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Everything posted by SupremeKaioshin

  1. #1 Voltez V #2 Monster #3 Predaking #4 Masterpiece Convoy #5 1/48 Valks #6 Binaltechs #7 Mecha Godzilla #8 Soundwave #9 Takatoku's 1S Super and GPB #10 Jetfire
  2. Dreamwave's "more than meets the eye" issue #8 explains why a Transformer can do this
  3. It's all good. Unlike drugs, which an addict will definitely use up, you can resell these things and get your money back with interest.
  4. I bet it sucks like most console air sim ....errr arcade games.
  5. I like the ending song for Detonator Orgun..sounds good for a Japanese song(thank god for subtitles).
  6. Looks like a cross between Optimus Prime and Garfield ha-ha.
  7. NOOOOO!!! it's because of fanboys the world goes round! where would we all be if we didn't have our gundam versus VF arguements? or the why MPC's suck threads? or how yamato is trying to screw us over by making toys thread? huh? Where? Sweet Macross, won't someone please think of the fanboys??? I'm with you homey
  8. DW's ongoing G1 series "The Fallen" ???
  9. I try not to be biased, cuz' we're all TF fans, but those Energon figures suck. I like the designs(better than G1 in fact), but the material is just too damn cheap for my taste. No wonder G1 TF's like Trailbreaker cost $35+, because they were made of sterner stuff. Accept no substitute for metal diecast. If I was going to buy modern TF's, if would be MP's, BT's, and probably Beast Wars toys. Still, I love all these TF, Joes, and Macross toys coming out.
  10. No, best transformer of all time goes to BT Smokescreen, afterwards 20th anni prime, then BT Sideswipe. No, the best is Predaking.
  11. Bah! Hot Rod will always be number one on that list. He got in Primes fight and indirectly kills him, and he sucked as a leader. What about Megatron?
  12. Thanks for the enlightenment Who's this fella? Don't be cheating by checking the pic's properties link either.
  13. I thought this was "BumbleJumper" here's the REAL Bumblebee:
  14. Who ever made that list is an idiot. Back to the topic...feast your optics on this:
  15. Hey calm down, buddy. No need to break out the laser cannons that don't work. Nani????
  16. I actually like this Megatron myself... and his robot form...okay the machine gun sucks and those hands and feet? Atleast you can swivel his elbows unlike the G1 version.
  17. Cliffjumper: Don't try to stop me Hound...I've got a bead on these f***** Anti-Tranny A******
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