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Everything posted by THOR

  1. I want to be one of the "Road-Warriors" or "Big John Stud" or Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Too bad I look like George "The Animal" Steel.
  2. I kinda get let down everyday I come home and there's no package from SMT. I haven't had to wait as long as some others but this is rediculous. I'll never order from him unless it's straight off the shelf. The chances of me getting my SMT order are at about the same odds as me putting super-unleaded in my Yugo. -THOR
  3. Neo, I won't be driving up to Tampa this weekend like I thought. Sorry. Call House of Hobbies in Tampa, Florida. They've been in business since 1962 and have an impressive collection of models and die cast cars. 727-943-5800 Ask them about 1/12 scale robot models in their sci-fi/Gundam shelf. They might not know they're there but I saw them last month. If one of those models says GMP, you're in luck! I think they wanted between $15 and $25. For price bargaining...They've been sitting on their shelf since at least 1992 when I visited their store in Clearwater. The models moved to their New Port Richey store and now are in their new Palm Harbor store. I think they have a few Zentradi ship models, too.
  4. I believe this is at my local hobby shop. They have 4-5 of these but i can't remember which ones they have. I'll check it out for you this weekend. -THOR
  5. Is this the golden age for Macross some 20 years after it's beginnings or what... Life is good! -THOR
  6. IMO: I say stay true to scale based on the size of a zentraedi. Messing with scale to accomodate anything else means it becomes a toy in my mind. Those super-deformed kits/toys are atrocious. Nothing like a cute killing machine. Of course I'd pay more to get something that more closely represents the subject as it really would be. I'd also pay for anything from the Captain puts out for us. Thanks for making this kit for us!!!! -THOR
  7. My 2 cents...the Captain's eye for scale/detail is impeccable. I say make the pods larger than the Imai kits based on the size of the Zentraedi. My guess is that Imai was probably constrained by the size of their available injection molding machines and by the amount of plastic ($$$) they wanted or could shoot into each mold. There was also probably a "marketing" geek in their saying that the bad guys can't be bigger than the good guys. ??? -THOR
  8. double-post on accident....sorry
  9. Please count me in!!!! -THOR
  10. Mark me for 2 kits! -THOR
  11. Count me in for the launcher truck. -THOR
  12. Hello, The perfect world would be that I'd get a solid model from someone and I'd make dust on the router. My computer modeling skills/experience and time are limited. I'd be more than willing to cut something out for someone. -THOR
  13. Hmm, I'm sure a couple of my friends have Rhino. I have some time on this machine:
  14. WOWOWOW! Chrono, you kick major but! See now I just need a way to transform this polygon cloud into a nurbs solid so I can scale it down and cut it out of a block of resin on a 5-axis cnc router. What scale would everyone like? hehe! -THOR BTW, I think the world of Macross could take the world of Star Wars, Star Trek or Babylon 5.
  15. Yeah, they sell all kinds of CG models on www.turbosquid.com.
  16. Is that CG model in 3D or 2D and what software?
  17. I wonder if he'd sell the model?
  18. Soapbox warning: I hate greed. More profits dominate every boardroom. Every company wants more marketshare. This leads to very short term thinking. Let's cut 25 heads from the business to make this quarter's numbers look better. Who cares if quality goes way down. Because it is hard and requires us to think to actually become efficient, let's shut down our facilities here and move them to China or India or anywhere where the workers will work for pennies. In 50 years we will be an entirely service driven industry. We will all be working for Wal-art but none of us will be able to afford a house ($500K for 1000sf) or car (50K for that loaded 2050 cavalier) because we only make $8:50/hr. We will only be able to live in those "old Wal-Mart abandoned buildings" because someone turned them into apartment buildings. Maybe that person should be me... hmmmm So where do you live? I live over in the old sporting goods section, isle 5.
  19. This guy is my hero! Now we just need Honda to scale-up one of their walking robots inside this Votoms shell.
  20. THOR


    Count me in for 2!!!
  21. So beautiful!
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