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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. In comparison to Hasegawa:
  2. I love the 1/72 Plamax but I absolutely hate that 1S head laser that they copied from their 1/20 scale valkyrie.
  3. Thanks electric indigo experten did a great job with their 3D print. I remembered that awesome scene from DYRL. Here's a great 3D print and complete build Prometheus from EME MAN:
  4. There are also backpack https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=macross backpack and bags https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-04507558 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-04507549
  5. Amiami just put up pre-order for Cospa Macross T-shirts : https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=cospa macross XL There are 12 different designs. Go get yours
  6. Thanks electric indigo, that's really great brush control for 1/20 figure of Hikaru. I like this one from his collection also:
  7. and the 1/12 Flash Clapper STL file HR-32 Flash Clapper Light Hovercycle 1/12 Scale (Dana Sterling hoverbike) 🎬 ・3D print design to download・Cults (cults3d.com) Let me know if it fits in with the 1/12 figures.
  8. How about this:
  9. https://i3.ruliweb.com/ori/24/04/05/18eabe709bb13b068.jpg Here's a closer look at the bullet hole decal
  10. Hopefully we'll be getting DYRL Nousjadeul-Ger at some point.
  11. Just got my Hasegawa Q-Rau so I pull out the Club-M kit to do the comparison. I think both are similar in size. the Club-M included Miria standing figure.
  12. Yui tweet click on the link from her tweet and scroll down for images
  13. https://buhitter.com/search?q=ăƒăƒˆăƒ­ă‚€ăƒ‰&offset=20
  14. More imanges here: https://www.google.com/search?q=ă‚ȘăƒŒăƒ­ăƒ©ăƒł&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjm9eHSuNP-AhXNDEQIHbnDAG0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ă‚ȘăƒŒăƒ­ăƒ©ăƒł&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBwgAEBgQgAQyCQgAEAQQGBCABDIHCAAQGBCABDIGCAAQBRAeOgoIABCKBRCxAxBDOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQigUQQzoECAAQA1D2FVi8JmDGMGgAcAB4AIABiAGIAegBkgEDMi4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=f1VPZKa6Hc2ZkPIPuYeD6AY&bih=689&biw=1530
  15. Awesome! let see if he will do the Takani Sazabi model next
  16. I saw this guy on youtube with details on the Macross booklet, https://www.youtube.com/@oldmanandoldbook4670 He has a few listed on the channel:
  17. Hobby Japan Chanel on Macross Models:
  18. Well this guy is on another level
  19. More DX pics: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/1741259/
  20. Major Tom

    Hi-Metal R

    Some more HMR pics: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/1741259/2/
  21. I can't wait to see all 3 mode of this VF-19 Kai
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