I don't think this argument holds water. I have seen a lot of people trying to justify the recasting of the monster and other models but all of your arguments on why it is ok just don't hold up.
Before some of you get mad let me say this; I am not trying to anger you or insult you, I just think you are rationalizing a point so that doing something wrong seems ok because of circumstances.
In the case of old models out of production the original seller of those models paid a fee for a license to produce and sell those kits. If the maker of the kits still retains the license and you copy and sell his work, even if you don't make a profit, you are still potentially taking money from him as he may reissue these kits later. If the license has expired or the company has gone out of business the ownership of the material in question reverts back to whoever issued the license in the first place. The original owner has the option to renew the license with the kits maker or to sell the licnese to another company to make another version of this kit. Now not only have you stolen from the original kit maker who paid for the license but you could also be stealing from the next company to produce this model.
Saying that this model is not coming back and at least by copying it you are allowing fans to enjoy something they would otherwise miss out on may sound ok but it is still stealing from those who legally own the rights to the item in question. Who among you can tell the future? Who can say with certainty that no one will ever buy the rights to reproduce this kit at a far off date? Did anyone investigate the possibility of contacting the owners of these licenses and trying to buy rights for a short term production run to legally supply all the MW'ers who want one?
Back when the original Napster was running at full steam I downloaded a number of songs from them. I stole them in other words. I did not pay anything for them and the artist who put all the work into them received no money for what I downloaded. Thats stealing. If you are going to bootleg these models then don't hide behind excuses, just step up and say "Hey I want this and this is how I am going to get it!" If your conscience is ok with it why spend so much time trying to convince everyone else it is not wrong?