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Everything posted by mikeszekely
Do you know of the Orguss Shrine>>>>>>>? Nay, until today, I had not heard of that site. Mostly, I get my mecha info from mahq.net, as they have a ton of nice pics for both Macross and Gundam, but was kinda suprised to see that they have nothing on Orguss.
Where can I find more info on the mecha from Orguss?
That's a bad thing? I loved Federation vs. Zeon, even though I had the DC version without many extras or 2-player mode... I played the bajeezus out of it. If AEUG vs. Titans is the same, sign me up. I second that. Fed. Vs. Zeon is still, to this day, my favorite Gundam game, flaws and all. And from the moment I first watched Zeta, I knew I wanted a Z Gundam game in the same genre. Hope both sides still have mega-long campaign modes.
Hahaha, I remember that one, but this auction is definitely a classic. That kid is getting 10,000,000 for his virginity?!?! And I went and gave mine away for free...
On the package your DVDs came in... actually, on the surface of the disc itself, it should say either "DVD-R" or "DVD+R." Now, it sounds like your burner is a DVD+ burner. If the DVDs you bought say "DVD-R," then you actually bought the wrong kind. Remember also, just because you have an mpg file on your computer, doesn't mean that it's an MPEG-2 (tricky, because both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 files share the same .mpg extention). Your burner probably came with some kind of software, right? I know mine came with DVGate Plus, and Click to DVD. DVGate Plus can turn avi and MPEG-1 files into MPEG-2. If you're starting with some other video file, you might need some other software. It's a pain sometimes to have to re-encode the video twice, but TGMPEGEnc is free and useful, despite it's funny name. TGMPEGEnc can turn most video files into MPEG-1, and then I use DVGate to turn the MPEG-1 into an MPEG-2. Your help file was right about you needing an authoring tool, but to be perfectly honest, while Nero kicks ass for CD burning, it's not as useful for DVD burning. My burner came with Click to DVD. It can be a little confusing at times, because everytime you use it it thinks it should be capturing video from an i.Link device, and you have to manual tell it that you're just using files on your computer. It's also slow as anything... but it does make good DVDs.
Okay, don't be offended, but I was trying to teach my best friend to do something similar, and the more I assumed he knew, the more dissapointed I was. So I'm going to explain it like you know nothing, okay (but I am going to assume that you have a DVD burner and not trying to burn DVDs with a CD burned like my brother did). First thing first... DVDs basically used MPEG-2 format. This is actually different than the MPEG-1 format that VCDs use, or the *.mpg files you find sometimes on the internet. If the video on your hard drive isn't an MPEG-2, you need to convert it. Okay, second, you have to know if your DVD burner does DVD+ or DVD-, and make sure that you have the right kind of blank DVDs. Thirdly, Nero is great for burning DVDs that have been backed up using a program like DVD Shrink, but I don't actually reccomend using Nero to burn a DVD from video files. I read somewhere that Nero burns DVD in a kind of UDF format that's not compatible with a lot of DVD players. When I want to burn a DVD from an MPEG-2 video file, I tend to use Click to DVD. Finally, even if you got everything else perfect, your player still might not like it. For example, a lot of the relatively inexpensive DVD writers on the market just burn DVD+. Your DVD player, however, may only like DVD-, or no burned DVDs at all. (Both DVD+ and DVD- burned DVDs do play on the Xbox or the PS2, if burned properly.) If you need more help, try DVDRHelp.com.
Oh, I'm not saying that I can't do it without tricks. But I know I couldn't when I was seven and playing Megaman for the first time. Back then, those tricks did come in handy, and they're part of my fond Megaman memories. Well... same here.... kind of. For 2 years, I had no other game other then Megaman 1, 2 and 3. Trust me... I have those game memorized. But before you had the games memorized... didn't the Yellow Devil in the first Megaman game give you a hard time? And when you first learned about the pause trick, didn't you whip the Yellow Devil's ass, then do a little happy dance? Again, I'm not saying I need tricks to beat them (I beat them without tricks on the Megadrive collection later), but those tricks are part of my fond memories for those games. That's why I want them in the collection.
You put a big enough rocket on it, and you can get just about anything to fly.
Yes, get them! Your soul with thank you later... especially when it realizes that those classic Megaman games are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than a lot of the crap companies are shoveling at you to make a quick buck.
Oh, I'm not saying that I can't do it without tricks. But I know I couldn't when I was seven and playing Megaman for the first time. Back then, those tricks did come in handy, and they're part of my fond Megaman memories.
