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Everything posted by mikeszekely

  1. Ransack came out two years ago, in a Buzzworthy pack (Creatures Collide) with a Goldbug (Netflix Bumblebee with a new head and paint), Scorponok (Kingdom Scorponok in his original toy colors), and Skywasp (Waspinator in black and purple). The Predacons also came with the alternate heads based on their non-mutant faces, and Ransack came with a toy-version of Kickback's head. My review was here. You can still find some ebay sellers offering the entire pack without too much markup, but you'll have an easier time finding a G1 Ransack than anyone selling a loose Ransack, so you'd better at least want Goldbug, too. (Scorponok and Skywasp can be easily had loose for around $15.)
  2. And Amazon. Breakdown & Windsweeper Chop Shop & Barrage
  3. I need something to do to stay awake until the Amazon preorders go up. Lucky for me, I just got Studio Series Deluxe-class Rise of the Beasts Wheeljack, so I suppose I can ramble about him for a bit. Heads up, for the rest of this review I'll be referring to this guy as Pablo, because the crews on these movies have a bad habit of designing a character to be Wheeljack then changing the design to something more stereotypically "smart" but looking nothing like Wheeljack. Yeah, that's right... once upon a time Que had a head design that looked more like Wheeljack before they changed him to look like Einstein, and Pablo here at one point had his ears and face mask before they decided that he should look more like Steve Urkel. Anyway... it's been the case that, even if the mainline figure was pretty descent, the Studio Series toy was decidedly superior toy. I'd say the only real exceptions so far have been Nightbird, which is 99% the same toy but, to be fair, has a much better alt mode, and Mirage, where their licensing deal ensured that his Porsche 911 alt mode looked fantastic but seriously impacted the robot. Pablo here is somewhere in between, I think. He's definitely not the same robot, and there are some improvements here. Although his suspenders don't come up all the way, his chest and torso is much more accurate overall. His door wings are facing the wrong way, but they're angled upward and much more prominent. His feet are more proportional with the CGI model's, and the two-tone shoulder pads are more correct. Subjectively, I think I might also prefer the head on SS Pablo. For every step forward, though, we've got a step backward. His forearms somehow have more kibble. Despite being part of the ostensibly more-premium Studio Series line I think the robot mode is also lacking paint. The lights on his shoulders and thighs still aren't painted, he lost some gunmetal/black detail on his pelvis, hips, and biceps, plus some of the white on his knees and fingers. There's also the fact that the mainline Deluxe has a nice, smooth section of roof for his back while SS Pablo has some folded flaps just dangling there. Like the previous Deluxe, Pablo's sole accessory is a gun. Weirdly, it's made out o the same translucent plastic they used for his doors, and the sculpt is more like Studio Series 86 Ironhide's than the gun that came with mainline Pablo. Perhaps SS Pablo's articulation is an improvement over the non-SS version? Head's on a ball joint that can look up and down a bit, and tilt his head sideways in addition to swiveling. That's similar to, but slightly better. His shoulders swivel on ball joints, which is the same, but the cutout for the ball is more behind the shoulder than above it and really doesn't provide lateral movement. Instead, he's got a hinge in his chest that can move the shoulders 90 degrees laterally, but that puts it on the wrong side of the ball joint, giving him Hot Rod arms. That's a downgrade. His biceps swivel, his elbows bend 90 degrees, and he lacks a wrist swivel... same. His waist swivels (same), and his hips are again ball joints. They go 90 degrees forward (same), a little under 90 backward due to his back flap (a little worse), and only about 60 degrees laterally (slightly better, actually). His thighs swivel, and they have more range than the previous Deluxe, and his knees bend 90 degrees (same). His feet tilt down a little (worse), up about 45 degrees (better), and pivot about 45 degrees (better). They don't swivel the way the previous Deluxe's do, but I don't think that's super necessary. All-in-all, I'd SS Pablo gets better feet and ankles at the expense of worse shoulders, and is pretty similar everywhere else. I'll call articulation a wash. Pablo can hold his gun in either hand via the 5mm peg