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Everything posted by THOR

  1. I've always liked the Nato green/black/brown camo with either curvy or splintered pattern.
  2. This has to be one of the finest resin kits I've bought to date. This kit is impeccable! Please do another kit in 1/72 honneamise and I will buy it! -THOR
  3. Are you just going to make two halves and then join them together?
  4. Coby, It'll be tough using that foam. The foam will suck up the paint, etc. Use machineable plastic like REN or Butterboard. It's way better than the foam, cuts like butta, and won't dull your tools. It's not cheap though... -THOR
  5. That monster arm would be over 24" long. I think I'd have to use fiberglass shells for the main body and feet. I would definately have to install working potato cannons in the kit.... Now all I need to do is win the lotto to finance it.
  6. Some tidbits I'm reverse engineering for 1/35th.
  7. I'm working on the 1/35th destroids. They've been on hold since I lost access to a milling machine that I can crank away on for hours. I'm saving up to purchase one, eventually.
  8. Cobywan, If you get any big projects I have some access to a 5 axis cnc router with a 10' x 10' bed. I'd love to work with you on any projects you have in mind. I've always wanted to do the vf-1, vf-2, yf-19, yf-22, Dragon, Cat's Eye, etc in 1/32. All my training is in AutoCAD. I'm still learning SolidWorks. Here's a pic of my FB-22 in IDEAS. Too bad it's a polygon shell/cloud. Explanation for the super-geeks (this gave me a headache): Mesh - A grid-like polygonal subdivision of the surface of a geometric model. NURBS - Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines, are mathematical representations of 3-D geometry that can accurately describe any shape from a simple 2-D line, circle, arc, or curve to the most complex 3-D organic free-form surface or solid. Because of their flexibility and accuracy, NURBS models can be used in any process from illustration and animation to manufacturing. NURBS geometry has five important qualities that make it an ideal choice for computer-aided modeling. There are several industry standard ways to exchange NURBS geometry. This means that customers can and should expect to be able to move their valuable geometric models between various modeling, rendering, animation, and engineering analysis programs. They can store geometric information in a way that will be usable 20 years from now. NURBS have a precise and well-known definition. The mathematics and computer science of NURBS geometry is taught in most major universities. This means that specialty software vendors, engineering teams, industrial design firms, and animation houses that need to create custom software applications, can find trained programmers who are able to work with NURBS geometry. NURBS can accurately represent both standard geometric objects like lines, circles, ellipses, spheres, and tori, and free-form geometry like car bodies and human bodies. The amount of information required for a NURBS representation of a piece of geometry is much smaller than the amount of information required by common faceted approximations. Polygon - In the context of 3D modeling, a polygon is a multi-sided object composed of edges, vertices, and faces. An edge is a line segment that forms one side of a polygon. A vertex is a point at which two edges meet. A face is the area enclosed by several edges. The most basic polygon is a triangular face. Since the three points of a triangle must always be on the same plane, we can say that all triangular faces are planar. Other polygons (e.g. quadrangular polygons, or "quads") may or may not be planar. Polygon faces can share vertices and edges with other polygons, or can have unshared edges known as borders while still being part of the same polygon surface. A polygon shell is a group of connected faces with some edges open as border edges. In a polygon solid, there are no open borders, and the connected faces form an enclosed volume.
  9. I think the diorama is awesome. If I had to add anything to it, I would add some catwalks or pipes running across the top and maybe some overhead lamps. Maybe an overhead crane? Either way, well done! I buy sticker paper at Wally-World in the printer paper section. THat way you can cut/peel/and stick. -THOR
  10. I just really started to make progress last night after fighting with my printer. I'll try to post something this weekend. -THOR
  11. indigo, sweet pic find on the scratchbuilt rex! -THOR
  12. Some reference material for the rex
  13. HWR, Thanks for the help! I figure your radar back face in 1/35th would be 3.6". I printed the paper out on a D size paper (22 x 34). I'll try making the head/torso tonight
  14. HWR, Can you give me the diameter of the radar front round piece at 1/48th scale? I'm trying to figure the plans out for 1/35th so I need a percentage to print out for templates at 1/35th. It would look so cool next to a humvee, abrams, the aliens apc, the battletech mad cat, etc. I'm definately in for a kit if you make one... Thanks for any help... -THOR
  15. Thanks! I've never seen these sketches before...
  16. Another pic...
  17. Not much has changed in a year since I lost access to a milling machine...
  18. Here's a picture from AutoCAD...
  19. Pazu, Your work looks fantastic! I was hoping you drew plans first. I don't have your talent... -THOR
  20. I turned meters into feet, feet into inches, divided inches by scale (200 or 260), devided scale inches by 12 to see scale feet. real meters: 488 real feet: 1601 real inches: 19212 1/200 in: 96.06 1/200 ft: 8.01 1/260 in: 73.89 1/260 ft: 6.16
  21. I'd love to see something.... -THOR
  22. If I can't find exactly what I need at HLJ or wherever, I use black rubber hose from: http://www.mcmaster.com/ Click on rubber tubing
  23. Pazu, I'm doing the same in 1/35th scale if you haven't seen. I'm having trouble with the hand, fingers, and forearm. Would you share your measurements or drawings? I'd be willing to share what I have... I have in AutoCAD the torso, waist, chest missile bays, thighs, shins, forearms, and shoulders. -THOR
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