Probably not since those were just released on the PS1, and as such are still playable on the PS2. And because we hate Legends.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
mikeszekely replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Did you know that in the original Japanese version of Battle Assault (Gundam the Battle Master), there was no Wing suit? They carbon-copied Zeta's moves, whipped up a sprite, and gave it the spot that should have been Hamma Hamma. Hero's role was originally some unnamed girl, as I recall... Were the AU suits in the original Japanese version of EiS? Anyway, it's not that I have anything against AU Gundam. (I'm actually pretty fond of Gundam X). They just don't belong in a UC Gundam game. If they try to cram Wing Zero or Aile Strike into AEUG vs. Titans, I'll crap a brick and toss it through Bandai's office window. -
Yes, the Megaman cartoon did suck, and so does the box art... but that's part of Megaman's history... As far as I know, the Navi modes are supposed to be easier in general. The regular modes should be same as we remember, except they'll have saves instead of passwords. I'm actually hoping that they're the same right down to the little things... like rapidly pausing to get multiple hits off the elec beam, constantly re-opening the weapon select screen to get infinite metal blades in Megaman 2, the high jump trick in Megaman 3...
No word yet... but remember, we vote with our dollars. With the announcement of the GBA compilation, we know that Capcom is definately interested in making Megaman compilations. If the Megaman Anniversary Collection (especially) and the Megaman Mania games sell well enough, Capcom might give us another compilations. Personally, I'd like to see Megaman X1-X6, plus Megaman Soccer and Megaman Battle and Chase. Then maybe another GBA compilation with Xtreme and Xtreme 2, plus the Wily Tower levels from the Megadrive collection and Rockboard. That would leave us with just the Wonderswan version of Rockman and Forte plus Super Adventure Rockman unaccounted for. I wouldn't hold my breath on SAR, and trust me, you don't want the Wonderswan Rockman and Forte. Oh, and Abombz... I'm with you on Megaman II. I think it and V were the best on the Gameboy. Dr. Wily's Revenge was too cheap, and III was kind of boring. I assume IV wasn't too exciting either, because I don't even remember it. But Megaman Mania is definately worth it for V, and I'll take I-IV as bonus.
Okay, since we got started talking about it again OT, I decided to start a new topic with fresh updates. First, the Megaman Anniversary Collection will be released on February 24th, 2004. Capcom is taking pre-orders for it online. Here's the link for the PS2 version. Basically, what we've heard so far is that it will contain Megaman 1-8, plus the two arcade games, and lots of bonus material. It has been reported that the Navi modes from the Japanese PSone releases of Megaman 1-6 with new life bars, weapon select screens, hints from Megaman characters, and remixed music will be included in the collection. We have not heard if the version of Megaman 8 will be the PSone version, or the Saturn version. (The Saturn version featured a few extra, classic bosses.) A Gamecube version of this excellent collection is also supposed to be available. A new suprise is that Capcom will be releasing a second collection, called Megaman Mania. This collection, for the GBA, looks like it will be a compilation of the five original Megaman Gameboy games. From the screenshots, it looks like they still look like 8-bit graphics, but they've been re-colored to look more like the NES. This collection is worth it for Megaman V, in my opinion. While the first four Megaman games on Gameboy had re-hashed bosses, Megaman V was one of the rarest and most original classic Megaman games to come down the pipe in awhile. Capcom is also taking pre-orders for Megaman Mania here. It will be out in late March.
Yeah, Nintendo hit it right on the head with the GBA. But even while recognizing that carts killed the N64, they still refused to go to the DVD format. If they finally go to DVD now, I don't think it would be impossible for Nintendo's new system to be backwards compatible, but it would definately be more of a challenge. Simple fact, though, is that Nintendo hasn't said anything about backwards compatibility, while Sony has already confirmed that the PS3 will play both PS2 and PSone games, which for me personally makes the PS2 version a safer choice. If you're anti-PS2, get the GC version. If you're anti-GC, get the PS2 version. If you're like me and have both, get whichever version suits you better. Then everyone (except those few who only have an Xbox) can be happy. In any case, I'd bet that the GC version and the PS2 version are identical. The space missions could definately use some more work, from the Fed vs. Zeon engine. They really need to make it easier to move around in space, ala EiS, but not so fast-paced. But there's lots of room for ground levels, too. Colonies, inside Axis, and that whole part of the series where Camille was on Earth with Amuro and Karaba. But, even if the space missions aren't fixed, it could still be the best Gundam game on PS2. I mean, flaws aside, I loved Fed. vs. Zeon.
