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crystal_convoy's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. It's about $90 down here in Singapore.
  2. haterist still ordering anymore stand?
  3. I should say it's damn cool! But the price is abit steep.
  4. So de si neh, now I understand.
  5. Get one and share?
  6. Saw it before but wats the difference?
  7. Now I know, thanks.
  8. Custom? Isn't it out of the box?
  9. Hey, can anyone tell me where this monster appears in?
  10. Can take a pic of it and put it in here?
  11. And I almost use your account izzy!
  12. Thanks for all the reply and oni, u better becareful before I turn into the next chondro!
  13. Over Dard? Is this a old news?
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