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Major Tom

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    Major Tom
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    Macross, Mospeada, Orguss, Gundam, Southerncross, model kits and toys.

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Skull Leader's Lackey

Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. RIP Mr Royal Tenenbaum
  2. This is on the next level
  3. It's not plastic model but I have a resin 1/48 VF-22S in the for sale section:
  4. Wow, how about a new name: GFuuuuuugLy 😄
  5. Thanks for all the laughs Mr. Abrahams R.I.P.
  6. With all these factors to consider plus the Japanese Yen continuing to tank. It must be a very difficult choice for Arcadia to go ahead with their plans. Perhaps holding out till the economy gets better? Macross fans in Japan held the key to products getting made when it comes to smaller company.
  7. slightly cheaper at Digitamin: https://item.rakuten.co.jp/digitamin/ye141819/
  8. wow, that's two arms full!
  9. Don't sweat it guys. I think this is similar: STL file MG GUNDAM v1.5 ARM + ELBOW joint 🤖 (OBJ)・3D print design to download・Cults
  10. FYI if anyone looking for 1/12 Yamato Scopedog I have one in the for sale section: Thanks for looking.
  11. Hmmm there was the Club-M 1/48 ultimate detail Strike Valkyrie: So if you're going to make one, might I suggest YF-21, VF-22S in 1/48. However I think 1/72 is the collector scale. We need the un made fighters such as: VF3000, VF5000, VF-17, VA-3, VF-9, VF-14, Variable Glaug, etc.
  12. Top Gun's Epic Wingman Showdown: Maverick vs Iceman! (youtube.com) I thought it was the other Wingman 😄
  13. here's some more materials for Auroran https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://seesaawiki.jp/harmony-gold_japan/d/%A5%AA%A1%BC%A5%ED%A5%E9%A5%F3%28%CA%D1%B7%C1%B2%E1%C4%F8%29&ved=2ahUKEwipgc3d0teIAxXLle4BHToDD_IQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2aZ3m4JKkoqb_FoQP3VzyF https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102573587 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102467285 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102388878 Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, valkyrie / ローターブレード変形機構 for 可変戦闘機オーロラン - pixiv Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, valkyrie, VF-1 / ジャイロダイン形態 可変戦闘機 VFH-10B オーロラン B - pixiv Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, valkyrie / VFH-12 「スーパーオーロラン」 バトロイド頭部と機首 - pixiv Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross / twitter プロフィール画像(可変戦闘機オーロランとマリー) / May 23rd, 2019 - pixiv ユイニャア's illustrations/manga - pixiv
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