handle. There are thin tabs on the sides of the gun, too, and you can plug them into a slot on his back flap for storage. It's interesting that SS Pablo's parts wind up in pretty similar places- arms tucked in so the wheels on his shoulders fit just under the now-closed door wings, chest in the front, front of the roof formed from his back, rear of the van formed from his folded-up legs. Yet, their engineering is quite different. SS Pablo is a much bigger pain-in-the-rear to transform, and it's almost entirely down to his arms. First, you have to use the hinges to move his shoulders under his chest, which is tricky enough because the hinges for his doors are in the way an the cutout for the ball joint limits your ability to swivel the arm. Once you do manage to get his arms in place, you have to open up the forearms and wrap them around his waist to form part of the sides and roof, but the panels don't open wide enough and his arms are locked at his sides, so you have to bend the plastic and force it around his waist. Once you've done that, though, turning his legs into the rear of the van is pretty smooth sailing. As was the case with Mirage, where the mainline Deluxe lacked a license from the Volkswagen Group the Studio Series figure does indeed have that licensed alt mode. This of course means that the alt mode, at least, is far more accurate. The front end is distinctly a Volkswagen Type 2 T1, the roof rack looks more intentional and less like some weird waffling, the rear is pretty accurate (minus the weird and purposeless cutouts in the rear window), and the side now has the fuller "Reparacion de T.V. Pablo" in right red instead of just "T.V. Pablo" in a color more akin to dried blood. It's also nice to seem the silver trim around the sides swooping toward the front bumper, the door handles, and the headlights all painted in silver, though the marker lights on the roof and the rims could have used some of that, too. It's also a shame that they didn't put a little red on the taillights. Side note, I absolutely love that Pablo's head is looking out through the windshield. Yeah, it kind of defeats the disguise part of "robots in disguise," and no, it doesn't really leave room for humans to sit in the front, but there's something I dig about Transformers that appear to be driving themselves. Pablo can carry his gun in alt mode the same way he does in bot mode. Simply plug the tab on either side of the gun into the slot in his sunroof and you're good-to-go. I can't help but feel a bit let down by Pablo. While the sculpt is arguably better in bot mode and the licensed alt mode is definitely more screen-accurate, there's no meaningful improvements in articulation or accessories over the previous Deluxe, and the transformation clearly isn't as well thought-out. But what really hurts him, in my opinion, is just how drab he looks. Sure, he wasn't the most colorful robot in the film, but a bit more silver in spots, or just a touch of red on the shoulders and taillights (which would still be accurate) would help immensely, and making his hips and pelvis a more-accurate gunmetal color and/or adding the white to his knees or painting the lights on this thighs would have broken up a lot of the brown on his lower body. All-in-all, I'd say that if you don't have Pablo in your collection yet then the Studio Series toy is the one to get, especially if you're handy with the paints and don't mind touching him up yourself. However, if you already have the previous Deluxe and can live without the licensed alt mode there really isn't any definitive reason to "upgrade" to the Studio Series toy.
  4. Well, I got one thing wrong here... we're not getting another Knockout (thankfully). We're getting his partner, Breakdown. And he's a Voyager, and basically Bulkhead with a new head. He comes with the hammer that the Wreckers version of Bulkhead did. But yeah, he's still packed with Windsweeper, and yeah, Windsweeper is still a retool of Needlenose. I didn't really want Windsweeper enough to also buy another Knockout, but I'll probably buy it for Breakdown, even if he's kind of a lazy retool. Much less lazy, surprisingly enough, are the retools of Bombshell and Shrapnel into Barrage and Chopshop. I'm definitely in for this, kind of excited to see Venom now, and feeling a bit sorry that Ransack was just Kickback with a new head. The Insecticons will also come packed with a Battlemaster, the little minotaur-looking fellow that turns into a hammer, done in gray. No word on the Bludgeon and Ruckus pack, but this pair of Amazon-exclusive two-packs will go up for preorder today at 1:00pm EST.
