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Everything posted by SupremeKaioshin

  1. Looks identical to the VF-22 Sturmvogel doesn't it?
  2. I got the Platinum edition. Love the F-15J's easter egg.
  3. I can't wait to see this movie. Wow, I hope they make another one with VENOM(good guy) and CARNAGE! that would kick ass.
  4. The movie's retarded
  5. Heck ya...with the Tomcats, Intruders, and Corsairs sinking the entire Japanese Fleet !
  6. How does Bit Torrent work? It's got a .avi.torrent extension on it. Do I edit the extension to "avi" and play it thorugh Windows Media or DIVX?
  7. I agree here. You should NEVER put more on a Credit Card than you can pay back within a reasonable amount of time, unless it's an absolute emergency. They'll kill you with finance charges and if you pay back just the minimum every month you'll have spent two or three times what you needed to. I've learned this lesson the hard way, and I didn't get into it nearly as badly as some people did. DON"T go that route unless you have no other choice. Amen brother. At one point 2 years ago, I owed $11,000 and change in credit card bills. I only owe $2000 now I WILL NEVER USE MY CREDIT CARD AGAIN for anything above $300 once I pay off that $2000 balance. I still have 14 payments(from 60) on my car too
  8. Isn't this movie and the "Philiadelphia Project" the same basically?
  9. I tell you what fellas, I'm going to buy this game and I'll try to hold my chuckles and the smug look on my face
  10. Got it for like $16 bucks. I remember watching this movie the first time on ABC back in 83' ? If you ask me, the movies back then are a whole lot better...uhhh well this movie and Firefox kick ass
  11. "From Battroid..to giant Moth"?
  12. What competition? HG won't allow Yamato or Bandai products in the U.S.A.
  13. I can't watch Robotech "NOW" without my gag reflex wanting to vomit out the 4 topping pizza slices I eat 3-4 times a week.
  14. btw, most hardcore sims allow you to place as may fighters in the air against you. When I use to play Jane's ATF(actually an arcade sim compared to the other better sims during that time), I pitted my F-22 against 20 SU-27 Flankers(I had the cheat code on where I never ran out of fuel or missiles) with a starting distance of around 100 miles. I used to have fun sneaking behind them in their flight "cluster fudge" formations and gunning down as much fighters as I could before I resorted to missiles. My point is, even hardcore PC flight sims can be arcade like.
  15. Here's a trick I used to do in flight sims(effective 80% of the time). Afterburn straight up(66,000 feet)...I mean Mach it shooting flares and chaff with the bogeys tailing you. When the enemy(s) runs out of short range AAM's(hopefully some longer range one's too), because of your superb ability to shake off R-73 Archers, barrel roll back to earth, cut the engines, glide, and pick off the Migs/Sukhois climbing up after you(slow climbing speed). If you run out of Aim-9's or Asraams, you should still be able to kill them with your 25mm gun. I kill alot of Flankers this way using the M-61 Vulcan cannon because the Flankers have a hard time maneuvering away when they're still climbing after you. This is my reverse cobra manuever My other trick is when I have missiles on my ass and all I do is floor it straight down to earth(I usually like to fly around 20K+ up in the ceiling so I have enough space for this technigue)) and pull up the last second letting the missiles hit dirt. This is suprisingly effective in alot of the hardcore sim games I've played. Of course, you can't shake a fighter with this maneuver, but you can still buy time for you to become the hunter. I usually let the Migs/Flankers chase me(radar blasting away) so I can lead them to an area where my fighter has the edge(mountaneous areas are my favorite). I'm pretty good at killing 3-4 Flankers on any given CAP mission with AAMRAM's to spare. Fuel's a bitch though. I usually have to land or refuel Mid-Air(not an easy procedure unless you cheat by speeding up time).
  16. Nah, in TopGun, Maverick just slowed his F-14A down and let the F-5 Tiger II go by. The Russians pitched their Fulcrums and Flankers noses up, do a stall, and then level off letting a foe go by. This is supposed to give the Russians fighters an edge, but at the same time losing speed for an adversary to take advantage of.
  17. I'm not trying to persuade you, that's a lost cause.
  18. Damn straight! Playing DID's flight sims made me a virtual fighter ace. I could probably outfly 3 quarters of the clowns on this topic Here's a scenario a console sim player might use...ummmm..ooooO the "Topgun" I'm gonna let him get close then pull the brakes and shoot him with an AIM-54C Phoenix while he passes by crap. Sheee...I'd pump his canopy full of 25mm bullets before his sorry ass even knows i'm on his 6.
  19. I couldn't have said it better myself, David. Besides, at least Ace Combat usually has a nice selection of planes... the PC sims seem to fall into two groups- the WWII sims and the more modern ones that have something like three planes to choose from. As far as I'm concerned, I think some vairants of the F/A-22, F-16, F/A-18, F-15, F-14, F-117, F-35, Su-37, Eurofighter, Mirage, Rafale, and the Su-43 (or whatever they're calling the plane formerly known as S-37) are basically givens. I hope they don't do too many variants of the same fighters... I'd rather see more fighters. Yeah? do all these wonderful fighters you can choose from have the same flight characteristics and payload? the same range and limitations? No true combat aircraft fan would ever buy an Arcade sissy game over a realistic sim(use your PC other than posting on forums) if he can help it. Personally, I could never play an arcade sim game after experiencing PC sims. Don't give a crap how the game looks or plays. BTW, Janes Fighter Sims allowed you to choose from dozens of Aircrafts. Janes combat sims may be less sophisticated than it's contemporaries, but it's still a whole lot better than ....lol...ps2 console games. Ace Combat 5 = "Battlecry"
  20. This is the most assinine if not arrogant statement i've ever read in here. Macross Purist till the end my friend
  21. that thing is a COMPLETE failure. If Mig-25's can shoot it down....
  22. Damn...forgot about the Legioss, cyclones, and Spaceship Yamato. Lemme see...uh...my new top ten: #1 Voltes V #2 1/60 Yamato Monster if it ever comes out #3 Predaking (the US metal version) #4 All of the 1/48 Valks #5 MP Optimus Prime #6 Gakken Legioss #7 All the Binaltechs #8 Mecha Godzilla #9 Soundwave and all his tapes #10 Gakken Cyclone Ride Armors Dump the Takatoku's cuz I got the 1/48's on the list and I also love Godzilla more than "Star Blazers"
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