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Everything posted by mikeszekely

  1. Extremely so, since FFXI is the only game that supports it. Unlike the Xbox hard drive, the HDD that comes bundled with FFXI cannot be used for saving games, because the software is only programmed to recognized the memory card.
  2. It's not possible. The hospital ship going down is a scripted event.
  3. Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share. I think most people will have that reaction.
  4. Kunio Okawara designed many more G Gundam mechs than that. Katoki designed the Nobel Gundam (a girlified version of his Gundam ver Ka.), the Master Gundam, the Devil Gundam, and a bunch of those Death Army guys, if I recall. Please note that I never said Okawara didn't design more than the hero mecha. Actually, the only reason why I mentioned that he did the hero mecha was to point out that he probably did a lot more that Katoki, but that it was Katoki who designed the particular MS in question.
  5. Real commercials I didn't mind so much. Some of the Coke commercials (I'm thinking of the one where the terrorists come out because they're hot and thirsty) were kind of funny. But having the grunts whine at me that people are stealing movies that I paid to see is ridiculous. It's more ridiculous when you figure that, even with piracy, movies still probably make a lot for the studio, and definately make a lot for the no-talent hacks that pass for actors and actresses today (I'm looking your way, Keanu). So you're not convincing me that Joe Stunt Guy is going to be out of work because some nerd fanboy downloaded Lord of the Rings a the day before it's theatrical release (because he'll probably see it three or four times in the theater anyway, then buy the regular and special editions of the DVDs, and the boxed set if that comes out too). Putting the grunts out of work would mean an end to the film industry (which is probably what they want you to think will happen if you download a movie), which means an end to money for the big wigs and and burger flipping for Keanu. But what's more likely to happen if the studio really is loosing that much money is that the studio wants to pay Keanu less, he refuses, they get one of those kids on the WB, pay them half what they'd pay Keanu, and make the film anyway.
  6. Who designed the mobile fighters of G Gundam? Gonna love that guy.... Kunio Okawara did the hero mecha (Shining and God Gundams), but Katoki designed your Nobel Gundam.
  7. The reason Macross 7 doesn't get a seperate treatment is because it's part of Macross canon. Having seperate areas like "This section is for discussions of UC Gundam" and "This section is for discussions of After Colony Gundam" etc would work fine, because there's not much of a need to discuss Z Gundam in the same context as Gundam W, outside of the ignorant "Zechs would beat Char's a$$!" styled topics. Seperate areas on the same forum are different than different forums for different shows. A registered member would be free to explore and post in all the areas. In this case, new fans introduced through Seed or Wing would be able to learn about the older works, and longtime fans who happen to enjoy the AU stuff can still discuss the newer works. Forcing the two groups to mix and hoping that they'll get along is a pipe dream. There are too many immature youths on the AU side, and too many elitists on the UC side. The two sides are just too different. It'd be like starting a music forum and expecting Kiss fans to get along with N*Sync fans. For every one person you find that's willing to have mature discussions on both, you'll find 10 older people who want to ignore the younger ones, 10 older people who want to flame the younger ones for their ignorance, and 50 younger people flaming the older people with topics like "What is this crap? Kiss sucks! Did they rip off ICP?" A mailing list is a poor alternative for a forum. I'm not knocking mailing lists... they help to keep groups informed and provide a lot of useful news and information. But a forum is a place for discussion.
  8. I'm getting errors when trying to connect.
  9. I agree. I find both Egan's and Nanashi's sites to be invaluable resources to the Macross community.
  10. That's too bad because the 3rd season has really been the strongest so far. It's too bad that the suits at CBS are THIS close to axing Enterprise. I can't live without MY baby. (She's mine MW'ers....stay away) Woof, man. You can have her.
