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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. The Washington State Toy Show will be happening this year on November 5th and 6th (2022) at the Washington State Fair grounds. Official site: https://www.watoyshow.com/ Anybody planning to go? I will have a booth on Sunday with Macross items (Bandai DX Chogokin), Transformers, and other Japanese figures/mecha.
  2. Edit: Sold Out completely now. Re-stock on Hi-Nu MB pre-order on Ami Ami: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=FIGURE-136396 If it says sold out, go to the "more buying options" under the Pre-orders Closed button.
  3. What other proxy do you use?
  4. At least you got it in, but now you know you're at the end of the line.
  5. Anime Export sold out now.
  6. 27800 at A-E
  7. Got through on the AmiAmi re-load.
  8. HLJ up
  9. If anyone is trying at AmiAmi and thinks they have no chance of getting it, I'd be willing to try and help since I'm sitting this one out. I've been able to get several valks on Pre-order from them so I might be able to give a decent chance (obviously not guaranteed). If you're interested, just PM me. Would need an account (you can make a new one if you prefer) that I can log into and place the order so that you can take care of the rest if its successful. Only one person, first one to PM will be the one I'll try for.
  10. Since the Yen got weaker, that's a decent price compared to what a Valk + Super parts would cost on pre-order a year or two ago.
  11. Nippon Yassan back up: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=10446 26,000 Yen still
  12. Clutch
  13. Been wanting a V2 VF-1J Hikaru for awhile. Not sure what I'll do with the armor parts, but maybe put them on once in awhile. Hope the yen stays weak until it comes out.
  14. I would agree overall. The proportions are good and there's not much kibble hanging off anywhere. I think the only weak point is the headsculpt, but honestly, I like the white stripes on the head. From far away, they look like "Venom" eyes (from spider man) and it looks very imposing. Wish the color was a bit shinier and blue like in the promo pics, but it's still good.
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