  5. I'm not going to defend Hasbro's marketing decisions 100%, as I've already said plenty about decisions like putting Knock Out in the main Legacy line while making Cosmos a Walmart-exclusive, or finding the budget for brand-new gimmick characters like Scraphook while not retooling Breakdown enough from Wildrider. But I do think I should clarify a few things. First, yeah, store-exclusives can be frustrating, especially when the exclusives are at stores like Walgreens that do such a bad job distributing and stocking them. But you need to remember that, in most cases, it's you get the figure as a store-exclusive or the figure doesn't get done at all. The main line only has much budget and so much room, and Hasbro is able to expand beyond that because stores pay them to do so. Second, yeah, stores pay for exclusives. These exclusives are planned and negotiated, and once the contracts are signed it's in the stores' hands. Walmart decides to cancel a planned second wave of Velocitron? Guess what, we're never getting that SS86 Hot Rod in toy colors because Walmart owns the design.* Sometimes Hasbro can get around a contract like that by changing the figure. That's what you're seeing here with Hound. That original leaked design is Target's. Going with a painted-window, extra cartoony deco is likely the only way that Hound ever gets released, because Target decided to cancel it. *In addition to changing the deco or included accessories, I assume control reverts back to Hasbro at some point. Hence Dirge getting a package refresh in Legacy Evolution.
  6. Heads up, Walmart Collector Con is coming. There will be a sneak peak on March 7th, and figures drop on the 14th & 15th. I expect that Walmart's exclusive Star Seekers line of Transfomers. While Walmart has given us some new molds (Velocitron Cosmos & Velocitron Override come to mind) and a few heavier retools, I expect we're getting fairly minimal retools and repaints here. Leader-class Thundertron. No idea what will differentiate him from the United version. Voyager-class Ferak. Likely a repaint of Cyclonus. Deluxe-class Lockdown. There's an argument to be had that Chase is a pretty good mold to make a Lockdown out of, but realistically it's a repaint of Axlegrease. Deluxe-class Roadpig. There's been so many Transformers that turn into motorcycles lately, but I believe that this one's a repaint of Crashbar. Deluxe-class Cannonball. I don't know for sure what mold they'll use, because Hasbro likes repainting stuff into a yellow-and-black pirate. The originals were Cybertron Red-Alert and Prime Ratchet. I'm going to throw out an out there possibility- a repaint of Studio Series Kup, as an homage to Timeless Kup, who himself was a repaint of Cybertron Red Alert. Deluxe-class Filch. AFAIK, the only Transformer previously named Filch was from RID15. Realistically, that's going to make her a repaint or retool of Airazor
  7. Weird. Wonder why the end got clipped off when I tried to post?
  8. Oh, that looks so good. I'm honestly more excited for JAXA Prime than I am for Missing Link. Anyways, for those of you stuck in America with me, you can finally get Hound! You just have to get his five slightly-toonier repainted buddies with him. https://hasbropulse.com/products/transformers-generations-selects-legacy-united-autobots-stand-united-5-pack
  9. Hasbro needs to announce some product soon. Pablo's on his way, so I have ZERO Studio Series preorders, and the only Legacy preorders I have are Tidal Wave and Magmatron. Meanwhile, apparently Bumblebee Sunstreaker and Gamer Edition Sideswipe, from the still-not-officially-announced second wave of 2024 Studio Series toys, are turning up on store shelves. At this rate there won't be any preorders, they'll do a Transformers Tuesday stream, show off some figures, then they'll just be available to purchase later that day.
  10. I ordered ML Convoy and the JAXA one through Hasbro Pulse, so I'm at the mercy of whenever they get those in. But I have a feeling ML Convoy will probably hit around mid-March. Y'know, so I get hit for it and the Haslab at around the same time and my wife throws a fit at the credit card bill.
