The 22 won't be cancelled.
We already have one in Virginia operational along with F-15's.
They might cut the purchase from whatever to whatever, but the Raptor will be around waiting to be mass produced. I bet we field atleast 50.
It was delivered last month...don't you guys read Airpower and keep up with Aviation news?
Kicker looks like a Valkyrie pilot engulfed by an alien symbiote ala Venom from the Spider-Man story line.
And that over sized sword? Sheeez...couldn't they just give him a laser pistol instead? Who does he think he is? Grimlock with an Energo sword?
I kinda loved Landcross! It has 6 mini robots which can be interchanged with each other to form 3 medium robots. (probably what spawned Superlink....) And then it formed into a big Gestalt. What's there not to like about it? It looks decent even.
Another ok gestalt would be....Leo something...the one with 3 jets and 3 land vehicles with chests that transform into an animal or a gun.
Note: I think I regretted not getting the giant Cheetor when it was around. It looks pretty good now thatI think about it.
Looks too happy to be a warrior robot and the gay pride colors are cheesy as hell....yuck
"Hudson!!" - Corporal Hicks
"I say, we take off, and nuke the place to morbid. It's the only way to be sure" - Ripley
"That's it, game over man, game over!" - Hudson
If we ever go to war against China, I'd want the F/A-22 up against Chinese J-11's(Flankers)and JH-7's. The Chinese are also developing the Jianjiji-12 fighter to counter the F/A-22.
Well, the key words in that newspaper clipping is "may cancel"
Oh, the SU-27, EF-2000,and countless others are far superior to the F-15.
No way the F/A-22's getting scrapped. They have already sent one to Langley AFB.
What Valks,Transformers, Goidakin, Joes, and whatever are you behind in obtaining for your collection?
God.....I'm sooooooo...umm...soooooo behind it's not even funny
When the much anticipated Monster arrives, I'm going to start robbing banks