As exciting as Megaman is, I'd hate to get off topic here. So, about that announcement... AEUG Vs. Titans in the U.S... *Does dance ala Ren and Stimpy* "Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy..."
Are you sure the Megaman collection is ever coming out? The Japanese release has gotten a confirmation and even box shots. The American version has gotten nothing! Pretty sure. GameNOW just featured it. It was exciting news, too, because they reported that Megaman 1-6 will have the original versions AND the Navi versions from the Japanese PlayStation versions. Speaking of the Japanese versions, all they're getting is the PlayStation Rockman 1-6 in a box with Rockman X7. Did they give a release date or anything? Is it still coming out for both GC and PS2? Is it only going to feature MM 1 through 8? Gamefaqs just says "February," but GameNOW featured it as number four in their monthly "Hot 10," and this month was the January issue. So that leads me to think late January, early February. Although, at work (Gamestop), we don't have any listing for it in the system yet, so we can't reserve it... In any case, they seem kind of far along. (If you're curious, it was beat by Sonic Heroes, Maximo II, and something else I can't remember right now). The game will feature the following: Megaman 1-6 (original NES versions and Japanese PSone Navi versions with new lifebars, weapon select screens, remixed music, and hints from Megaman characters) Megaman 7 (SNES) Megaman 8 (The huge question is, PlayStation version or Saturn version? We're praying for the Saturn version, so we can fight Cutman and Woodman...) Megaman: The Power Battle (Arcade) Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (Arcade) In addition to the games, I'm hearing that there's going to be a ton of bonus stuff, inlcuding interviews, a history of Megaman, over 50 pieces of original artwork, two full episodes of the US Megaman cartoon, and some other stuff that Capcom is keeping secret for now. As far as I know, Capcom will release it for both the Gamecube and the PS2. I'm planning to get the PS2 version at the moment, basically for two reasons: first, I like the PS2 controller better. Second, I basically want this to be playable for as long as possible... and PS3 has already been confirmed to be backwards compatible with PS2 games, so I know I'll still be able to play Megaman 3 in 2007. Of course, there's always the chance that Capcom could do something silly, like use the PSone version of Megaman 8 for the PS2 collection, and the Saturn version for the GC... which will probably make a lot of people go Gamecube... but would actually force me to buy both...
Upcoming Indiana Jones movie?
mikeszekely replied to 91WhiskeyM6's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The only thing I've heard is that it's supposedly set far enough after the other Indiana Jones movies to make Indy as old as Harrison Ford is now. -
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
mikeszekely replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
d00d, there's like this Gundam that transforms into a bird. They should put that into Robotech. That'd own. Vostok 7 In a way, Gundam Wing is kinda like Robotech. I'm not overly fond of Robotech now, but if I hadn't seen it before, I might not have known about Macross. Likewise, if I hadn't taken an interest in Gundam Wing when it first aired, I might not have bothered with any Gundam series. Admitedly, I like Gundam Wing a fair bit better than I like Robotech now... but it's definately become one of my least favorite Gundam series (didn't care much for The 08th MS Team, and I've having a hard time getting into Victory Gundam). And Gundam Wing is definately a poor substitute for such excellent series as the original Gundam or, my personal favorite, Zeta Gundam. -
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
mikeszekely replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Okay, I got tired of waiting for it to show up at my local rental store, so I went out on a limb and bought EiS and Fatal Frame II. And I must say that I'm pleasantly suprised. I mean, I hated Journey to Jaburo and Zeonic Front. And although I liked Federation Vs. Zeon a lot, I figured that Capcom gets credit for that one. So I expected EiS to be, at best, mediocre. Now, I'd say that EiS is not for everyone. But for Gundam fans, EiS is a bargain at $39.99 (less my employee discount ). There's a ton of mobile suits to unlock and use in the versus mode, and as you unlock them you have a nice viewer in the "Gallery" mode. And the gameplay is very fast-paced arcade shooting. Yes, it's true that some of the game is on rails, but I'd say that's maybe 10%. The game seems to be divided into several modes. "White Base" allows you to play through the space battles from the original series, through the eyes of Amuro. "Thoroughbred" is an original story, complete with new animation. "Ace Pilot" follows the stories of several aces from both sides during the years of 0079-0083. At first, you can only play as Kou Uraki, but you can unlock more