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Everything posted by SupremeKaioshin

  1. Personally, I hate it when people say that Robotech introduced Americans into Anime. Ever hear of Mazinger Z, Battle of the planets, Starblazers, Voltes V, and others (Shogun Warriors) ?
  2. Wouldn't 9G's kill a human pilot? Guld Bowman could do it
  3. crap, I would! no doubts about it!
  4. I remember that one. Dude had so many guns, I almost called the FBI on his ass. I also remember one guy having a nice case full of 3 of the same TFs in robot, alt, and boxed. Forgot who had that nice case though
  5. Or you can join the Air Force and work on the engines. Heck, just be friends with the pilots and who knows, you might be doing Immelman (spell?) manuevers in the back seat.
  6. Got any links Graham? I love toy porno!
  7. ...than what these brothers have done with there's ? Gorgeous!
  8. Yamato hands down. The name of the Decepticon Ship was the "Nemesis" opposite the "Ark" Both ship are ugly ass hell. My second ship: Imperial Star Destroyer
  9. Please, you try that "Cobra" manuever on a F-16, and the 16 will come around blow that Flanker away. You don't ever want to slow your energy and speed in a dogfight.
  10. OMG...He's got my Holy Grail toys....The Predacons MISBs
  11. In case UN Spacy's spotted near his house
  12. I didn't realize how cool those poseable(?) hands are. All my 1/48's are first series 1As and 1S. I only have $100 to spend on my next 1/48...darn it Does BBTS do layaways? It would be cool if I could give them about $50 a month until I reach the total price of a 1/48 and then they can ship it
  13. It's got a Metroplex type of shape
  14. Isn't that technically a Low-Viz?
  15. Hey Godzilla..Click
  16. I've never liked Batman for some reason. You'd think with him having a kick-ass costume and "wonderful toys" I'd warm-up to him, but I reserve my admiration for heroes like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Green Lantern, Flash, Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Cyclops, and the Silver Surfer. I hate that goody-goody Superman too. Freaking boy scout.
  17. Quick question here, I grabbed an Ultra Magnus a few months ago to be the backpack for my regular Armada Super Prime, but it didn't have the minicons your pics have, it had a Space team repaint. Where did you get those pics at??? I did google image search and Hasbro's too....I think Got the idea from TF2005
  18. I don't care for the face either, but that alt form rocks! Besides, if I'm going to get an Autobot scrap! I need a Con' too right? Does that make sense?
  19. That's nice
  20. Lett see some pics
  21. I just bought Takara's 20th MP Convoy and I still need to get the rest of the Binaltechs. Still, it's been almost a year since I bought a 1/48 and I'm getting this one. If I can only get my ass to do an extra shift here and there....so tired
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