I will get Victory Gundam. I intend to get ALL of the UC Gundam stuff. Even G-Saviour... So far, I have the original Gundam TV series, the 08th MS Team, Char's Counter Attack, F-91, and G-Saviour.
As for all the people that are saying "Way better than Wing and Seed!" um, I actually liked Gundam Wing. As for Seed, I'm not even thinking about it until it's 100% complete.
Now for G Gundam... I think I'm going to pass, for now. I prefer real robot shows to super robot shows, and in the end, G Gundam sounds like a super robot show. And the comparisons to DBZ... I hate how some fights in that show go on for several episodes. I may reconsider G Gundam in the future, but I suppose with all the other Gundam stuff I want to collect (not to mention that I still want Marmalade Boy on DVD), I don't really need to think about it now.