  11. The thing is, it's not really about their vehicle modes. It's about their limb modes. Deluxe limbs worked for Menasor because that's how big they needed to be to combine with the frame and be proportional (although I think Legacy Menasor looks even better with the longer thighs from the DNA upgrade kit). That being said, aside from Swindle I think Voyagers could still work for Bruticus. A bigger tank with the front folded over winds up the same length for a leg as a jeep that's not bent in half. And Blast Off's nose and Vortex's tail stretch farther above Bruticus' head than front ends of Dragstrip and Dead End do over Menasor's. Of course, just because I think it could work, I highly doubt Hasbro will do it that way. Especially since we know the Aerialbots are all Deluxes. Ha, to a point, I guess. There's still plenty I was never able to power through, like Victory, Cybertron, and RID '15. Those ones just stand out to me for the reason you felt that Animated Swindle is unlikely without Lugnut, Blitzwing, or Megatron first. While many Transformers series have been presented as each faction having many members, and the cast of a particular episode is just which of those members we're focusing on this week, some series have had what I'd consider to be a more defined core cast in (nearly) every episode supplemented by occasional guests. Animated is a good example you're familiar with- Prime, Prowl, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee were the "main" Autobots, with Megatron, Starscream, Blitzwing, and Lugnut serving as the "main" Decepticons. The Dinobots, Blackarachnia, Jazz, Shockwave, etc were supplemental cast. On that note, it's the omissions from Armada that stand out the most to me. Red Alert will finish what I consider to the be the "main" Autobot cast of he, Prime, and Hot Shot. Jetfire is another highly-demanded character largely due to the fact that he transformed into pants that Optimus could connect to instead of his trailer. As for the Decepticons, we've got Megatron and Starscream, which we're getting, and Tidal Wave is popular due to his size (and being a boss/level in the PS2 game), but you need Cyclonus and Demolisher to complete the main Decepticons. Or with RID '01, even if you're not trying to do the entire main cast, Sideburn was one of three Autobot Brothers. It's kind of weird that Hasbro put so much effort into making Sideburn that "Cyberverse" Shadowstriker was an obvious pretool of Sideburn that was more a callback to her origin as a convention-exclusive repaint of Sideburn than an honest attempt at her actual Cyberverse character, only to go the next year or so without also doing Prowl and/or X-Brawn. I guess what I'm getting at is that, while I'm very excited to get new and almost certainly better G1 combiners, I can see where fans of later shows would be frustrated that Legacy started these teams from stuff like the Unicron Trilogy then left them hanging. At least the Beast Wars crowd can't complain too much. I'm sure that there are still some more minor fan-favorites like Quickstrike, Depth Charge, or Rampage that could be done, and maybe some BW fans want to seem some Transmetals. And I do think Big Convoy is a notable omission since we're getting Magmatron. But really, I'd argue the "main" BW cast was complete when Tarantulas came out at the beginning of Legacy.
