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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. The Pit-road Command Car is great. There are 2 version: 1/24 kit and completed. Both version came with 5 painted character figures
  2. Hey Xigfrid did the Octo ever get completed? I 'm still looking forward to this model.
  3. I think you're looking for something like this: https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/msg-overed-manipulator https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwixs9a-6L_hAhVVHzQIHVJsAS4QwqsBMAB6BAgJEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0tBksMgC6dM&usg=AOvVaw3SW0mMbS0BWzLtfd_zBKcg
  4. You meant this big vinyl figure one from Future or Action Toys?
  5. Well, judging from the prototype from a year ago, the fighter does looks shorter
  6. More pics from various twitter:
  7. Latest from WF 1:20 VF-1S fighter https://www.taghobby.com/archives/346703
  8. May be you can ask MEPTOYS to scale up their 3D model: https://www.facebook.com/pg/meiccoms/posts/
  9. In any case, just to be safe, after 14th March 2021 HG license will expire. There's a lot of time till then. May be it can still happen, who knows. Like field of dreams "If you build it they will come"
  10. I'm still holding out hope for both Auroran and Spartas in static pose. In Moscato Model we trust. I know John can deliver the best looking model if given the chance.
  11. kyekye, just in case you haven't seen this: It was one of the best build by wm cheng. There was a build thred with magnet placement also:
  12. MAAS toys just added the pictures to their site: https://maastoys.com/2018/12/first-teaser-images/ Bioroid looks like it has a gap above the hip section.
  13. Hey no3Ljm The original images came from Macross Hobby Hand Book 1:
  14. Well, I got the Xamel kit. It's more like 1/144 scale than 1/100. For $32, it's not that bad. The b-club Xamel resin kit is long out of print @ $200+ If you want one for your 0083 collection you can get one from SamualDecal: https://samueldecal.com/collections/model-kit/products/motorking-yms-16m-xamel
  15. Hey tekering, is the stand included in this kit? What does it look like?
  16. Really big box! https://twitter.com/MAXWATANABE/status/1050683813016231936 https://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12370847754.html
  17. I'm getting this Motorking 1/100 Xamel in a week:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1963255427305273&type=3&__xts__[0]=68.ARBgpnJDCIC9NNR9hi4vGzxpWo_UENFsej-dCwG3PD6SSfIkky7eV3NE_XdRnH_BtSC_lJii4a4uhqiQENfFQY2UwyHwMT6_RiEris36UVwk2BzpFtZiiHpqKck7cH6J5u402QxyHJUDumkObGecJN91aJOSdNLF-GeIwHOprLUfCjdsGNGHcIVVkTlXbFeOMohKI68lsnVYd8t6M-5XvJ5CVek&__tn__=-UC-R Did anyone get the Zaku Tanks? How's the quality of the kit?
  18. FORMANIA EX GP01FB is out. This review is in Chinese: Hopefully we get the GP02A in the near future.
  19. http://www.taghobby.com/archives/291443
  20. Agree with you 100%
  21. Video of Plamax 1/20 VF-1S:
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