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Everything posted by SupremeKaioshin

  1. These reissues and bootleg boxes aren't too bad...really.
  2. Nanda tho????....I outta unleash this on ya...
  3. This is my holy grail: I can't afford this!
  4. Cool looking minibot vs. ugly throttlebot
  5. How can you say that G1 Jetfire is ugly?? It's arguably one of the best G1 out there. I can easily think of a dozen TF's that are much worse. Amen! The TF's to get were Optimus, Soundwave and his tapes, ugly Megatron, The Dinobots, Shockwave, Seekers, Omega Supreme, Devastator, G1 Diecast cars, Reflector, and especially Jetfire! Jetfire was awesome because: #1 Big boy toy...really big. #2 One of the best transforming articulation toys in G1 (Sounwave ranks up there) #3 His box and the way his accesories were displayed..ultra cool! #4 resembled an F-14 Tomcat opposite the F-15 Decepticon seekers. #5 Finally, an Autobot that could fly rings around Air Commader Starscream. #6 He was a Bandai Valkyrie with fast packs. #7 He justs look cool okay?
  6. Your somewhat correct, but the quality? God, I was at Target tonight and I was REALLY disgusted with the quality of those new Energon/Universe/Alternator TF's. Sure, they might have better transformation, but they're sooo cheap! Nothing's better than the old G1 toys. Hell, I'd take Broadside over alot of those newer TF toys. Then again, what do you expect from toys priced at $9.99 to $20.00. The G1 TF's priced at $30+ and above MISB.
  7. I was hoping the Alien would kill Segal. I hate Segal and that loser Van Dam.
  8. The combiners or Gestalts look pretty good. Predaking, Abominus, and Bruticus look really good.
  9. You feel the same way about Soundwave and his cassettes?
  10. Mallrats...smoochie bootchies!
  11. Let's start with G1: Broadside Ratchet Rodimus Prime Iron Hide Ultra Magnus Megatron Galvatron
  12. LoL Damn...I suck
  13. This movie should be bought/watched with Animatrix. The two are akin.
  14. Oooops...errr....what about Van Helsing ?
  15. Hugh Jackman AKA Vampire Hunter D wannabe
  16. I, Robot - Will Smith
  17. I thought it was pretty good. Of course, it's a rip-off from...forgot that other zombie movie where they used the local mall as refuge from all the local zombies. What zombie movie was that again?
  18. Come on! show some love. Takara's trying and I like it. Grimlock would appreciate Kicker holding a ginormous energo sword like that
  19. Here's a Joe Snowcat:
  20. Looks like a G.I Joe action figure with a backpack you stick behind the figure
  21. The skeleton's supposed to take away the heavy weight. You'll probably feel as though you were lugging a regular school backpack. EDIT: "In lab experiments, says Kazerooni, testers have walked around in the 100-pound exoskeleton plus a 70-pound backpack and felt as if they were carrying just five pounds. "
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