it been confirmed that the TV packs that will come with the 1J will NOT have the Strike option?
  8. Coolness!
  9. What he said! The size is just fine by me. Just make 'em a little sturdier, and I'm all set.
  10. Yep.... bad acting included. B) Yeah, but he [Mark] does great cartoon voices
  11. Sounds good Graham! I guess it's time to cancel one of the Hikaru VF-1S that I ordered from HLJ, and wait for the Roy 1/48 reissue. Very good news indeed!
  12. DAMN!!! That is some expensive shite!!! It's nearly P10,000 my currency!!! Here I thought it was going to be cheaper when packaged!!! I might skip on this, and just get the regular version. :( YAMATO THAT'S JUST A TAD TOO MUCH!!!!
  13. Umm...Omni, that IS Hayden Christenson. Thanks Bsu! I call that little episode of my post as A G E ! ! ! ...it gets everyone ya know
  14. My other obsession besides Macross..... MOVIES!!!! I am a movie buff! CLassics, to the new ones, I don't care as long as it doesn't bore me. If I do get bored. my 3rd obsession is video games! I push my lowly PSX to the limit each day (approximately 5-8 hours of non-stop play). My "inbetween" obesession is drawing.
  15. That looks yummy! He still looks a little stubby though, and that gun looks funky.
  16. Agreed! He carries the black cape very well. I would say wolrds better than that dork...uh, what's his name...reminds me of Hans Christian Andersen...sorry.
  17. If I am not mistaken, God Mazinger is a monolithic statue. A boy controls him, so he isn't exactly a robot, so scratch the Breast Fire bit. Go Nagai made him, so I guess he still "counts" as a Mazinger.
  18. Hey, who dat in the Baroness costume? Looks like Selma Blair, but I could be mistaken.
  19. LOL! I had a similar problem with the left wing panel on my Hikaru 1A popping out. Everytime I attach any of the missles on the harpoints, they'd pop off. I just used Super Glue, and voila! Fixed!
  20. Want to hear something funny? Well, I was also complaining about the colors of the FP's as being a little more on the green side. However, if you look at the FP's under a different lighting condition, it actually comes up blue. Try it. About the 1/48 1S, if you're referring to the Hikaru 1S, Graham already stated that it will have the modifications found on the Max and Bucky Lee 1/48s.
  21. if only people would read the instructions or check the boards before making such statements. How many times has this been covered? Or rather how many more times will people keep saying this? I reeeeeaaaaaaaalllllly want to get into that comment, but no. Just what Vinnie said!
  22. I think Bob said it best! We're old geezers who simply refuse to grow old. I should know, I just turned 28, and my toys are my escape from the really real world.
  23. Hell yeah! You can actually HURT someone if you use a 1/60 leg as a weapon! Heck, you can stab someone with the fricken nosecone!!!
  24. Nope. She was like 15-17 during the TV and DYRL eras. That's why she looked so good at M7. Vostok 7 What is your source for this information? If I am not mistaken, Vostok was referring to Milia's Meltran age equivalent to Earth years. She's actually 15 years old (in earth years) when SW1 began. You'll find this info on the Macross Compendium: H E R E ! ! ! ! They started out fairly young, and was a common formula among anime heroes and heoines.
  25. Everybody needs coffee!
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