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Everything posted by arbit

  1. Thanks guys. But for this particular project, your opinion only half matters. What did your other half think of it? I've been showing it to any lady that crosses my path.
  2. I finally finished the second airlock I always planned for this project.
  3. I am sooooo happy with this one. Finished the second airlock on my flight deck. It's meant as a surprise Give me a heart down there so I know you liked it
  4. What are the ratios? Would that be the same mix for the TV SDF-1?
  5. I decided to detail-up my first airlock and added an interior spotlight. These are before and after pics. Lesson is: Sci Fi needs greeblies!
  6. Tamiya is definitely higher grit, but I got these examples of a kit I did with Krylon years back. It does go on a bit thick, but if you are careful, it is not always bad. But I really don't have good success with their gloss or primer (except for bases as others said).
  7. Thanks. Will do. I actually have the Wave LED Mirage and KOG kits. But they lack so much detail that I will probably never build them, especially when I see how cool the big resin ones are!
  8. Mechtech, Nice use of the discount bin. I took a look at what the actual kit looks like. Looking forward to see what you do with it. Derex, Looks like you have a lot of masking and panel painting ahead. But the trouble will be worth it. electric indigo, I need to do an FSS resin kit one day, just don't have the confidence yet to deal with a detailed resin kit. Although I've enjoyed some of the simpler resin kits I've done.
  9. Peter, Nice to see LOTS of valk photos. Personally, I liked your scribing. (And those imperfections are called weathering ) Pengbuzz, Wowzers your final photo and background looks great! Could be a movie poster for all I know.
  10. Looks sweet. Nice color scheme, paint finish, and panel lines. Did you scribe those yourself?
  11. I need an Ostriche, with no broken shoulders, and not for 500 bucks!
  12. arbit

    Macross figures

    Dang it! Why do I think those figures are so cool? I HATE M7! But seriously why are they all numbered, do we have to buy all the parts separately?
  13. I've never had that problem, unless there is an electric short from my own stupidity, leds are not that hot. Resistors might get a bit hot, but they are usually encased in tubing or something else. On the other hand, the process of customizing the model, chipping away bits and pieces to mount the electronics, definitely can impact the fit.
  14. Laying down my door sliding airlock door on its rails. Trying to make sure everything is aligned straight and that it looks right on the front side, all while trying not to scratch up my paint. Then I will attach the motor and limit switches.
  15. Mechtech, Sorry, it's top secret Pengbuz, The finish on that Tomcat looks great. I bet your showing that off to everyone who will look! Peter, Looks like you have a dozen awesome projects on at the same time. All good stuff from way way back. Childhood builds are the best if you still have them. Electric Indigo, glad to see another FSS build. Can't beat rein for the smooth finish compared to 3D printing these days. Derex, the interior figures and lighting looks great! Glad to hear you're not afraid the lighting anymore, it opens up a lot of potential ideas. As for me, I'm working on my airlock door. I'm trying out several new skills here. Originally I planned to get a really good gloss coat on it so that I can try some oil weathering. The gloss coat with Future came out to a mirror finish. This is actually my first ever successful gloss coat. I think I can safely lay oils on this without it seeping into the paint like it usually does. I have never really been able to weather anything before. Unless I get an inch thick gloss like this, my oils just don't behave as they do with those tutorials online (You know, where they spray on a quick coat of glosss, or none at all, before weathering and panel-lining. Yeah right! That never works.) But now that I got this finish, I'm thinking of not weathering it at all and leaving it like this, because it gives it a cool metallic look. What do you guys think? I'm wondering if I can do a bit of weathering and then glossing it again like this.
  16. I'm making a miniature laser piano. I scribed all the panels and laid down a black enamel wash to create solid edges. To paint the clear pla plate, I primed it with a clear varnish first to give the paint something to adhere to. I gained some good experience with the repeated glossing and masking, as well as learning a bit about matching color tones.
  17. 505th, Those look like DX quality. Nice job!
  18. Great work. Your excitement is contagious.
  19. 505th, Wow! Really nice paint work. You have a nice set there.
  20. Got the primer on. Amazing how it brings it together.
  21. Adding a few greeblies from a 1/700 battleship to make the airlock more Maross-y.
  22. What am I seeing here? Is it possible? Shaking my head... It's unbelievable. I had to find the non-brain damage inducing stage:
  23. The little green box is a mobile bread board
  24. Working on my airlock. Trying to add a bit more care scribing this one. The micro DPDT switch is a lot of fun to solder! I've have added two LEDs in series which attach to the two motor pins, so I get different color light depending on direction of the motor when airlock is opening and closing.
  25. Can't believe I fell for this sh....
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