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Everything posted by THOR

  1. doesn't come with the vf-1S head either...
  2. I plan to sell as a set of four pylons and 12 missiles. My goal is to have the missiles fit nicely onto the pylon. I'll have masters done in 2 weeks and then will start casting. If there are other misssiles, post pics and I'll see what I can do. I'd like to do the YF-19 missiles/bombs after this...
  3. Just completed drawings to have 1:48 pylons and missiles for my Hase Vf-1. I'll have masters in 2-3 weeks if not earlier. Would anyone else like them? i'l start detailing the flaps/slats/rudders interested so far... maxtype bishop54 neptunesurvey jocasle ahiachris grapeape exo heavy melder ruskii
  4. lol, bishop54. same thing with my gf until she noticed me getting out that hasgawa box every morning, lunch dates, anytime she watches oprah, lost, and desparate housewives....i'd rattle the box of part and say, "honey"..... hahahaha
  5. my girlfriend wants to build a veritech after she saw the box of 1/48's from hlj. i still can't get her to wear a short skirt, macross type uniform for halloween. -thor
  6. awesome cat's eye! and vf-4's. always wanted to do the cat's eye in formation with rick, ben, max
  7. i'm going to start on 1/48 missiles and pilons this weekend. should i just do the whole weapons set? are there better missiles from the older kits?
  8. I seem to remember there were some scanned pics from a hobby magazine for detailed flaps for the veritech and the parts needed to make your model transform. Can someone post the pics if they know what i'm talking about? Thanks! -thor
  9. i paint whith gloss to apply decals then hit it with future then with clear flat
  10. great scott! please add me to your buyers list!!!! -THOR
  11. cool friend!
  12. badger's SOTAR 20/20: "This is the finest air brush ever made" it said so on the box. The 20/20 is the American airbrush version of a stealth fight . You can spray a hair line all day long it spray like a Rapidograph draws lines. It is easy to use one of the smoothest triggers in the air brush world. It has a crazy amount of control, and comfort, small, perfectly weighted, beautifully designed, nice needles, easy removal,a true joy to own, use and clean. It is the only airbrush where I can do fine lines all day and my hand not hurt it means a lot. Got mine for ~$100 from the badger lady a few wonderfest's ago in Louisville, KY. It kicks but. I never tried an IWATA with acrylics or enamels. The guys from IWATA sit next to us in the dealers room @ Wonderfest/G-fest and I only got to spray ink. cool comparison: http://modelingmadness.com/others/features...brushsurvey.htm
  13. Comparing 1/72 versus 1/35 in SolidWorks. -THOR
  14. ahiachris, I'd love to get a sample. Let me know what I need to do. I'd also like to scale it up to 1/48 for the larger Hase kit. WOW that guys work is awesome! -THOR I got my yf-21 conversion second hand and as a fair/poor recast if I remember right without having the parts in front of me. I assumed the original sculptor guy did a 1/72 19 because I saw a 1/72 19 battroid at last year wonderfest in Louisville if i remember right. I'm looking for that picture....
  15. I have a 1/72 battroid conversion for my yf-21. Did the same guy/company do one for the yf-19? If you have it, can I borrow? I'm also looking for the resin version of the 1/72 yf-19. I want to borrow the missiles and fold device. I'd need the pieces for about a month or less and would be returned in the exact condition I got them in. Thanks! I have 1/48 scale ideas for my 1/48 HASE YF-19 THOR
  16. solidworkinit... Merry Christmas! I wonder what the prices will be to have these parts made in 1/35? 1/24? 1/18? 1/6? I better start playing the lotto... -THOR
  17. on the "bench" in SolidWorks 9. -THOR
  18. add me to the list. -THOR
  19. Add me (THOR) into the list!
  20. count me in should i still have a job when you're done -THOR
  21. lemmie know, too! i want them! -THOR
  22. Money sent! Muuuuaaahahaaaaahaa!
  23. got mine and is sooo cool. i need to post pics near my 1/48 BONE
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