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Everything posted by Kaldar5

  1. The usually gave the early Macross ships after 01 names of famous people from SpaceWar 1, such as the SDF-04 "Global" that appears in Mac Frontier on Gallia-4 (Come on Macross, can't any number be a non-coincidence?) Yep, the city seems to be entirely inside the SDF-08. Wish we could have gotten some internal view shots.
  2. Yep, it wouldn't really count as a colony ship considering the size when it comes to Macross. Poor wording on my part. Just was asking because of the events in Frontier TV. Frontier Spoilers:
  3. SDF-08 Britai Sometimes you will hear them actually refer to it as "Britai"
  4. Frontier: Enjoy it!This is in no way a spoiler, because it's in the opening afterall, but I just wanted to talk about some of the tech available in 2059. You might miss it because it's so fast, but for "Macross Frontier" Shouji Kawamori designed personal and military use man sized exoskeleton flight suits called EX-Gear (for flight, combat, and G-force endurance). You see them alot in the first episode, but you might miss that the flight suit actually transforms into cockpit seat and controls, and vice versa for ejection under fire. Quite a cool idea. They actually have a toy that does this too, so it actually works mechanically. The man is a genius. (Posting pics, bring the hate) Frame-by frame it at 28:34 first episode (Central Anime Deculcha extended ver). There are so many insanely detailed mechanical designs that go by so fast - but that is one of the things Macross is all about. Shadow Cronicles: Harmony Gold spliced together what they had licence for. But since they only had limited licences, it was not something they could continue doing - they were not "producers" they didn't make anything, they only adapted and re-wrote what they could get. I am SUPER NOT the guy to ask about Robotech, but the forum has a great write up on differences Macross/Robotech, and what happened behind the scenes, why things turned out the way they did: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228 That should answer all your Robotech related Q's.
  5. And as a plane, double tap triangle to deploy legs forward for a temporary full stop with reverse thrust.
  6. Whoops, my bad, totally posted this on the wrong thread. That's what I get for having multiple forum windows open. Apologies.
  7. Macross 30: Hints, Tips, and Spoilers.
  8. And for all the hardcore fans:
  9. Nope, we get your story alot here. Welcome back to the true essence of what you loved when you were young. Skip Macross 7 and come back to that later. We don't want to lose you on the way Mac 7 is not for everyone, and it's not the highest quality as far as combat scenes being a limited budget TV series. If you were jaw dropped by Zero, prepare your chin strap for Frontier. My suggestion is: Watch DYRL, Zero (you already did), Plus if you like dark moody stuff and trippy music (not an insult!) Much to the rage of many here, Plus is not necessary, skip to Frontier if you like. so you know what 2045 era Colony Shell/dome ships look likeFrontier 1-25. Macross Frontier is IMHO the first Macross series to really live up to the feel, story, and aspirations of the original series, while doing averted/reverse tropes & homages to all of Macross. Frontier Movie 1 (False Songstress/Itsuwari Utahime), Frontier Movie 2 (Wings of Goodbye/Sayonara no Tsubasa) If you can, use [Central Anime] or [Galaxy Network] for subs whenever possible. [Commie] and [Coalgirls] get alot of lyrics and Macross terminology wrong. Then back to Macross 7 and Macross 2 When you run out of other Macross stuff to watch. Personal history: I've watched everything at least twice except Mac 7, only once through on that. I couldn't stand Robotech as a little kid. I KNEW they did something wrong with "Minmei", I couldn't stand it.... later I learned what it was, and I'm a Minmay fan. I wonder what percentage of Misa fans are Misa fans because Robotech screws up Minmay and they watched that first? First impressions and all. And remember, Macross Zero:
  10. Remember, parts from the actual matching plane are worth much much more, so try not to use all your VF-171 parts on a VF-0. Save em for the VF-171 plans unless you have a ton extra.
  11. Thanks for the link! I saw that earilier, but lost track of where I saw it. Is there anything you can reccomened as "essential" to improve the look of the 1/72 Bandai snap kits that is short of airbrushing the entire thing? Like doing a soot wash for the thrusters (lotta thrusters on the armored packs) or Gundam/Sakura markers on the seam lines? It seems like the metalic coat on the internal parts really makes a big difference. ...now I may be completely mistaken, but I saw one post where you said "I wouldn't know what to do with an airbrush... Does that mean you mask and spraycan??
  12. Re: the second series.... I couldn't stand FMA Brotherhood. It was like a "Treat" for the hard core manga reader. It's super faithful to the manga... and in this case it's a terrible thing. Combat was done almost entirely in chibi form and a dust cloud. I could not take it seriously. And as a non-fan of FMA (I just mildly enjoy it) there was nothing for me in Brotherhood, they basically skip to "good parts" and skip all development and backstory they had in the original series. --- Patlabor: Just not my thing. If I want to watch a cop drama (no!), there are enough live action ones that are way more interesting.
  13. You know, that might be the case. I just checked that it wasn't in my Inv.
  14. Things that I have learned: Item management: If your inventory is full - 30/30 item types, you might lose out on quest rewards. (Possibly goes to storage, need to confirm) If you have the max you can carry of an item, ( 1 steak, 10 repair kits, 10 ammo BOX) the number will turn orange. If you pass by a item pick up (glowy sparkle pillar) and you see red text, you are at max for that item. If it's food or a repair kit, use what you have, then pick the item up. You can access your item storage from the hangar; it's very simple to use. Put ALL Valkyrie parts in your storage. There is no benefit to having them in your inventory. When building they are just as easiliy accessable in storage as in your inventory. Many many of the items are food. (Useable items = Square with a ! ) Ouruboros Burger, Ouruboros Steak, Pine Salad, Pine Cake An Octagon slightly vertically streched seems to be a non-usuable stat bonus; a "Lucky charm" Leon's Pendant, Alto's Earring, ect (Going to work on this more later....) Remember to continue to aim while you are locked on! Gunpods have lots of upwards kick, so aim slightly down with continued fire. Lead your targets left/right/up/down when they are moving perpendicular. When they change direction, unlock, then lock again to re-center on them, then lead the other way.
  15. One of the biggest problems people have been having are the hunter guild side quests. As far as I know (not much) they aren't directly associated with plot, so personally I don't think they would be considered spoilers. And once again Zoroastres, you rock. (And double props for your LoGH fandom) Let me know if there is anything I can assist with. Sadly I can't take proper PS3 screenshots. I wish it wasn't so friggin hard to do.
  16. WONDERFUL. Thank you! As another idea that sometimes works for non native speakers... I have an android phone. The app "Google Translate" lets you take a pic of text, you highlight it with your finger, and it translates it. Works fine unless the kanji are too small and blurry. I'm gonna try adjusting the contrast/brightness and see if that helps the phone with dense kanji translations.
  17. Kaldar5