pilots (so far, I've unlocked Char and Gato). What's cool about those is that you get to play the battles that made them aces and see how they got nicknames like "Red Comet" and "Nightmare of Solomon." Finally, there's "Mission" mode, where you create your own pilot and get points that you can use to upgrade their abilities as you play through eight missions you pick from a variety of different missions. In Mission mode, you can either play as Federation or Zeon. Mission mode is the best for playing different mobile suits, since in the other modes you play as existing characters and their pre-determined mobile suits. In addition to unlocking new mobile suits, mobile armors, and fighters, you can unlock different movies. Some of them seem to be animation from 0083 and the Gundam movie trilogy, but a lot of it looks like original animation. On the whole, I think Federation Vs. Zeon is probably longer and more fun (and definatly more thoughtful, as EiS is mostly a shooter), EiS is definatly bigger on fan service. Okay, not that I got that out of my system, I have to ask... anyone know where to find FAQs for this game? Gamefaqs doesn't have anything up yet, but I have no idea what's required to get A or S ranks on the missions, and what I have to do to unlock what mobile suits/pilots/movies. Also, I'm actually having trouble finishing a few levels. SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME/SEEN STARDUST MEMORY. For example, in Gato's missions in "Ace Pilot" mode, I'm on the mission where you have to take out the control ships for the Solar System II. Problem is, I have trouble finding them. The auto targeting seems to go for the Musais and the enemy mobile suits first. Most of the time I try that mission, I find and destroy maybe one control ship before I'm either shot down, or run out of time. -
Favorite game of all time & Videogame Company
mikeszekely replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Starcraft? Multiplayer?!?! I don't really care to play games with other people. My friends are the same way. We all love games, but aside from a FPS here and there, we don't play games together. That's why I quit reading gaming magazines. They give games like Project Gotham 2 ridiculously high scores based more or less on the online modes, and take points away from other games for not implementing some kind of online gimmick. -
Are you sure the Megaman collection is ever coming out? The Japanese release has gotten a confirmation and even box shots. The American version has gotten nothing! Pretty sure. GameNOW just featured it. It was exciting news, too, because they reported that Megaman 1-6 will have the original versions AND the Navi versions from the Japanese PlayStation versions. Speaking of the Japanese versions, all they're getting is the PlayStation Rockman 1-6 in a box with Rockman X7.
Wow... first the Megaman Collection, now a US release of AEUG vs. Titans... how many more videogames wishes could come true for me...?
Favorite game of all time & Videogame Company
mikeszekely replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
My favorite game is Megaman 3. Period. But I love Megaman games in general. So, um... I'm not going to cram these games into different catagories. Basically, my favorite games are: Megaman, NES (Capcom) Megaman 2, NES (Capcom) Megaman 3, NES (Capcom) Megaman V, GB (Capcom) Megaman X, SNES (Capcom Megaman X4, PSone (Capcom) Megaman Zero, GBA (Capcom) Megaman Zero 2, GBA (Capcom) Onimusha, PS2 (Capcom) Ace Combat 4, PS2 (Namco) Fatal Frame, PS2 (Tecmo... looking forward to playing FF II) Time Crisis III, PS2 (Namco) Need for Speed Underground, Multiple (EA) Halo, Xbox (Bungie) Dead or Alive 3, Xbox (Tecmo) Dynasty Warriors 3 or 4, PS2/Xbox (Koei) Super Smash Bros Melee, Gamecube (Nintendo) Sonic Adventure, Dreamcast/Gamecube (Sega) Sonic Adventure 2, Dreamcast/Gamecube (Sega) Samba de Amigo, Dreamcast (Sega) Street Fighter Alpha 3, PSone (Capcom) Wario Ware Inc, GBA (Nintendo) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, PSone (Konami) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, GBA (Konami) Final Fantasy II (aka Final Fantasy IV), SNES (Square) Secret of Mana, SNES (Square) Super Mario World, SNES (Nintendo) Super Mario Bros. 3, NES (Nintendo) Super Dodgeball Advance, GBA (Atlus) Legend of Zelda, NES (Nintendo) Dragon Warrior III, NES (Enix) Hands down, my favorite company is Capcom. If Nintendo's first party games on the Cube and the N64 were as good as their first party games of yesteryear, they would have been in the running. Much love also goes to Sega, Namco, and Konami. Even though more of their games didn't make my list, I love a lot of their games. This list is just the best of the best. As for Square... they've got to be the most over-rated developer in the history of gaming. Each new Final Fantasy game has people acting like it's the second coming of Christ... and while I've enjoyed most of the Final Fantasy games, they're not THAT great. And we conveniently forget that 90% of the non-Final Fantasy games that Square has delievered are crap.