How can you say that G1 Jetfire is ugly?? It's arguably one of the best G1 out there. I can easily think of a dozen TF's that are much worse.
The TF's to get were Optimus, Soundwave and his tapes, ugly Megatron, The Dinobots, Shockwave, Seekers, Omega Supreme, Devastator, G1 Diecast cars, Reflector, and especially Jetfire!
Jetfire was awesome because:
#1 Big boy toy...really big.
#2 One of the best transforming articulation toys in G1 (Sounwave ranks up there)
#3 His box and the way his accesories were displayed..ultra cool!
#4 resembled an F-14 Tomcat opposite the F-15 Decepticon seekers.
#5 Finally, an Autobot that could fly rings around Air Commader Starscream.
#6 He was a Bandai Valkyrie with fast packs.
#7 He justs look cool okay?