  11. I'm a fan of both. I've always prefered Macross, because Kawamori's designs are just incredible. I'm starting to lean more toward Gundam these days, though, just for the sheer ammount of material. I mean, if you watch one episode of Macross everyday, it doesn't take you too long to watch all of it. But Gundam... I tend to enjoy the AU Gundam series (I was especially impressed with Seed) as well as the AU, so at one episode a day it would take over a year to get through it all. By then, I'm ready to start over without feeling burnt out on it. And I usually do end up watching stuff over again, because I'm not really an anime fan (my collection consists of Gundam, Macross, Escaflowne, and Marmalade Boy, and that's basically everything I want), or a fan of TV in general (I watch Simpsons reruns on the WB all the time, and I'm collecting the South Park DVDs by seasons), and that's it for me. I've kind of wished for a place to hang out and discuss Gundam stuff that's like Macross World. But I think it'd be hard for the older UC fans to get along with the pre-teen Wing fans. Maybe if the admins set it up like the Megaman Network forums? There, they have seperate areas for the seperate series. Maybe if they set up one area for UC discussions, and then an area for AU discussions or even seperate areas for each of the AU series...?
  12. Ah yes, the VG-winged F-117 designed for carrier use. Never stood a chance of being bought, though... by the time Lockheed was ready to start pitching it to the Navy, seemed stealth technology had progressed to the point where it really wasn't necessary to have such an un-aerodynamic plane.
  13. The idea that the 'Pheyos Valkyrie' has Brain Control System was something that Dave Deitrich made up and it not true. Nor was it designated the Fz-150. There is no such thing as an Fz-150. The Fz prefrix was used by the Varuata/Protodeviln for their fighters. The proper/officiial identification for the 'Pheyos Valkyre' is simply "Variable Machine" and it is a hostile Zjentohlauedy design. It is inaccurate to say that it is official. "Variable Machine" was a preliminary name for the mecha, despite what has been written. The official name for its debut in Macross Digital Mission VF-X is Variable Device. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/zentrad...ariable_device/ Isn't "Pheyos" or "Feios" official? When I got VF-X-2, it had a page with all the mecha, and I'm pretty sure it was on there listed as "Feios." And what about EVA, or Enemy Valkyrie?
  14. That very well could be. But at the very least, one of the Destroids was supposedly developed on board the Macross.
  15. I hate to be harsh, but you should stop there while you're ahead. Why should he? Oh, I'm not saying that armed open conflict between the US and the EU is in the cards, but look at the politics of the last decade. France and Germany are the two dominant powers in the EU (Britain could be, but they're more interested in being Britain than in being the EU). They are, as most countries are, deeply resentful of the power that the US wields as the world's only remaining super-power (China is a LONG way off from being a super-power, as there's more to being a super-power than GDP growth). Germany and France, despite their traditional animousity towards each other, have been using the EU as a forum to act out as a world power, and as such they've opposed and criticized (both rightly and wrongly) the US at every turn. Nominally we may be allies, but we're definately rivals in their eyes
  16. I'll do myself a favor and disregard your entire post based on this simple quote. If you had really watched both series extensively enough... you wouldn't have said that. After the 3rd or so defeat.... Jerid becomes Asuka after being bested by Shinji. And Uso didn't? And Amuro didn't have a reasont to complain? Have you even watched the original Gundam? You are saying that being thrust into the role of "ray of hope" of the Federation, and practically being forced to kill.... is not enough reason to act like he did? Just because Camille had a reason to be a loser, doesn't make him a likeable character. Oh yeah, Asuka did have a similar personality. Too bad Jerrid did it first. And sure, he was a jock jerk like someone you knew in high school, but that is personality, whether it's a likeable personality or not. Sure did watch Gundam. The original TV series, not the movies. And no, Amuro wasn't dark. He was a damn baby. "Boo hoo, they think I'm a kid, so I'll run away... and take the Gundam with me!" And he was still a baby in Zeta! "Boo hoo, I'm afraid to fight again!" As for Uso, yeah, he had a hell of a lot to complain about. I'll give you that. But he didn't really complain at all. He was just boring. Sorry, like Camille or not, at least he was interesting.