  12. Unfortunately, G1 and alt mode scale are just flat-out incompatible. Sure, it sucks that Air Raid is going to be smaller than Starscream despite being the same plane... but hey, maybe Fireflight will scale ok with the Seekers. Could be worse, you could be trying to reconcile Swindle's Jeep mode with Blast-Off's (likely inevitable) Deluxe-class space shuttle. This is more or less what I've been saying on the other board-that-shan't-be-named. I have big love for MMC's combiners, I just don't trust Hasbro to get anything like that with the constraints they work under. Combiner Wars wasn't just hamstrung by the Voyager-class torsos and the hand-foot-guns, but ball joints where they needed ratchets, a baked in Scramble City gimmick, and a huge chunk of each Deluxe figure's budget going to the combiner joint in the chest. Some are suggesting that just bumping Silverbolt up to a Leader would be enough, but I don't think so. Besides, AFAIK this is it for 2025- one bonus wave of Legacy United, and three waves of Prime (much like Kingdom had one extra wave and Legacy was one short, IIRC). We know all the Voyagers and Leaders and Silverbolt isn't one of them. We don't know the Commander, and Motormaster was a Commander. It's pretty easy to put two and two together. Which reminds me, there are some people suggesting that the lack of Combaticons besides Swindle could mean that Swindle is Animated Swindle. I wouldn't bank on that, either. It's far more likely that Brawl, Vortex, and Blast-Off are in 2026 with a Commander-class Onslaught. (I just hope Hasbro figures out a way to make Brawl a Voyager that folds in half for combined mode). Actually, between the Aerialbots, Swindle, Venom, and the Primes 2025 is pretty light on characters from other universes. Like, we've got Haslab Omega Prime and now Skybite joining this year's Sideburn (and the badly-decoed Velocitron Scourge), but that's it for RID 2001. No Megatron/Gigatron, none of the other Predacons, no Spychangers, no Rail Racer, neither of the other two Autobot Brothers, etc. We've got the Galvatron repaint of Megatron and Tidal Wave to look forward to this year, plus Red Alert next year, but no Demolisher or Cyclonus, and no Jetfire to combine with Legacy Optimus. No Big Convoy to battle this year's Magmatron. Hot Shot and Starscream are repping Cybertron this year, but that's it, and Energon just has the little Core-class Megatron. Believe me, while the G1 crowd is mostly pretty stoked about getting some new combiners, there are plenty of people who are already bemoaning how Prime seems to not be living up to Legacy's "across all universes" approach.
  13. Yes, Fans Hobby just started teasing him maybe two weeks ago. They don't even have a preorder on their own site yet (but ShowZ does). I happen to have a review right here, but spoilers, I didn't recommend him. The original release had some serious QC issues with the plastic, and even though Fans Hobby eventually sent me like half of the entire core robot in replacement parts I still have hairline cracks on the super mode hands and I'm still afraid to transform the trailer again. Aside from that, I think the super mode looks pretty good. The core bot's a little thin, though, and his chest transformation is kind of finnicky. A lack of competition in the 3P space and improvements from Hasbro's official stuff post-Siege have me cutting back on 3P stuff in general. I don't think I've bought any Fans Hobby stuff since their Armada Megatron (which was pretty great). I never even got around to finishing the Headmaster Jrs (I've got Minerva and GoShooter, no Cab), and I didn't buy either of the Decepticon Power/Godmasters. One of these days I should pick up Energy Commander, though. I really like what Fans Hobby did with Energon Optimus' design.
  14. Yeah, I went back and edited my original list, which originally omitted Skydive and Venom. Just spitballing, but maybe because of how their mass gets distributed? On Legacy Menasor the cars sit fairly low on his calves, if I rememeber right, and the cars are pretty thin. I expect they'd do something similar with Superion (and maybe Bruticus), so the knee still has the clearance to bend. Plus, those three have actual feet. Mixmaster especially needs to have enough mass to form the entire leg plus have the cab bent forward to form the foot. But yeah, I'm real curious to see what they cooked up for these guys.
  15. Given how much better Legacy Menasor was over the Combiner Wars one I'm definitely up for Swindle and the Aerialbots. Venom, too, if I buy all the two packs, but the fact that the other Deluxe Insecticons are likely to be minimal retools of Shrapnel and Bombshell and they'll be packaged with figures I want a lot less, we'll see. Armada Red Alert will finish off what I consider to be the main Armada Autobots, so that's cool, and with Haslab Omega Prime coming and the fact that I'm watching RID '01 with my daughter means I'm all about Skybyte. I'll reserve judgement until I see them, but I'm probably interested in the Primes, too. So for the mainline, it's stuff like Wasp and Heatwave that are the least interesting to me. If I'm being honest, though, I'll probably wind up buying everything that isn't a package refresh, from both the mainline and Studio Series. Fans Hobby?
  16. If I buy Wasp, I'm going to get a spare Cliffjumper head and turn him into Tap-Out. EDIT: It was called to my attention that I missed two Deluxes... Skydive and Venom. So, Aerialbots will be complete (as long as Silverbolt's the Commander) and so will the Deluxe Insecticons if you buy all the two packs.