    Macross 30

    Yeah, people super analyzed the unlocked Valk tech tree in preview promotional shots.... nobody saw a VF-4. Sorry bout that. Anyway, the VF-4 is specialized for space use, so I guess we can console ourselves and say that's the reason it's not in there. Most of the game is in atmosphere. But we do get to pilot several Zentran suits/pods
  18. Yeah we need two separate threads One for menu/quest/how to translations. One for storyline. And then attempt to stay on topic. It's really bugging me in the other thread people are giving continual playthru spoilers interpersed with translations of the menus/quests or non-plot tips, even in the same post.
  19. Kaldar5

    Macross 30

    As an update to my earlier difficulties, Fux-Ex finally found my Mac30 Limited at the GM parts plant they delivered it to for no reason at all, and have just now received it 4 days late. Of course, I have to work tomorrow But at least I get some playtime in. Thanks for the concern and Seinfeld jokes people.
  20. Thanks! I didn't know the Y was the same use as US designation also. I shoulda known I could have just looked it up with real military hardware info, Kawamori-san is such a military otaku. Then of course we wonder why Alto referred to the VF-25 as a VF when he first saw it and thought it wasn't in full service yet ; Don't want to completely confuse the viewers with incorrect designations I guess.
  21. VF vs YF What is the reasoning behind the designations? The fictional company that designed each? Can't be, two competing companies designed the YF-19 and YF-21 It seems that YFs usually have a somewhat non-typical wing design. Anybody have info on why and the differences between VF and YF?
  22. Kaldar5

    Macross 30

    So yeah. Fed Ex. My limited Ed was supposed to come Friday. They delivered it to the GM PARTS PLANT. How? Why? Incomptance. And the GM parts plant likely resembles the end of raiders of the lost ark. Fex Ex suggests I buy another copy (how? overpriced Ebay I assume) and RETURN it IF they find it. To an EBay seller. Return. Yeah right.
  23. Oh god why??? Megumi Nakajima has always had a wonderful smile, and really sincere one. Heck you can even hear her smile when she sings in an honest way of her really enjoying it. (Unlike say many musicals where they smile while singing and it sounds like they are manic) Now I know what she looks like when she's straining to smile. First time I have seen her fake smile. I'm sorry to see that they coerced her into posing with this. Just from looking at her face I can see she is none too happy with this insane skewing of .... who the hell are they trying to sell this to anyway? Even as a Ranka fangear only aspect VF this is fail. Ranka seldom wears pink, and when she does it's not a light pink; that looks like trash with bold green hair.
  24. Journey. Try it on the PSN store as a demo first. If you don't like artsy stuff at all, you might not like it. Otherwise it's seriously worth getting. Demon's souls if you like old school hard core unforgiving gameplay with really nice modern visuals. The combat physics are really great. Your weapons actually impact with the environment.
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