  17. While I can't deny that the F/A-22 is a rather expensive plane (with fewer and fewer to be ordered, each fighter gets more and more expensive), unnecessary? While we could probably upgrade a bunch of F-15s for the price of an F/A-22, it's better to have a few of the best than a lot of the second best. With upgrades, the F-15 is a very capable dogfighter, and for that reason, will probably remain in service along with the F/A-22. However, the F-15 is outmatched by some of the newer fighters, including the Eurofighter and the Rafale. And like I pointed out before, France/Dassault seems less selective about who they sell fighters too. It is not unreasonable to assume that US fighters could tangle with Rafale's. The F/A-22 is supposed to be able to take on all comers... if it couldn't, we'd be talking about the F/A-23 Black Widow II today. As for the F-35, in terms of speed and agility, last I heard it DOES beat the F-16, but not by a whole lot. And since it will have a gun, it can carry fewer larger pieces of ordinance, and the STOVL version seems to work fine (not the mention that adding a fuel tank in the A and C where the lift fan is in a B gives the F-35 a high fuel/weight ratio), it will perform the roles it was designed to do. No, it won't be lightyears ahead of what it's replacing, but I do feel that the F-35 is at least a small improvement.
  18. Yep, it was me. And I'll stand by it. Chronicle better than Jerrid? At least Jerrid had some personality! While Chronicle started off with some potential, he blew it by the end of the series. Chronicle would have been totally forgettable, except he had a mask. Now we can all remember him as the guy with a mask that wasn't Char. Besides, he was definatley nothing compared to Scirrocco, who was in fact the real rival villian. Sorry, a reoccuring butt-whoopings doesn't make you the rival character, Jerrid. Scirrocco was the final-duel-enemy-newtype. Now, to tear apart the rest of the cast, we have the Shrike team who, as Abombz was kind enough to point out, showed up for the purpose of dying. Sorry, I have to disagree on caring about them, though. They were just cannon fodder with names. Odelo was the only character who's death meant anything to me. Too bad he was a ass for half the series. Marbet, like Chronicle, started off with potential but blew it by the end of the series. Katejina was just ridiculous. "I'm an important League Milliataire figure. But I'm going with Chronicle. It's because I'm a spy. Okay, because I actually believe Zanscare's ideals. Alright, fine, it's because I blame the LM for the destruction of Woowig. Okay, okay, you got me. I really just like Chronicle." Nevermind the fact that we'd seen that before with Reccoa, who was at least a bit more convincing. Shakti was even more pathetic. "We're being attacked, but we shouldn't fight." And then later, "I'll ask my mom to stop the war, and it'll be all good." Right. And Uso? He was okay, but do the main characters need to keep getting younger and younger? I mean, 13? Come on! Why not just put Suzy in a corefighter? The rest of the villians were lame attempts to create memorable villians. And the rest of the "hero" chacters? Hell, they didn't even try there. Two for one sale on cardboard cutouts. Now throw in the bland Victory Gundam, the even more bland Jamesgun, Gunblastor, and Gun-EZ, and downright stupid and ridiculous enemy MS. The V2 was the only interesting MS in the series, and thankfully the story does pick up after they get into space. Now why do I think Gundam X was better than V? Because Garroad was a truly likeable character, you genuinely wanted things to work out for him and Tifa, once you learned more about Roybie and Witts it was hard not to like them, and while Shagia and Olba weren't the most exciting characters, at least they were truly sinister. Top that all off with the fact that, IMHO, the story was better. As for Zeta, yeah, Camille could be a jerk and a complainer. But unlike Amuro, he seemed to have more genuine reasons for his attitude. He was a genuinely dark character who seemed to suffer more hardship everytime it finally seemed like something was going his way. In fact, in Zeta, you got to know every character pretty well before many of them got killed, which made most of their deaths a lot more tragic than V Gundam's Shrike Team ("I'm a Shrike Team member! Whoops, I'm dead!" "I'll get revenge! Whoops, I'm dead!" "I'll get revenge..." ect).
  19. Originally the Navy wanted a non-stealth aircraft to replace both the F-14 and the A-6, but they gave that up and launched an ATA program, which resulted in the A-12 Avenger II. In a 1985-86 agreement, though, the USAF was going to buy a number of A-12s to replace the F-111 and F-15E, and in turn the Navy was going to buy a carrier version of the winning ATF to replace the F-14.