  17. Odds are looking pretty good that by the end of 2026 we could have a new Superion, Bruticus, and Devastator to go with Legacy Menasor. Too bad none of the other combiners were in the 86 movie, because there's no way I don't want a new Defensor, Computron, Abominus, and Predaking, too. Minimum.
  18. So... are you guys ready to know what's coming in the mainline in 2025? I'm not sure what the full name will be, but the shorthand in the system is "Tra Gen Prime". Note that, just going by the number of figures, that this might not be all of it. And while we've got a smattering of characters across TF universes, it looks the 13 Primes are going to be a major feature. And maybe more Combiner Wars replacements. Deluxes Solus Prime Air Raid Fireflight Animated Universe Wasp Alchemist Prime Crasher (PR) Swindle Micronus Slingshot Skydive Venom Voyagers Prima Armada Universe Red Alert Rescue Bots Heatwave RID '01 Skybyte Alpha Trion Flatline (presumably IDW) Leaders The Fallen G2 Grimlock (this one's not listed as a package refresh, could be the blue one) Onyx Prime Once again, no Commanders or Titans, but based on the fact that Swindle is the only Combaticon I see, but we've got three out of four Aerialbot limbs, but I'd have to guess that Silverbolt will be the 2025 mainline Commander, and 2026 will feature more Combaticons including a Commander-class Onslaught.
  19. So I still don't know what next year's line will be. Hasbro is apparently debating whether to launch a new trilogy, or to have another year of Legacy with a new subtitle. While they figure it out, they're going to squeeze in a fifth wave of United, either late this year or early next year. Before you guys get too excited, there's only two new molds in the wave, and they're both figures that were dropped from the second wave that's due to be officially revealed in March. Everything else is either a package refresh, or a (mostly expected) repaint. Core-class BW Dinobot Deluxe-class G1 Sureshot Deluxe-class G2 Breakdown Deluxe-class Cosmos (PR) Deluxe-class Armada Wheeljack Voyager-class Voyager Ramjet (PR) Voyager-class Tarn (PR) Leader-class Galaxy Shuttle (PR) Leader-class G1 Overcharge I'll save you guys a trip to the TF Wiki, Overcharge is a Diaclone repaint of Blitzwing. So... yeah, I'm happy that people who missed stuff like Ramjet, Cosmos, and Galaxy Shuttle will have another crack at them. This wave is the first thing that's leaked that's actually going to save me money, as I'm only definitely in for Sureshot, Breakdown, and Wheeljack, with a possibility that I'll grab Overcharge.
  20. We're getting a proper numbered Gundam Breaker 4. https://www.gematsu.com/2024/02/gundam-breaker-4-announced-for-ps5-ps4-switch-and-pc
  21. Me too. But, although I don't have the wave assortments, I'll remind you that that list is for the entire year of 2025, and it doesn't even mention Hook or Long Haul. We're looking at two-ish years before Devy's done. I, unfortunately, am probably in for everything but the package refreshes. I assume you mean the SS86 Commander-class one, right? That's this year, though. I'm really hoping that Hook and Long Haul, or at the very least Long Haul, is the 2025 Commander, with partsforming bits to make Devastator. I know, I know... I prefer a transformation that doesn't need partsforming and I'm all-in on any combiners MMC wants to do for that very reason, but I also know what Hasbro can and can't do with their budget and I prefer partsforming to a Long Haul that looks like this... Anyway, I have some bad news. The source that gave me this info (the same trustworthy source that got me the leaks for all of this years' stuff nearly a year ago) is, unfortunately, retiring from the scene. Hopefully I can find and vet a new one. He may have a few more beans to spill this week, though... starting with two items that were left off the last list. Studio Series 86 Leader-class Galvatron Keep in mind, I'm just getting the listings (and product codes, in this case G0481). I have no idea how, if at all, this will be different than the Kingdom or Legacy releases (the latter of which is still on shelves at my local Target). I'm a bit surprised that they're doing him again so soon, but it's not like there isn't precedent. SS86 is replacing Earthrise Optimus and Siege Springer this year, and has also replaced relatively recent releases of Ironhide, Ratchet, and Arcee. Oh, right. I did say two, didn't I? Studio Series 86 Leader-class Megatron. I told you guys it was happening.😉
  22. That's pretty awesome, I'll definitely pick it up. Almost as awesome as this: https://personacentral.com/smt-v-vengeance-announcement/ Finally, I 've been begging Atlus for SMT:V on PC ever since they ported SMT 3! That alone would be fantastic news, but they're effectively doubling the length of the game by calling the original story "Canon of Creation" and adding a remixed version called "Canon of Vengeance", too, that starts the same but significantly alters the story further in. Toss in 40 more demons, some quality of life tweaks, and all the DLC from the original Switch release, and even more DLC to come, and this could be my GOTY. I wonder if it's too early to start asking Atlus for a PC port of SMTIV and SMTIV: Apocalypse?
