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Everything posted by THOR

  1. http://abbess.com/vac/degassing-kit-small.html vacuum chamber...
  2. http://www.smooth-on.com/default.htm Here is a link to the company I use for mold making materials if you didn't know of them already.
  3. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    ewilen, Sure! Cross-link away...
  4. Add me too!!!! Please!!!
  5. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    http://www.goldenwestmfg.com/html/machineable.html P.O. BOX 1148 CEDAR RIDGE, CA 95924 USA PHONE: 530-272-1133 FAX: 530-272-1070 (Ask for free samples) Hello Macross Modeling! Your VF-1 looks fabulous!!!! I would love to exchange copies of our projects once we are finished. It will take me 1-2 months to complete my kit as I'm in the middle of changing jobs. I put the link up above where I get my "butterboard". It machines and sands wonderfully. I'm hooked on this stuff. It is expensive, though. I bought a sheet 12" x 24" x 2" thick for $100. I'm going to look at other materials like this to see if I can get better pricing. It cuts nicely with my table saw, radial arm saw, drill/end mill bits, band saw, jig saw, and dremel. If GoldenWest doesn't give you free samples for some strange reason, I can send you some bits and pieces I've saved. Keep up the great work!!!! -Thor
  6. Awesome work!!!!! I love the amount of zest being poured into these scratchbuilds. Keep up the great work!!!!
  7. Those little transporters were cool. Of course the whole thing was over the top!
  8. The king of the contest! Great work Valk!!!!
  9. Pod Racer Front:
  10. Check out the Pod Racer Cockpit:
  11. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    Hello, Here's my Spartan at WonderFest. My buddies were so impressed with my Spartan they asked me to put it out on their vendors table (Kaiju Modeler). It looks hilarious amidst all of those Godzilla's kits. Hey Grayson! You have to convince your dad to show you how to design some basic 3D shapes if you don't already know how. Maybe he'd let you make some Macross kit parts during downtime on some of the machines.
  12. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    Hey guys!! Just got back from Wonderfest and the enthusiasm for my project was great. I'm glad everyone liked my work so far. I've been using "butterboard" from GoldenWest Mfg. The butterboard cuts like a dream. John Mascoto was using something similar in his Legioss project. It's basically a resin they pour into sheets. My stuff looks like wood a little because of lines caused by a dull end mill tool. I just sand the bumps down and it looks very smooth. A Bridgeport is a milling machine. It's basically a very precise drill press with a base that moves back-forth and t0-fro. I can use all kinds of special tools on it to make all kinds of shapes. The Bridgeport I'm using is not automatic. I still have to clamp the butterboard down and crank the base back and forth under the spinning tool. This takes loads of time. I'll post some pics of my engineering drawings. I did them first in AutoCAD 2000 in 2D. I then made a few of the parts 3D by extruding the parts to the depth I wanted. The CNC machine I will use in the future runs off of IDEAS. I can import my AutoCAD or SolidWorks 3D images in as .stl files. IDEAS has a fabulous CAD/CAM software package which will write all the G-code for the CNC router in mere seconds. Once the G-code is written (basic directions telling the router where to move and how fast to move), the info is snt to the router and the router starts cutting. I plan to do the Tomahawk, Phalanx, and Defender with the CNC. They will be very easy to do since they share the same basic waist/legs.
  13. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    I'm dedicating this project to my father who passed away recently. He liked the Spartan the best. I'll finish it for next year's WonderFest. He might have a few buddies by then... My goal is to make all of the joints work/move. Right now I just wanted to have something to look at to keep me going. I wanted all the doors to open, individual missiles/gun cluster, and a complete cockpit. Oh, and I plan to make the fingers poseable. I'll probably make the battle-mace and the GU-11 gun pod from the Veritechs... Good night all. See you at WonderFest if you're going. My router pic...
  14. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    Last picture... I'm bringing this thing to Wonderfest to show a few of my friends what I've been up to. As far as a different scale, I can make any size since I first made Solidworks (3D) engineering drawings. I can take the solid model and scale it to any size and have my 5-axis CNC router make the parts. I'd have to find out how much a license would cost from Harmony Gold/Big West if I were to sell kits... Which is another dream of mine....
  15. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    On the left is a 1/35th Gasaraki Raiden, it's operator, and a 1/32 kawasaki zx-12r. On the right is a 1/35th Tamiya Bradley IFV
  16. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    Torso Close-up
  17. THOR

    A Spartan is Born

    A second picture
  18. Hello Everyone, My dream back when I was a boy was to have a 1/35th scale destroid to build. Well, 20 years later, I've decided to put my Bridgeport to work and make my dream a reality. The going is slow since I'm cranking the Bridgeport by hand. What you see is a month's worth of weekends and nights. I'll never do this again!!!! I'll send my cad files to the CNC and crank out the parts in a few days. Tell me what you think.... Thor
  19. wow! i wish i was half as talented as wm cheng
  20. This stuff is fabulous!!! Please put me down for (1) booster and (1) ghost!!!! Thanks!!!
  21. I don't know if I'll get my 1/35th Spartan/Gladiator finished in time for the show/contest but I'll bring the pieces I have finished if anyone wants to see them. I'm bringing what I have finished to show some friends of mine. I'll be the big guy with short hair prowling the dealer's room. My name tag will read THOR. It would be nice to meet some of the other folks who visit this forum. See you in 11-12 days...
  22. I hope I can get my first scratchbuild finished in time...
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