  20. Which would be great, except that it implies that the F-35 is supposed to replace the Tomcat. And that's just not the case. Success or failure of the F-35 is moot- the Navy went with the F/A-18E and F to replace the Tomcats. If they were really interested in having an ATF with emphasis on outdoing the Tomcat, they might have given more serious thought to Lockheed's AFX
  21. Going up against Rafale's doesn't sound too farfetched to me. I mean, I know Iraq was fielding a few Dassault Mirages, and I think North Korea might have a few too. If France/Dassault is still being less than selective about who they sell fighters too, I could believe that the Rafale could end up in hostile hands. Of course, the F-35 isn't supposed to go up against the Rafale. That's supposed to be the F/A-22's job. If I recall right, someone in this thread likened the F-35 to a more maneuverable F-117... and suprise, that's exactly what the F-35's primary mission is supposed to be! The standard load for an F-35 is two JDAM's and two AMRAAMs, although I heard that the Navy wants it to carry a GBU-31, and the Marines want it to carry a GBU-32. I assume F-35s carrying those will do so in place of some or all of their missiles. The gun issue? Last time I checked, the F-35A (USAF version) will in fact carry an internal gun. A gun pack was developed to be carried by the F-35B (USMC version) and F-35C (Navy version) in place of one of the JDAMS. Maybe that's not the best setup for dogfighting, but I'm sure you'll all agree that it's better than no gun. Oh, and as for the USMC and USAF using the F-35B for CAS, where stealth isn't as important, the F-35 was designed to carry some weapons externally. Oh, and again, the way I read the original post, the F-35 isn't going to replace the A-10. The way I read it, the A-10 is going to get a nice upgrade, and the F-35B will be used in tandem with the A-10 for CAS. At the end of the day, I kinda like the F-35. Sure, it would have been a lot better if many different contracts went out to create specific planes for specific duties. But I definately think that Lockheed did the best they could with the limits imposed on them for the JSF design. Even if you don't like the F-35, I think we can agree that it's not Lockeed's fault, but the fault of the powers that be who wanted their specific requirements in a common, affordable design. Oh, and David, what delta F/A-22 are you talking about? The X-44, or something else? And about those upgraded F-15s, I think we are supposed to keep a few of them around, for just the reason you named- only 339 F/A-22s to go around.
  22. Another thing, initially, the Daedalus and the Prometheaus weren't spaceworthy, and the crews died following the fold. After attaching them to the Macross and making them spaceworthy, the military crew of the Macross moved to the D and P, which would have left more room for the civvies in the main ship. As far as supplies go, I'll second what everyone else said: the Macross, D, and P were probably all fully stocked. Plus, they could salvage stuff from South Ataria. Oh, and yes, the Macross did have it's own factory or factories. I'm not sure where they got raw material from (perhaps South Ataria, perhaps run-down Destroids and Valks). But if memory serves me correctly, one of the Destroids was actually first manufactured aboard the Macross. I also have the impression that the Super packs for the Valks were invented/built aboard the Macross, too.
  23. The way I'm reading it is that the USAF will buy a handful of F-35B's (last I heard, between 30 and 35). They will also upgrade their A-10 fleet. Both of those actions will be to bolster the service's ability to provide ground support. I don't think you're supposed to read it as the USAF is buying F-35B's to replace the A-10. And what are they thinking? Well, they're thinking that the A-12 program was cancelled, and they still consider the F/A-22 the highest priority (despite the fact that they're going to buy less than 350 now), but they've got to do something. The F-35 is supposed to be cheap (due to economies of scale [between the USAF, Marines, Navy, and Royal Navy, over 3000 F-35s are on order], the fact that the F-35 uses many off the shelf electronics, and a lower development cost since the F-35 borrows from the F/A-22), so the USAF can use some of those, but no way can it do the job of the A-10, so the USAF will start upgrading the A-10 to keep it around for awhile longer.
  24. In the end, I learned to like Victory Gundam alright... I guess. My gripes with it? It had a nasty beginning, much worse than even ZZ Gundam. The characters were, by far, the worst in a UC Gundam series. And while I learned to like the V2, the rest of the mobile suits sucked. Oh, they sucked big, even the Victory. Finally, despite the UC setting and the reoccuring UC themes, the show just didn't have the same atmosphere that was found in the origninal, Z, or ZZ. Gundam X felt more like those three than than V did, and no, Gundam X did not suck. From what I've seen, Gundam X is by far the best of the UC Gundam series (I have yet to see Turn A or G), and is actually a better TV series than V. I definately have to disagree with Graham. Z Gundam was the best Gundam TV series. Excellent story, characters you love to hate, and excellent mecha.
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