  23. If yesterday's news wasn't excited enough, how about the entire 2025 Studio Series lineup? First, let's get this out of the way... these are the package refreshed characters (that is, figures that have already been released, but will be on sale again). Deluxe-class 86 Perceptor Deluxe-class 86 Jazz Voyager-class ROTB Optimus Prime Voyager-class DOTM Shockwave Leader-class 86 Grimlock Transformers One, which releases in September, gets a few releases Deluxe-class B-127 Deluxe-class Starscream Voyager-class Sentinel Prime Gamer Edition continues with the War for Cybertron versions of: Deluxe-class Autobot Soldier Voyager-class Skywarp Voyager-class Thundercracker Voyager-class Ironhide There's also a listing for a Deluxe-class Optimus as DEV. I wonder if that's Transformers Devastation? Bayverse fans, who have been complaining about a lack of figures from the first five movies while Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts have been dominating the Studio Series, probably aren't going to be too happy to hear about: Deluxe-class Bumblebee Bumblebee. Note that this isn't being listed as a package refresh, so my guess is they're either re-doing his VW figure with one that's more film accurate, or (more likely) they're doing the Camaro. Leader-class ROTB Apelinq Deluxe-class ROTB Double Punch (I wonder if he'll be green, since Scorpnok was purple?) Or, maybe they'll stop complaining so much, because they're getting some attention in 2025. Deluxe-class DOTM Hatchet (the one that leaked way back with Earth-mode Hound) Deluxe-class DOTM Que Deluxe-class AOE Widow Maker (likely a repaint or retool of Stinger) Leader-class AOE Optimus Prime I'm saving the best for last, though. The 86 movie isn't limited to a few package refreshes. Deluxe-class 86 Bonecrusher Deluxe-class 86 Scavenger Voyager-class 86 Scrapper Voyager-class 86 Mixmaster Unfortunately, there's no listing for Hook and Long Haul. I assume they'll be 2026 releases, although I suppose one of them could be the unlisted 2025 Studio Series Commander-class figure, if he comes with all the combiner bits. OK, TL;DR - STUDIO SERIES 86 DEVASTATOR!
  24. Still a rumor, so remember your salt, but I have it on word from a reliable source that Amazon's exclusive Transfomers this year will be the Mayhem Attack Squad, and will be sold in three two packs. One is Voyager Bludgeon (probably a redeco of the Tarn remold we already got) with Deluxe Ruckus (a retool of Beachcomber), one is Deluxe Chopshop with Deluxe Barrage (repaints of Shrapnel and Bombshell as Deluxe Insecticons... sadly no sign of Venom). And the third is Deluxe Knockout (a redeco of, well, Knockout) with Deluxe Windsweeper (a retool of Needlenose). More exciting (for me, anyway), I'm told that there will be a TMNT x Transformers collab this year. It's gonna be the Party Wagon (Turtle van)!
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